Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1991, p. 6

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5hd*t'T The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday.by 677209 Ontarioa mc. at 131,Brook St. N., Whitby,.OntarioIl N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 ýDoug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor. Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 An important choice One afitme best mayoraity races ln years wil take place this fail ln Whitby., With four candidates -- incumbent Bob.Attersley, former ca *uncillar Gerry Emm, current centre ward councillor Lynda Buffett and current reglional councillor Tom Edwards - already'deciared, there's the promise af plenty of rhetoric as November approaches. ThaVs good news for Whitby ratepayers who will want ta carefully consider the candidates before deciding who should be the town's chief representative until 1994, a period mhat could be significant ln the history of the town. 1Once mhe current' economic luil expires, or even despite such a luil,'tme next three years should see mhe resumplion of acceierated growth in Whitby. With growth cornes change in mhe make-up and character of tme municopality, and mhe town's (clty's?> relative position in what is called mhe Greater Toronto A rea. We wil want the right persan at mhe municipal helm ta best represent mhe interests af Whitby.and ta see mhat growth takes mhe form wanted by residents. lVs not too early ta begin asking the candidates, not just maoso for mhe mayor's chair, Just where mhey stand on mhe. Issues - taxes, rec facilities, housing needs and future housing denslty, green.space, ta name' a few. ust as mhe candidates prepare mheir election piatforrns, residents, tao, cen be raising mhe questions tà will test mhe candidates and determine who is best suited for aur highest. municipal office. How -about crue Kty to residents! To thé edItor: Dog awners may talk about cruolty ta animais, but what about crueity ta retlred resîdents who take prîde ln thelr gardons and sldewalks? Every maming 1 have ta scoop up, for doo loyers Who don't want it an their own lawns.- Or. do~ owners go ta work and beave ther doqs outside, barking and crylng, during ramn; snow and hlgh winds. We have raised throe klds, four dogs and four cats In aur tîme, and ralsed them ail nat ta bather other go l.ie have a beautiful park ~hrnd u home, but can't ak aur grandchlldren for a walk with- out stopplng ln doýs belongings. lnîmIral lover golng mad In Whltby Fred Anderson Stoop and scop, leaseà T6 the Edîtor: This letter is- addressed ta the couple who allow' their german shepherd ta run free and defecate in the Ash Street Park. ht wouid be appreciatou if yau wauid stoap and -scoop as this is a phildren's play and basebali area. K. Payne Whlitby Brke -for a.nimais- By Edîs Gomilîs We are ail tao familiar with the long weekend deathtoll reports, but there is one group that is nover *mentioned. Yet -it should be. Whether small, medium or large,' brown, black, gray or white, we'll s00 them an aur highways -- some looking as f they *simply fell asleep, others horribly mangled or on their backs, mouths open in pain, furry hands- stretched skywards. We live in a shared onvironment; but we hav e cût- paths and- laid asphait corridors right through their home territories. Yet thoy must often cross roads ta search for food and'water, ta fimd mates, or ta return hame fram their forays. Dags and cats, aut far*a waik by themselves, lost or abandon ed; squirrels, rabbits, racaons, skunks, muskrats, opossums, bîrds and others trying ta go about the business of living -- you'll see them, dead, on aur streets, and highways, uniess they wore able ta crawl out of sight ta die. ft is always painful for me ta encouniter a body. On occasion, 1 have came across a family killed in transit, usually at the crest af a hilI. Sa far N'e been lucky -- two small birds, one decapitated by my antenna, the other dead seconds after collision with my windshield. 