A....... 1. P A Misty 'female, spayed, domnestic long hair. Alil vaccines and declawed. Approximately 4 yrs old. -Pet Food Authorized dealer foi Dandan St. (Hwy 02) and Suu r... 368 Brock St. S., Whitby IAMS. 3098 HEMRONGATE ANIMAL HOSPIAL 65 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax 1 block E of Harwood Ave. Dru, Ann Bset4708 WHITBY FREE ý'PR'ESS 668-6112 THE CHESTRFED IGS blues baud wil perform at the Star Club ini Oshawa on Saturday May 25. Also perfo wi be tii. Invaders, rok, 'fuesband.' Tickets,, $8-in advanoe,. are. available at Rob's Records in Tckthie 1 at the door. >~T~t 1 Annetto Ula nphoto HrriettTubman is -foôCus'ofproduction riClub ,Ca rlbofObaafrc wl Ha.rmiet.Tubnnh Oshawa on Sfrm, interspered with song ana dsnce.h~Te script bas ien: c~rMlyresarcedand written krb Dr. Georg Blake, and features theHumngidSinger._ and Dancers who will add imension Harriet Tubmar, known as MOssé t. her peoplm as bon in id uoy around 12-21- i Marïyland, U.SkiSe escaped, ýusng.-her own--wivts, deter- mination -and help, froin the ..ý!Iiti-slavery agents, working *qugh ethe,.netwoek.known as> r the.Undergroulnd Railroéd. In turn, Tubmn s'tarted her t. slave terrtoy repeatedly, to. guideSlaves to, fiedmh thé notenUnited State and in'- Canada. Skie later served'* as. nuse, scot ýand- adier ini the Union army during the civil War. The show-,wfll ho held 'on. Saturday, May 25 at 8 p.m. at GL. Rob>erts CI 399 Chaleur Ave., Osbawa. Tickets are $7 for aduits and $3.50 for children age 12 and under, and seniors. e< Tickets are availabe "fi-am Information, Oýhawa, 5'Centre S S Es sUzrsex Beauty Saon, il- âallSt, Osawa, Jocelyný -McVey, 5 >76-9 l1(Rs.Y442356 (Bus.), Georgel Blakep, 579-7149, Roland's _ Gourmet. Food Restaurant *:250 Bayly -Sfr 1'W., .'ýProceeds from this event will go towrd lubCarib's scholarship g *. s UT 1 kn ow Whftbyl 1 live in Whitbyand have, spcialized in Whltby Real Estate for many year0s. Fo EEDBEra saeadie ihu biain Cal OEMRYBOW. :l hl eu IF QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IIMMIND, ROSEMARY BROWN, SALES REPRESENrATIVE IN VOUR TOWNjfl BUS: 433-2121-- RES: 668-3$04 «M {u~od~fvo8miuk I.'. /CIuLL OIITDIIDEX Nathing beats the heatlIike a cald, delicious McDonald's Frozen Yogurt Cane. And, hey. they're a truly incredible value. Sa try ane tod'ay! Ali summer, long. I *ÇoftajflO.8 gramscf fat per serving. c 1991 McDonaId's Restaurants of C#nada LimWited. Blues band atclub WIIITBYMALL, IHwy #t2 &Thicksoul Rd.' wb é