Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1991, p. 14

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PAGE -14,WH[TBY FREE-PRESSWEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 19 Fewer uit, oe ,open spcimnvse~ By MikeKowaIld A revamped subdivision pro- posai for north Whitby wiIl incor- porate greaterý use of Iopeýn space than the original submission. However., abuttinig'home' owners are worried about peopie Sunday School Promotion Sun- daLy wiIl be hold at Brooklin United Church on Sunday, May 26. Boy. Donald -Tansley wili be gus pechron Cnference SunayMay26. The Byo Quinte Conference will ho1l' its annuai meeting in Napanee May infringing on their property when using public greon iands in the deveiopment." A- revisèd subdivision proposal from Whiitby Gardens rre. -wa.s theo subject of a public hearing before Town council's: planning Wheelchair for hospital TKE DURHIAM Stroke Support Group recently donated a new wheelchair to the stroke'depart- ment of Whitby General Hospital. From left are group public' relations director Ted Farrow, Lor- raine Campbell, group vice-president Boyý Vailant and and group resident Alec Simpson. Blanche Headley is seatedin the chair. - Chri. Bovi.photo 23-26.> The Talent Auction wiii be heid on Friday, June 14, 7 p.m. The unified board- welcomes donations until June 10. Some suggestions include- home balc- Iig, préserves, babysitting,* taxi service, crafts, baking lessons, pool party, Blue Jay trip, knit- TeWHISTLE r'STOP at Myirtie Station A----------.--CE-- M>nda. Pfd.y. . . ...... pi . .. . ........... .... . .. 59 . ... . .. . Break that LCorne and enjoy our french tries and development committee iast week. The developer is plan ning, te build a mixed rosidential- asub- divison on 74 acres of-iand>at the soutiiwest corner of Taunton Rd. and Brock St. N.- A total of 570 units will cover slightiy more tan32 acres of the site. Parkland and ope n saewili account for almost 15 -acres. A Ipublic elemenitary -school iliiibe bDult on another six'acres. The area is now' primùarily vacant fariand.'< .It is'designated residentiai and 'haz'ard iands in- both' Whitby's and, Durham Region's officiai 'Plans. 1A tributary of Lynde Creek disseets' the site in the middle while the creek itself runs ada- cent to the property on the west side. (The majority of the proposed subdivision site is actuaIly te the, southwest of the corner of Taun- ton and Brock.. (The developer aiso has' an unrelated application before the Town for a 150,000 sq. ft. com- mercial site on 12.5 acres at the corner.) Whitby planning director Bob Short -explained that the pro- posai liait undergone such exten- sive alterations since the original 1989 submission that another public meeting was required. Company spkesman Kevin Tunney said there were about 100 fewer units overaîl in the new proposai with more area set aside for open space and green- Thes number of single-famiiy homes has increased fromi 186 te 287 and there wihI now be 214 medium density townhouses as 2pposed te 205. initially, said Tunney. There will also be a 112-unit apartment compiex -on the site,. Tunney added. Kari Foehner, a Montreai rosi- dent- who owns property on nearby Cochrane St., asked what measures could be taken to keep people fromn trespassing on pri- vate land. Foehner said he often bas people crossing bis property in order to reach t h e creek. 'Short said the issue will b. addressed but could not predict what the department may recom- mend. tmng, plants and painting. items can ho left at the church office, or eal Jim Innes at 655- 3454," Bob Eckel at 655-4411 or Chris Rabjohn at 655-3584 for pick-up. Rev.* Fouwels is ordained Mev. Louis Fouwels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har-y Pouwels of Brooklin, was ordained at St. Michaoi's Cathedra], Toronto, on SaturdaLy, May 11. ]Residents are invited to attend an informai team and reception in the rectory meeting room of St. Leo's School, 6560 Baldwin St., Broioklin on Sunday, May 19, after 10:30 a.m. mass. Drop-in program ends on May 28 The weekly Tuesday drop-in prograin at the Brooklin community centre wiill finish for the summer on Tuesday, May 28. AUl seniors iu Brooklin are inviîted for the fialafternoon of shuffleboa sud carpet bwling. The poga will resume -in Howover,- the. director's addi- tionai commente were likoly'u'n-, settling ýt', Foehner sud other land owners. "I can 'se. our long-tenu h goal as securingý thé whoie of the open spao 'e, yst.m south of Tauniten," said Short.' Councillor Boss 'ýBatten cern-' éite chairman, echoed ýor' remarkcs. Battonisaid two recent gov"rn- *ment reot togly rc meid- .greater publieacoýs te greeniandsj. «The direction of;thïeCrbi sud'IKanter studios itopen,uip valleylands te the-pùblic,.ý saàidl .Batten. .. *(Former federal cabinet màis- ter David Crombie is chairmaün of'. a royal comhmission-dealing with the Greater Toronto waterfrQ4nt. Former MPP Bon Kanter auth- ored a report on greeniands *stra- tegyfor Ontario.) Councilior Lynda Buffott noted that the revised- proposai con- tains more parkland than what is normaly required by the Town. (Thme municipality specifies -that'five P~. cent of. asubdivision b.stasîdefor parkland. Oniy' 4.È lacres wouid jb. »'eë"sa17 for ac VIlb uséd f&i hI Z f «Overail, ]Pm quit.ý pleaý'ed," rCouneiiloi, Joev Dràtiniws more caustie in his connriîénnts,,ii Iý-H. '!ympathized' ,WithxFàP ner a .d other h t?~~t next4o otni~pubhÙdLopen ~~'¶'S me 1of the pubic--.d o ' deserve access,» said Drxîi-f' 'thik Combe di so~&ki~dof inuustice fthes. èe -pieeio.A kihda. of. eolei bib4kye~d that ýýho didn't invite *andz . hes hlable-te gethurt.» The.rovised,,applicationwil 'be ciruiaedfor comment-, .from varlous :public, and->governmenit agencies before comfing back -.to committëeat a later date,ý with ,a recommendation from staff., Sbulids 'aiTIlko OPEN 10-7. Mon.,Tues., WdTrsFý 1,4 *â I Bro.klin United Church news - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r7777, eveffing or andicecreamcones. weekend boredom, See our plants, flo wers and crafts. 1 00' à *î

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