Bymike owalski Agprmnn slto te'enoiepoblems ~Atlantic Packag n ul e npace by midJne But ,until then, s >outh WVhitby residents9 will have to contend with thefr Ùno'sy neighbour'a fewweek'à l'~ Tecompany',hWw advised Towni,officiaIk thatitcannot com- ply wiýth .a, request to shut down machinery at speci i d times. TOdo, 80o would to1ally disrupt operations at the Thikkson Rd. S1. newepaper riecycling plant the co panyda is tani dévcesà t hefactor»k- Hë'wuldnotiden«~fy the com- P!Uy,,.xepttogyitis a « recog-- ruzea ngineeingrin thatspe«- cializes inproblm ~xie the' muncipaiiiy thé-, mfles sâhould be inst'alle . d-Juà ne. Ho ilso sadm te Town was advised that it is not practical te t*nofthe noise-producing machineryý as requested. Last monith ToWn counc'il opted to ask Atlantic .te shut down equipment, identified'as the, source of-noise problems plagu- ing residents over the past four Council 'did mot want the machinery used betw0een il p.m. anid 7 a.m. during the week- or, areSTon sent us a, copy of the resolution requesting that wo consoider it," said Nelson. «W'e advised them it is not practical te restrict our hours of operation.» Atlantic has not heard back fïrm the municipality, said Nel-- son. However, the compRyfeels tomer solutions ;ave been. the problem since it wasfi down the plant after residents complained te Town off iciaIs. - lhe noise, described 'as a «low penetrating,.. droning» sounci SFÈ PAGE 12 Two die in accident JOSEPH WIIfred Belanger,. 43, and a.m. aast.Friday ae the Interection wlfe Irene, 39, dled as a. resuit of. a of Thlckson 'and "Wnchester roade. collision between thefr van and a Durham Rée'gional Police continue to tractor-traller drivenb~y Serge Bols-ý investigate- the cause of the (acci- vert of Bale du Febvre,ý Que. at 9:30 dent. Boisvert 'as not iijured. Vhf.flhwBode ...**. >By Mike Kowalski Whitby's union employees have voted, to strike should contract negotiationis with the municipality fafi.' Loaxl 5M of the Canadian Union of Pub~lic Eniployees (CUPE)' gave its ýbargaining committee a strike mandate by,9 e cent following a vote of the membership last- week. 'Me ToiWs 258 inside and- outside workers are seeking a new- contract te replace the two-year pact wbich expired March 31. Negotiations resume Juno -12 under the guidance of a. provincially-appointed conciliator. .CUPE representative ,Jim Woodward said the strie vote is More than just a forma]ity. "fthere's3 no Iettlement we"re out of there, were flot kidding around," said Woodward. Hoe decined te disclose details of the talks but said the union is prepared te discusa its concerns at any timeé. "I wish the Town wotuld get down and get serious, there's settlexnents' happening all around us," said Woodward. Last week, employees ratified a two-year deal that'includes a 10.3 p er cent. wage- increase -and improved_ health benefits. 'We haven't settled 'wages, hours 'of work, vacations,.. a lot of items.have to be> cleared, Up before- wecan geotdown, to a settiemà ent," said Woodward. A spokesmnan for the municipality was not ,available forimmedioiate lomment. -The union' will fot-be iii- a legil strilce poiton* nil16days after -the conciliator fites no rd"repà rt. This reportesntay states that no further progress caný be made in the talks. IROKI SPIGFI netFaueIsd