PAGE 24, WHF1~Y~REE PRESSfWEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 3291 IVJiBY AUTO., VVspeciali,, GLA ýsts hi ive, MW, I -I - I I aton wvIins, eV ents Matthew Eaton of the Whtby rois Swfim Club was frtin fîve events aà 't a swim mneet mn PLort Hope on May i12. .Eatonh, in the age il and 12 4lvsion for boys,' won the 100-. metre backstrok«,, lOOm'free-- style, 200rn feestylè, 100M breasts 'troke and'200m breast- stroke at the Spring invitational meet. He was second ini another event. In. the game division, Colin Mowbray was fist in 100m fly and 200m -backstroke, and second in three otlýer events. Jon Hendersoniwon the 50m breaststroke, and :lOOm nbreast- stroke and was -secod ini thre other events for'boysv aged 9 and 10..~ tA L5UL11C W A 0 a At- thaL Re. É D.%. fèem.0 iroqjuois Swim 's In, à ot *Mi Js Aqatihoe lb y Jonnifer Andermon BOYS 9S&£10 ,2"d 100 lOF 3rd 60 back,100Ib 100 fou. 2nd 100Obrast"t Jonenmdarsn Jet 60 breaattro lOO-10bre.atatn 2nd 100 back, 100 i ,100 lb' Matthow Remol Ud 50 bock 3<8 100bock,, 100 bruatat 1lb'q GORaSis1 GM M 18U&£14 MNayM ntUmp UnS '100 fr. &% l00 ock, 200fru DYS,1113£4- Jefm7 TonioII>', sid 0ba"tok&Y G &L 5 VR PatridasLue *nd 100 brmsUitrike, *200 broastri<ke, 200 back ( wim3r4 10011ly RePO 12 MÜtÜaLGroup. Invitational *Swim Meet'hosted Iby Regloei ci Wat«dloo Swu C1ubý MaylO-32' GIR4 CLB 9 &10 , R Bbyn MeCuDoch 2nd 100 back, 200 back &d 6S0 fre,lOo feo, 200J.ML, IOO fly, 400f. TRM Arniat 2nd 200breaaatak 3<.! 100 brematar*e, lier tnM - 'k.. Und 100 fbp 200brauatok. 3< 0boatto. T. Amati a LO a. eculoeh J. R- GINS il à 1 A~ I~gcrowdoe t' 1~ li 4x5Uori y ' ,ýsL -,00 tmk I*with most insurance comfpanies swim meet MIay 10-12, three I I ~~~Whitby club members had first- &OSi i A rw. iu place ishes. mawliw loe lit 100 back, 100 fr.., m 411 DUNDAS ST, EAST > 100ghCowdrwaairtm o sw4o I WHIT Y I1i and 12; for boisagd il and ~~2nd 100 q, i I ~~~~~'1,fric VanDi Z was firt in 2rd100 fa. c tu, SlbVnk h 200 nietok ~ust east of the beer store) u besar a o o20aW A UM ][à 4«W l ia 668-2003 400m individual * '~~~~~~(Glass Supplied By Can-Am)H ak i ô s < " a e POOL OPEN ~STkBIL.IZED. PUCK$ 7KG I6'ý SPEOALS .M TM....... .GR NU . .. .. .. $74.E.... Your Pool Care Experts ln Chlorines-Algaecides-Test Kits And More! ~ HOURS MON-FRI 8AM-5PM SATURDAY 9AM-1 PM MAINTENANCE LIMITED 500 HOPKI.NS ST. WHITBY 666-1224 HenryHawks will aimifor first place this week' in the high à choal basebaîl league. a g With playoffs fast apprô'cig Hawks are 9-1--fort he season after defeating Denis O'Connor 4-3 and Anderson 10-0 last week., Jererny Harness and Jamie Watters combined for a two-hit- ter against Anderséon. >" After four strong, innings aainst Denis O'Connor, Cn> Samanski tried to rest some of his key hurlera. The,,.,nove ^alxnost' backflred. Mike ýMicheau g" ot - tagged, ,and Watters was called upon ta s9,hut the doar. Hawks' were "' taplay G.L-. Roberts Tuesday ;and ,take on Paul Dwyer, Wedfnesday.' If the HawIcs