51,condot B Mke Kowaiski A condmuum apartmeit conîpexplaned for own Él ti~ ro ear property owners. everai ,,area ratepayers apperd befoeTw coni' plann adédveiopment com mîttee lat week to 'oppose a deve ,ppment planned for the n t ~.crer of Dundas St. E.and~dnt SO', ih ýConrstruction --.Cor bas filed rezoning, and' offfficia plan axnendment applications for a 15-acre site on the corner. Thg,çg ppy wants.to. erecýt* five jaartment buildings ,of vanl-. oush e'ight' ntainîinga , fttaof 329uis Asingle-family dweýëllingno occupieà the site but the ,area ijs priManl oe paoe n,, wood Ilèe p*ropérty îis designated', residenial and open spaoe under Difr"h'.Règ iôni's officiaI pln.:. whft1bly's of ficiai .plan adds 'a haar-d Iand'desîgnation, to the site,. due .to the,,proxiqmity of neib' PrihgleCreek. .Archtect Robert Grossman told. the meeting onlySEightly' more than six'acresWill bôeee- loped. 'Mie remainder'of the site. will remain -open, space, said -Gross- Tofu-toreq buildings'.are plannied for the nrorth'ýend of the ieveloprn 'ent; -two si-storey buildinigs i-in the centreand-an eight-etorey structure on thecor-, ner. "We tried te create the most subtle development possible,- rather than a massive building of 329 uni ts,» said Grossman. PeryTerrace for 'ringles with sp ecal needs Half of> the 84 apartments i the Perry Terrace fo be built i, WitbyWillhave renits gearêd1te tenants' incomes. Perry -Terrace, te be blt'on Per> St., is, sponsored by the Diurh am ,.Region- ,Non-rofit Housing Cor. Conistruction of theé84unit buildinhg,, for singleà witi'pecial needse- wili coat $.4millionf- ded by the pýrovine Whiie laif of half inîsll incomes, the other if il b made available a'ýt the market rentai rate, :»based i-,nitially ;on. conpgrable acomoation -in the community. "I know these apartmenïts ýwill.- be. welcome addition te.,the bous- ingý.gsuppy in, this aûrea,'I sgys. DurhaMî Centre MPP Dr îmm9n wit- WH »YREE P¶RES%,'WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1994,PAGE11 Y uildings,,planned, for Dundas-ËGar.den, Ho' ,Saià d thie develope r ao wanted te keep the buildingselas far, aspssbl foniexisting1ý to*nhousës fVo the noit. -Suzie Egge.t of -DunïlQP'St. W.' c pl mnedGosan on the building design but said it "is the wrorgËlocation. .Eggert' said construction wili cause Storm water and érosion problemis alongthe creek, wh'ýle the eventual inhabitants willadd polution. - Grossman re plied that -the, creek is about 200 fl. from the site and' that company engineers do not expect it to be affected. In. response te another ques- tion, an ýengineering consultant said la4rger -cuiverts: wili be in-- stalied along the creek. The. vlume of wà ter will remain th ame but"W wîii e, lowered,,ito.reduce the .possibiitY "of flooding, said the engineer. Howeveri,bisý interrogator said. tbis -p*roject ,Will only compou nd * rbeS'created by other deve- lopmients futer upstram. 0Councillor Bss ..Batten, com- mittee chairman, said ,*water ,management i s monitored tbroughout the municipality He said potential prob*iems from' this and other develq9p- ments will be addreïsed duri1g the applications assésmentb Town s taff and- otber public agencies. Oneof the agencies ,whicb WIll providinputïs the Central Lakce Ontario Conerition Autborityý addedBatten. - John DoIstra of 'Regency Cres. reminded the" commiÎtW , of«,lait October's 'fire wbicb gutted an apartnient building at,200 Gar- den St., and was worried that it could happen bore. He aiso wondered about the impact on nearby schools of in influx of children froin the deve- lo0pment. An ýuniüdentifled companyspokî-, esman said botb Durham tueon scbool boards ibave already in- dica1éted that' an y .new students can be ccommodLated..- * Bût Doîstra',dié'puted 'tbis dlaim. 1I don't blieve it. live betd Leëslie McFarlane (public scbool) I challenge tbat comment," saià Doîstra. T.R., Dawson of Eva Ct. t. opposed the project because of traffic, water and fire concerne, but "espeiallybeight.»,. «It houl d be.Ç-a maximum, of four storeys. .The reît' of the buildings in that area are four, it should also be four," said Daw- son., Sonterlan president Bill Tees-, 1er tried to assure residents the area -wili benefit from the. project. 617he effect on, the creek is'nil. This ýproperty has been neglected for 20 years,,it's just a swamp -in the mniddle of town,» said Tessor. «We're trSing 'toerate usable Tessier çaid the, development *iIl be both esthetically'pleasing 4nd affordabie. 'Designers bave - not, sa criflced i uaiity iorder Vo .keep costs own, hoe s#essed. "Itfs the antithesis of this type qf tbinkina.» said Teseler. The condomi*nums will be rwner.occupied and range from $100 for a .one-bedroom unit te $139,000 for two bedrooms with a den. While not reyealing hià posi- tion on the application, Batten said the locatioký merits. spocial coneideration. «We b ave an opportunity te, bave'soîietine really nice on. this prope'rty,» spid Batten. "Irdllike tesee eomething strik- ing on the corner as ,y ou approacb it, but -ail I see firont Dundas St. rigbt now are. tbree ýÀdmI . isanot, an archi-' tect, Batten said "Tere bas.te be some way for it te be designedi50 yrou don t sam three large, biuld-» stten suges ted -the develo-, pers m ay have to, saciflce som density in orderI6te accomplish it. The proposai will becirculateil for 'comment before coing, back te, committee with'a recommen- dation from planning staff. Surps yousi tJ Deto'changing times, we've- changedl Cornedown and sample our new menu and nightly.dinner specials COMPLETE 3-COURSE* DINNERS 95 SÉ FINE DINING 44 Stevenson Rd. S., Oshawa For Reservations advertisemenât Pineloft ce1ebratel' anniversary wi ribbon cutting cer( Sharon and Joyce are pleased to announce 14 years--of serving Durham ]Region. Tbey are conveniently located at 918 Simcoe St.' North" juat above- Rossland Rd. in Osbawa. To celebrate this event customers cmi win their purchase'. There are 14 store items to be given away (details in store). Come in and browse, as - there are several in-store speciai 's Vo*be haïd.. Among the second Vo. 'none',collection- of pine and oi selection of ai accented witb apl you make your pieased to find th; paying the P.S.T. sale event, whicl Pictured abovei Joan Wood,'A] Crevier, Rick Crei Mason andJoyce The PI~ i-1 Fos~' -Fý j! A'>' LA innn a4,341-w,.F ak- furmishings are a aiques, ail tasteul ýpropriate touches.Wen purchase -you will be at Sharon and Joyee are .and G.S.T. during this h lasts tili May 3 lstI9l. are from left to right: licia Crevier, Sharon vier, Oshawa Mayor - AI Squires. i91&.SimcSt.N Oaua* 579-9311 t 1 SCIE L. Elegance is stili affordable ý 1 eei-b Týjj 7 f -r 1