-I kÎnsmen home-,show * epacngand: adciding ýwindow-sl Inerior Clarendon closeout close-out sale-, due to !ele- piry, 1 U nderwya hitby's Clarenrdon ntenors, retailers'ot.traditio'nal, furniture. Until 'May 30' > pnces have, beeny slashed 'by u p1to. 76 per cent on ,brand namýes such as Stiffel, Harnary, ý-Butler and' Roberts. In, addition, custo mers will Inot-have,to payPST o"r G ST on -ite ms. Clarendon is owned and managed by.,Raymond Kwan, who has, i Oyearsof experience'in 'the furniture ,business.' Clarendon offers good prices, goçd quality, excellent servic e ndreexpert advice. There, 18 also, a guarantee in the event of manufacturingdecs Clarendon- offers.good selection of the finest quality fabrics and styles froîm which to choose. The coil spring construction and high density foam on -Mpholstery items ensure long-lasting wear. Cuso'me rs -want well-constructed, furniture, says Mr. Kwan.' This article ia proiddby loca realhors and the. Ontaj elEtt Associaiton (OREA) frthe. beneiOf consumers in the'real estate moret. Unlike any other. part,* of..a, home, windows serve aunique purpose. Theyare ýa,,major -source. of natural hgh an frshair,,and'they.provide us.withamvewofthe'outdoors.' , Several tyes" of windows, can be found hi both old and, newhomnes, inceludinïg fixed, windows, (with no, movigparts),, horizontal sliding wdows, casernent windows and' double-hung sashwind6o. If yoifre thinlidng of replacing your windlows, 'te improve, energy efficiency, or adding windows te, give your homie a 'new look,ý there are several things .,you ,should keep in mmid. First of al], consider the type of window you want'te instaifl and- what your budget limitations are., If you mtend to replace your present windows with arger ones, you shouldi choose something',that will blend in well. with'the existing-i windowýs' and lime up *with either the tops or otosofte3te windows. Considerc how this -will t affect your. home~s appearance - both inside and out. 7 >Ifyou're gong to'be creatinË new1 window spce, you should carefully consider the style, size and location, and inake sure the new additions complement the style, of your house. 1 -Also consider the, type of highfang 6 you want these windows .to supply And the effect you want to create. Windows helpset the xnood.of a c room, se if ouWant to achieve, a distinctive' look,. make sure you choome-the appropriatie windows. .. ý ,And, if you h ave -a secaclar view. you want te frame, make sure the «l PE.RMA "Clearly yours" Customer service is the focus of Permar Windows, a small business in Oshawa which has shown steady growth since starting two years ago. Permar provides replacement vinyl windows and doors, as well as aluminum replacement windows, storm doors, garage doors, awnings, patio doors and enclosures. Arien Dalby is president-owner of the franchise, one of il across Ontario. Madeleine Norris is vice-president, in charge of customer relations and office administration. Permar has trained sales staff who are qualified to identify and tailor their recommendations to the customer's requirements. Rather than hire sub-contractors or inexperienced service personnel, Mr. Dalby himself instails products and handles service calîs. - Permarhich does not offer home renovations or additions, provides m- home produot demonstrations and free estimnates. Sales staffw Il take product samples to the customner's home. 50Wentworth.S't. E, Unit .6,&shawa 432-7823 mi. Dcofating .Decoratingý at your doo Decorating Den helps people wfth their decorating needs by bninging heir'Î showrom o the client's home.. The Whitbydecorators usela van to provkle a conve-neént shop-at-home. decorating service. Withý home service, the customner enjoys distinct advantages. Generous samrples- can be viewed in the lighting conditions w.yhich iexist in the homne or office. Begun In 1970, the company founder believed that interior deorating serviceIIý' ,should bel affordable for middle -income famrilies, and began a franchise.system tI'a works for both entreprneurs and consumers Decorat#iCia*Den has since become one of the largest decoeatingfirmsin, North Arrderca, With more than 1,100 franchises in the Uniteld,,States Canada, Scotland 'Japan, England and Australia. The Whitby area k~ operated by decorating consultants.'Caroi Bosgraaf and Kathy Duggan. There are more than 5,000 different samrples of wallpaper, carpet, draperies, fumiture and custom bedspreads. Customn-designed,, quality decorating products are delîvered and installed under the Decoratilig Den guarantea- of satisfaction. The f irm does not charge a design tee. Ail consultations are complimrentary. Anyone wanting ** decorating tips or more information can cal Kathy Duggan at 579-0543 or Carol Bosgraaf t -at 433-0783. ' 1 t KO M~I liU Pi1[ window you choose will showcase 4t, toyour satisfaction. Ventilation is another imp t factor to, consider, when-ýc=ooeigt windows. Windows,, th*a4eý plate An a low postioniii a walcan l1olp~ direct .t.h e incomin g air, flow donar.When ,ýopen, winidows-I., that are placed opposite each -other,,," can create a continuous airflowý, Yoù should also consider how th location of the,,,new, windows,,will ,affect the amotint of heat; your house Wiilgam.. For instance, windows ':thati4aoe,, north tend tolie- netJ eneûrgy lose ,rs, while thoése -that- face south (other than ý those that are- single-glaze(d) tend te be net ganers. May types ;of -winndows" are, available on. the markcet today. -Some 'è have wooden,*frames that are clad in vinyl or ýmetal; ,others. are made of tough plastic or fibreglass. These, types 'of- windows generaily require<à very littie maintenance. Prames;and sashes 'Made fromn wood and plastic, tend te have the best insulation..value. Whn choosing .new windovs,, you'l- unà doutedly,.want_ double,:-or triple-glazed, thermal 'units.->The bhickness of airspace between ý each Layer o-if- glazing -determi.nes .,-the nsoulating value ,ýof the unit. and rnaimizes en ergy.'.-'. efficiency. Consider. wind.ow units 'wi th a-.--, wider amount of spacin g between the panes"-- three-quarters of.an ýinch ,is',, à bout the maxiýmumn. provide better energy effcienc.y. lIn cold climates, this: type of glashas a tbin, meali coating on:- the ,ou*ter surface of the inner, pane. (In botj'ý climates, the reversp is true.) ,Ti maà ting, is designed, te reduce, heat. lossa .1 I