WHITBYflEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15,1291, PAGE 25 ry Justsay~1otin Alcohol - if used imaproperly - is B te biggsthazard i recreational boating. The Mèecury, Outhoards boating authoaties point 'out- below haw" boëters. *Balance: Mot people who die ii baating .accidents either fi out of<their boat or~ capsize -their boat. and, endupi the water. Balance -is -one a te llirst things You lame -whe 'yau consume alcoholi. h.problem ie that you -may not iotice this reduction.in, aâbiityr,and a smal, unstable oast is veiyunforiving. of. al<ohol you, drink ,increases, Tr ,.,your,,ublity te. coordinate your fl8fy boate hâve-be a arm~ nd lg moemens i -and at tue Whltby Yacht,:( reduced.'A drumk boater will hae gat difficulty trying to, swim ýte a ,i iw evclet'aan puttung it on. abot '0.«per centBlenoseev inforation. w. lMin ia tÃà affic siuton or *hile rvn aba,Çaa soà ly ti siNova itis awý c4db'aIcoho1 rnse n, Winl mgke a 15-day -T11Wpe of theeyirn acta hike vstt oot ie3t 7 the shuÊitter on a camera. 'As O BleoeIwiibrhaMpl drink' alcohol, tue ppl' bii LeafQà tHrbufota tacnrlte atmount ai flight Yf a a or tourism entering thee is diièihed, rootian, involving Borne 100' which reduces your abIlity ta e, FvaSctia teurism operators partlcularly at night. and entertainée. Al cohol is a relxan and afets. While the two-masted- replica th~e control of the small,,muscles will flot »b. available for. public that focus bath eyes on the. saine pailings the ship will have ' open abject. Threýýiësta mleb.fazzzy hus drn om f her timei v'ision or double vision., If you are Toronto. Ueigdoubleyor rinma aunched i1963 fo h wii lae dpthperepion. >Buinoe Blun e i was lchlreduces peripheral prced ythe province of visiotheWabilitytasmeeabjects:teo rûvaScèbtiain 1971 for, use as a you r ide.' AS speed inciiese, rootonal vehicle and good wiil1 your ability ta see te -the side decreaâss;theflinal: result 'is "ttunl viion," te - à lity ta e o ~ and"ýreact te onfly -those abjects directl 'ahead pfyu 1ù ,Ã,c ô~l reduces -ycuirabffityto ~ ' . distingudih - between - colour, .)h particularly red and 'green, such,<>.. ..... ~ as the runng lights on ahat The. combination 0f aolfi te9e Safie operation i ai a boat effeceats - -i.wro amount. 0fdepends >,greaýtly on proper lih neigte. , porfocus maintenan ce and preparation, or "double vision,' loua af' depth, saây'>the' basting authori*ties at pecption, tunnel vision and ti Merury Outboards. inability te, distinguiah colour - is The. actions of the operatôr and. 'veryr dangerous. -pas sengers are. also impotant in ensuring a safe and enVioyable outing.T checklist below Iicudea i1 à s which cmiý determinethe afe 'outcome of rip. Sane 0f these items wibethe saine, no matter whiat < > kind of boating«you do. However, to, make' sure ail points are coveéred, createyour own çhecklist and add ta it' as experience _____indicates. e Battery charged. * Engine compiitment free of _ fumes. It's always temp ting It's' always tempiting to simply jumfp' in the ob*oat and ~ I go, but if you take just a 'moment to ensure;*sfety,___ you, mig ht avert a tragedy. Rerriember, the Mi1IliIiIlIM ,minimum:requirements for ve ssels, Iess than 5½/ mfetres in Iength is one safety jacket, for each person on board, two oars with rowlocks oèr two paddles , some type of signalling1 devIce a claà s B-i' fire extinguisher if- thresan in board motor or a f ixed tank, and a bailer. st»ering o !Hav youever noticed, how E muc, dmag -peopleda o.atheir t boatsat marinasasnd batdcs? »i ~ etime yu re ýata lake, t ttend a littIe timewthn o hatryers approach ad, > You .'cém easily judge the. kniowledgêeaedriverýs' from ii neyer .l.earned lthat boats steer , ifntl3r- *oin automobiles,E escally at slow sd. Crsteerfrm.hfront by ' turning.theh eeils,. but 'kats steerkomthoreà r lby'iring the, -1 ouhadmotar. Suà i«è, you ýturn tleniea e ~ct, the stee'ring wheel 'n h sni iced at Whtby Marina direction, but inacar, tj ië- i. frot E 0-Ibend goes, initi iecinti wheels are turn:ed. bnoihatthe rear enid- or e move In the<oppste dirction. 