win bath, they Sýy'nchr oÈte am, wins gl Beth Wintonyk of WhitbyZ was a inember of the 0s awa Synchro Club* teani which won gold at the Ontaria- Trilliuin synchranized swimming cham- pionshipe. -The eight-member teani,coea- ched byTya Sheehey, was first ithage 11- 14 event. S'heeheyr was choreo rapher of the teain s swxn. routge-ý which took first place. The routine will be featre b the-club at water shows: atCen- tennial Pool Oshawa on Mayý 25 and at the Iikrn rec complex on June 5. nifer, Darnel af Oshawa, -Tara Fowler. of Oshawa, Teri Pearce of i~x Rbn MPlarasOfymko ~lax, MiatnMii o iéin ansa Reeve of Picçkering anc1 Allison Goldie ofStauùffVilleî. 9 qualifyr for marathon Kate Lariverara of the Whitby Tigers Running Club has quali- fied for. the 1992 Boston Marathon. At a recent event, she had a time of three hours, 18 minutes, 20 seconds over the marathon Golf 'swap' A 'Golf -Swap' will be held on Sunday, June 2, 10 a.m. ta 1 p.m, at the Durham College atlfetic complex. Equipment, including clubs bage and carts, will be accepteci for swap from May 20 to 24, 6 to 9 p.m. and May 27 ta 31, 6 ta 9 P.m. For more information cal57(;- 7622. Wtby Free Press ~«M I E R Catherune Golinsky who has deliVered the Whitby Free Press in -the Blùegrass Meadows area for over two and a hait years has been recogriized as the carrier of the montfr. EACWH CARRIER 0FTHE MONrHWILL RECEIVE Aý distance tofinish 'third overaIl smang women. Eight other -members ' of -the Tigers have qualified far the -9 event inBoston. Bobby LIennox has a time'-of -two -hours, 40 "inntes-Doug Henderson, 2:46-John Hrouston, 2:52; Andy Rorke, 3:01; Allan Mayhewy, 3:08; Paul Zieman, 3:09; John F. Collins, 3:16; Ian* Barron, 3:18. Anone interested ini joining theTigerscan contact Ian Bar- ron at 666-4801 or 668-1511, or Lorna Smnith at 668-7047.> Whiitby slo-pitchý IUO Diviion~ GP W L T 'PM Hanst phaatlc.03 <, O O 6-, Advantage Telecm 4 3 '1, 0. 6 HugheslHawks 3 12',0O4. Mater Bedroom 4 2'2 2 ýO -4, Maiola ,' 831'2 0 "2 amSMarine; .3-1.1 2 ýO 2 - P W L T FIB., InDarron 3 2 1 0--J4' WataredCêasà 2-. 2-1 0OA.. BrouierRi. 42, 2 0P wiIl tie fkrstp)Jace Eastdale CMI with Il wn.Sic e îr a begInon. 1nday. V Plus andM-Ic>a ac'ôq two games ta stait the s3easonin* the Whitby Mixed Slo-pitch ,VuPs a.dfeéited Hermütit 18-3 and MoXviola1. 7.5. M*oviola ed ëed -Brothers- aleso bat, tQerinetip East SdeMarios bean t> seao tl z.15dciii High school senior boys basgebfl STANINS <(» si hi nawayMay le). Ea tao12 Il .1' 0,'.-,- Auy S£10 98110-1.2 c'Sem 1078a08 Dunbarton 1064 0 4 Dpwye 1 571- 0 Anderson 9 04l 6-1/42 Roberta 88 1 541 BowumunviU 124e6 2 4- st mwrju7,,2 r, o -14 Coiumtce 10 & 7 7' Plckrng.. 10 2 7-1» 7-1b2 Dena'Cno 9 O8V Donevan10i9 -.' W]itby JsenOr. ,basebail 199ý1 SKD Dalu Tims May 26 rioan Blovil.-etWltby 1. 30,1 8 p.., ,Wbityeta x, . June 18 730p 0 aJxtWht4' Juio 19 7.> Wbltbyaet B1.W. J ne 7: m IcaInpiouà at Wit&y juy 2 7:30p.m. Port Hope at-Whitby July 7 I pxm.ti; VOdbytrbot -13-1