1 searched for and found the tiny bodies. How can these road deaths be avoided? Athough 1 don't believe that they can be eliminated completoly<ftheir numbors could, be cut drasticaliy. Some measures require a bit af manoy, but .'the main solution is probabiy just a shift in awareness.. It wasn't until 1 discovered my own cat, Bumble, dead haltway down the hilîside in front af my house 13 years ago, that- my own drvnnGL habits ch"ned,,Before that, if i saw1 a catý or squirrel crossing the raad, 1 wauld maintain my current 'speed and honk impationtly. Why, l'Il neyer know. The arrogance af that 'here 1 came, got out of my way' attide baff les and pains me still. Would 1 have dane that if a small child was crassing the street? Thon, why do it with someone Just as helpless, puzzled or frightened by the motion,, noise and ights af a car? Now 1 keep my eyes cdoser ta ground level, on the lookout for small forms that have ta take their chances with the seemingly never-ending stream of traffic. In residential areas, i koep ta the speed limit and, when necessary, slow down ta stop ta lot a squirrel important. Discussion 0f animal raad deaths should be part of the curriculum in driver education and training ; drivers should b. trained ta look out for animais, especially before rounding a curve or roaching the crest 0f a hilI. Municipalities shauld orect 'signs reminding people ta watch out for animais. Why not? Lastly, Rf is a goad idea ta remove a reconitly killed body from the raad so that ather animaIs won't b. lured onto the raad. And if you see a turtle crassing,ý heipý her acrass the road. Handling instructions will follow in.rny noxt column. Have a sale holiday weokend. And, brake for animais when you can -- you'll b. glad yau did. pass. 11t night, ,too, 1Ireducermn- speed. Once, on a countryraad, seeing a porcupine, 1 came toaa complote stop. The porcupine, who had reached the contre of the raad when I unexpectedly came upon him, was matianless for a iew _________ seconds. Then ho went on his way. ( i didn't hank. Different animais cross differontly. N'e seen a pair aiof>' coyotes cross a three-lane- highway at a full gallop. Aside- from changing aur driving habits -- siawving dawn, being more considerate -- there are other possible solutions. Dogs shouidn't > ( b. bt ta wander; in areas where wildlife studios indicate- a need, spocial highway undorpasses could b. constructed, so that animaisp travel b.neath the raad. Toad tunnels ta * facilitato migration during the mating season have airoady been constructed in f eastern France,,and England. Car-mounted warnîng devices (available iram the- Ontario Humane Society) are another possibility. Food or food wrappers shouid not b. thrown onto the streets. KAYLA NICHOLSON, 1,'accompanied Freeway' at a rabies clinie held at Iroquois Park 1ast 'weîek « Ch= 24e inphotol lro theEditor:shop, the -oW ner lntormod them To to Eitor tht hohadtherin and'that it'had Recently my home was bmoken been set aside. - inta and several items of jewelry ' Ho cauid have kopt'the ring and were stoien. said ho ^.nover saw, if. However, When these items were brought tihrough- his ,honiesty, Inow have inta Parky's second-hand store at the ring back. 111B DundasSt.,W., Whftbyý,tbeý, I. would l.,ike to sahank, jou, owner natif led police.anlipmht to this -.man for his When the items were.roturned,to ýhônost. tsgod ta kno hr me by the police, one itemi was are . stir I ýsome hnet pe1ou missing,,an expensive ring.thereM.POO ut When the police.called the -pawn, QshaW The Whitby Free Press- welcames. letters-to.t1h&. Editoron any subject of cancern ta.aur readers,',Letters shO'Lld be pbrief andfta hepoint ý- .rarely Èmare. thanïe .30ýads.Alletr ust be acopanied y teVi m desn,,,hop rmrber af the wrier bw~er anreuetyar, np-ema . bewîthhedf publicatiio"n if We-gree ýthat tlhere,îsÏl. "id; a Tepa -er reservýs the'right-ta rejecto r edif.ajl lpte ~i'id t: h" Eit Whitby, Free;Press,.,Box .206,. Wi~tyn~, LiN5Sor drp thraugh our mail siat. at 131 BrackW$ .L . . IOnIy six months f gci' fri f - - .aP ~ ~ 1 Viewpoint 1 a

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