3 To ýturýIieft therearaiboat t Thie'.'is- tThsei.'-ua easan'was man y amasadr.trynîg ta . lm".avadock ,undir, ý:Tii. tail hp usuail makeson e 1-power., -Tiiey .W ifl turn ii mijor sprngtuir each yerprior to coônducting- a season 0f public" sailinga 0-'f Hlax -harbour and port.visitiairound Nova Scotia. - Bluenoe.-Irs last visit te'a major Cahadian cit;y ýwas in 1986 when she, visited, Vancouver, British Columbia, during Expo. '86. Large, pavilion-style tenta. at i - Maple Leaf 'QuaY ,wil offer a Consumer travel show as. weil as entertaininent from Nova, Scotia fromJuneë,7',to,7asprtat BluÃŽenose.il visit. Bluentome Ira master is Capt. Don Barr. .FIrst oaficer i. Delb > Comeau. Tiiere, are 18-. crew members. " Lights mid horn working. " Boat plug in. *Fuel linea'andtank checked for leaks. e Weather and water conditions suitable. *Ail gear and supplies properély stowed and secure. eMotor in good, operaitinga condition. e Propeller in gÉood condition, lower -unit free of we"s i débris. 0 Passngers seated and- briefed on emergency, procedures, and their PFDs checkedfor fit. e Operator alert, soberad ready. e, File 'a' lfit plan with a responsible persan ashore., le Make sure someone else knows how to, operate the boat. no..but, steering wheel te the left, forcing the right -rear, corner -afituebhat inta the -dock, and tii. b"t ïill travel' tue ýlength'0f ;-the dock, umping miad scrapingagainst it, >ut w«ill noveýr 1pul o'ut and aw ay, Týi.,corréct: manoeuver ista siift: the . motar inaM reverse.- and ui aut or bAve. the dock -9kwrd.u iinyou have pnaugk ro n*hft ito forwgrd à rar Raniger Boats augests tiiat new boat ýowners, as weil as sane îot-e-kowÉe"e-lé ones, orati.e this mainoeuver. Motc tdys outbùard notoB ai70 i.p. and .laý*er are 0quipewith iae.power trimand >roer~opratngprocedure and lÈncétons ai tbis feature, çonsult rour ,.marine dealer anad "have iem-,-explain t ta 'you. Many outb mrd ar manufacturer. 6ave. a pamiphlet, explainin its, îme and,,advantagés. 1~emember tenoy bong and. kep oit safe. LOO PER VUA'LUE Thq:op-hrgd3-yider outboards from*Evinrude.pre loaded withý value. Loop-cýhoegd po'wer gives'the 70and 60 stronger acceleration and more t-OP end 'sped. At, the 'same time,, it, helps ' these. versatile 1Mid-Rangers ,run smýothi than éver. -Bath *Loopers are packedW'ith, value features É k VR9g2naVariable ratio'ail inijection,- ita eiswgearcase and Firepowero~ éleoicignition. Evinrudes worid famous ,protection aganst ,corrsoto An~ fo liaei rotecti'on, you can addthe tiaeiýpeioptiopai OMC1+2» 'We ,Serve ,the Fisherman. Centraclly Located Between WiImot Creek, and Dalrlington Nuclear-Stationi Ltd. Lake Roà d off >Llb8ty St, &tSouth Just 112 mile 4outh et 401 nLasntarIo e. inilOntario *(416)>623-4925 or Marina 623-350 MÀILJGÂADDRÉSS.- PORT DARUNOTON MARINA HOTEL R.R.2 BOWMANIL'LE OMTARIQ,-LIC3K3 Ci Licenced Lighthous e Lounge.. .C],Early Morning Breakfasts ci Box Lunches, Avoaà ble ci -Boat* Ramp CI Fish ,,Cleaning, Station n' FreezerSpace, '0 Charter Boats cMotel -Accomodation ci Meeting Rooms Up To 200- Plan tofay Us- AYisiti fE