Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1991, p. 26

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M~mP 4iiiiI~ ~ y ITHREE BANDS, *um Henay Simet HIgh Scdo enflbft f«r auvr bat wek f0 talc part, là Mu*lcFeU Canada-. Hevys Senior Concert Band, Junlor Concer BOnd S189ge Band and ChaniberChoir I perlomi WechiSdaYï May 291, 'Muhlc Nlghr atthe achool. 13Y Scurrie This Is the time. of year when (as the heat amnoulders us) we ait through classes of last-minute lssa.nd endiesa exam revewa. liaaangt thizik that despite the focus on. academie achievement, there lare still se many t1hings' going on at -Anderen outaide of clams On May 30, for- example, the Anderson athletic banquet will be held at Whitby's Heydenshore Pavihion, toô honour ' those in sports. Even sooner than that 15 Prm '91, an annual event for the graduaig class, to bê held at Toronto'a Holiday Inn. Studentsa ais had the 0ppotunity- to travel 'to Nagara-on-the-ILake to see 'A Connecticut Yankee linKing Arhurea Court.' Thêri, are a1 number of anxiously awaiting to ear aékfom -colleges and universities. For one student Alil Aiizadeh, it seems that bath the wait and worries are over. Recently, it wasannounced Alil was the, wlnner of the University of Toronto'snational acholarship. Ali was Andersons Book Award noinne, and one of five, to receive national recognition. Thje award itself consista 'of a scholaréhip (výalued at $5,000 a year) ýfor four ,years, fjree resideince the first year, as weil as afàFulty.-,mentor.,'To AiU w express, Our Congratulations. With -onfly a few weeks left until - ,final - examinations at the amount, of small thlnga remaining, to complete,, be it finishing Up missed assgnments ore auditoning for- neter'a vocal ensàembles. TRFAGA :vCASTLE SKwCHI M i. OIe] The end lof the school year la fast approaching, and with *it corne final aninouncements and preparations concernlng the graduation, ceremonies and May Date May Cou, which consista of the May Queen and her two counsllors, has been chosen by the students., This: years AMay Queen is Catherine Inglis a- student here at Trafalgar forSfour years; her two counsellors are seniors Dawn Jarvis suad Teresa chu. The projects for ne,ét year have been nazned, as has the head of the Athletic Associatio>n. Students have been asked *0o consider nominatIons fur houie captains and sub-captains, andl for -social convener. There was a buzl about the hallways last week as students made plans for the Victoria Day weekend. The half-day onùFrday and the Monday- off are a welconie respite before the asat few weeks of studying. for final exams. With last minute cramndng sessions in the near future, studentswsuted to make the moet, of this short holiday. Celebmtion f O music at Anderson» Anderson CVI will present its second annual'Faznily of Schools Colebration of Music' on Wednes- day, May 29, at 7:30Ã".m Performilances will begive)n by the Anderson Concert Baud and Jazz nc., as well as band and choira from il Whitby public Admission las a donation of $1 or $2 at the door. Chisian H.S. la stge annual sring conoer On hursday, May30, Durham Christian High School will b lhosting .their annual -apring, concert, u the whool auditorium, b in n i n gar : 0 p m This year' concert will -feature the ý cho wýchoir, undejr the direction of Gled ul school's 40\ee concert;band arnd^ the -ýnew jiziz - ensemble: Th instrumental programn is codce y Dennis R. Ulian.- Ail are 'welcoine to join this at H ny t STUQENT COUNCIL- posi., dent Jennhier Bernier a-ke be*,nstaff, pat ent nd pes chj drlng grand opening csm~onea at Charles GamIr Cathofic Hlgh;Schoou, enyStreetIlleh tSchool'a anulmuic night wlllbe held in the cafeto'rium on Wednesday, JuOrÉ: C orncert Band, Junor oncrtBand, Stage Baud and Chamber Choir wýlkabe entertalning that evening aIoký, with other mal ensemble.0 "Itfs going te be just, meredlible.. it Wlll be an exiperience like neyer before" aays ,Michîael On- suchuy, music departmenthead Tbree of Henrys banda left today te attend Muice. Pâtil Canaida'lu ,Vancouver and will compete iu the'-nation-wide comn-, Kumon math sstem nowavilable n hitbv By Maureen Quminlau it, you've just got to memorize Math has long been a dreaded the facts » says Whitby director subject for some elementary Janice Martin, whose son has achool students. The Kumon beeni using the KunÈon system mathematics system la out te for almost two years now. change that. Kureon method is ijýsed te, put Now in Whitby, the system the child at his/hier diagnostic was developed in- Japan and has level and then build on their been used for 40 years by seven kuowledge, notrnovingf on u ntil million children acrosa the world. the cbild has mastered the pre- Kuinon - nvoôlves completing vious topic. sheets of exer'cises in a standard Kids ie the systemn because completion' time until the work is they feel proud that they can get completely understood and* per- perfect , test scores and are fect. encouraged by that toi work even Studenta work at thefr own 'harder. ' ~ leveai d 'speed. *The ffiat thing tliat Kumon "It's been just wonderful. It's does ila.change'-kid's1attitudes. great tebe creative with math, My son. went -into lepogrlam. but when it coines right down te thinkin~ that hoe culdt do math sud now la working bvn his gade'level,» says M beond Kumonhas put' children with Down Syndrome at a level of mathematics usinig algebra. A 3-year-old girl in Japan was also- capable at the' sanie level wlth the Kumon method.' '.0f course, these aren't average children. But the" point la no one said te them ýthat they couldn't do math," says Martin. The firat Kumon centre lu Whitbyopened May 21 with su openhouse presentation at the Whitby Culing Club. Next week t h e centre Will open for stâdenta te attend c-lasses twice a week, each clans two hournlin length.,.~ "But ;he kids really only spend 20 mii4utes doing the ' actual wrork,3 i ays Martini. Durit g clas: time, students asud ir. their homework, do the cla'sclsawork correct it aud jlic upthenig'ht1swork.' StudOnts have about ten te 15 zninute# Of .homeéwork every Itsbeen discovered, that a Mite )4it of homework ýevery h ,ght dffl.a lot moregoodthata ~ole'buuch'of worlc once'or The >stem as ad great aùccss over'the years sud is poartof ýmsy school'# math'pro- àramiithe United Statèn.> Only,five or six - schools inu Toronto are using the system lun the sehool cýurrliulum now,-the major'ty f -those achools pri- vatlyoperated. But* MarÏtitithinka that the sy.Bstýem "isfor everybody because you can work at your greateat speed sund greateat capability.» M artn 1is hopngthat her -stu- dents in the Why area- will react as, well te- Kumhon, as: havfe ,her son'as"d'Toronte stuÃŽdents. *To become 'a -Kmon instructer one muat coemplete -a teugh appli cation uDroS'às.,Wàrlr fr -nimjrn f ANDERSON C.VI,

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