PAGE 10, WHTrYFRME PR>., %WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1991> Buffetttis furth candidate i&n. Whitby FROM PAGEl1 council, could-lack the effective business leadership essential to running a sucoessfl town,» said, Buffett. "As Mayor, I would like to proceed in a Positive direction., cont n the sanie business ..mnnr tatMayor Attersley Buffett did'not dlaimi to have spcal insight intoAttersley's plans, .but said, "I« think it's (hier commeFn ta) self-explanatory,, thiga mâllunfold one way or (Attersley has neither confir- med nor deniedhaving intereat in the regional chairmanship nor ha chairman Gary Herrema announced that hie, is retiring from politics.) Buffett preferred not to reveal hrcampaign platformi at this tie, saying «we still have a job to do on tins council.» Nor did she have any direct criticismn of the incumbent. Howev na prepared state- ment, Buflett said seah t pursue «an even more anesto role in attracting more diversi- fied industry to Whitby. Even with three candidates in the race ahead, of her Buffett does .not .,feel she, vdlf be-,Ieft scramiblîlng for votés, corne. November. "Temajority- of the popula- tion mix is in the aoe proup, Ifeel Ihava good hande on the. issues that face them,» said Buffett. 8h. also p oints to her business background and work on the. 1991 budget as additional 'quali- .My' experie nce as, budget chairman demonstrated to the' public that-sound fiscal manage- ment allowed us th maintain our levels of service while residents were sparýed- unr ,creases during period." Bon in;iToror lived in' Whitby si 8he.1is a co insurance busi< president of the 'M of Commerce anc Business Improve realistic tex in- Although a membé 1r ofthe Pro.- arecessionary r09Cv onserative artyBif- ato,,Buffett a'prysnoseetIýhta~ inc 197A. p~n - Ità nt in theé J3uffett saà idîshe will draw sulip.i e ,se and former iIlport lfroômi, acroâsthe 'pôltical 1-the Downto wn 8h.xpets tO Spend a-bô', 9zmentAr'a. $25,O0o her campaigný ' Biugelli won't ru n nWest wardY PROM PAGE 3 «We appreciate your efforts. Our loas will b. your gain at home with your fainily and your business," said Attersleoi . Councîllor Dennis Fxsi Bugfelli «tughtme a lot" follow- mnghis election.three years ao 'Even thoujh we had fights, I willmissyou, said Fox. couniOr Jo. Drumm cracked, «lIl now be known as Joe Who» and said Bugelli has been'an «excellent» representa- tive. . Counilor Marcel Brunelle said -Bugelli brought a "vitality and enthusiasm that will be mis- sed.» Councillor Lynda Buffett said he "added a lot of spice to our lives.» Councillor Ross Battenà said he would more proporly pay tribute at a later date. «I look forwardto serving with you for the rest of your time, you will b. missed,» said Batten.ý "I will miss, you, ail, but not totally,'joked Bugelli. 1"You haven't got rid of me yet, I will stili be spaking out.» Bugelli saidliere appretiated the kind words. "Most people -when they hear these commenta, are in the cas- ket. I like te hear them while rmn StUR alive." Following the meeting, Bugelli told -reporters he, spent several weeks before makring -bis deci- sion. «I wasgetting requests toseek other offices. I1 had te look around 'and weigh al ýthe options." Bugelli sad bis decision was also helped by hiving someone in the ward wiio h. feels cam do a crediblejob as lis successor.', <That person is Judi Là ongfield,. said Bugelli «f'rom ilJ the candidates rve heard so far, I would endors., her,» h. said. Born -in Malta in 1947 Bugèlfli emigrated te Canadiii13.H operates a-"computer pi'tia' business i W1 by He and wf yd aefv children. 'Tii. Artista'Jazz* Band,'an exhibition of printa. and paintings by prominent members of the. Ibronto Art Seèfra tiirogh!tii. 1970sop at the Robert . Three Men and A Bass: OV.ohfie Garnet Rogers wi11 b. gest p erformer at the. Vital Sipark Polk Club evening on Saturday, May 18, 8 p.m., at 91 Centre St. S., Oshawa. Rogers, singer, instrumentalist and songwriter, is known for his powerful, resonant baritone voice and wiy sens. of humOur. ickets are $10 foir members, $12 for non-menibers, at Uh door. The. Dunham-based a capella vocal quartet, Tbree Men and A Bass, will perform, ths month et tiie Whitby.Courthouse Theatre. 1Due te the success of lest'year's concert, the. show bas .been extended over two, nights, Thursday, May, 30 and Friday, May. 319, both shows beginning at 7:30 p.m. The group bas gained recognition in the Durhiam and Toronto areas, perforing at various charitable variety and fashion shows, Durham area schools, the. Easter Seals Telethon, Whitby Public à ibry, and in the. Rising Star Coetition lest sumnier at the. Aiso performing in the show are Scarborough-based femele q uartet Contrast, and Oshawa's Bruce Chiistopher. Christopiier, a veîy talented solosist, lias performed for many years, but is most known for winning the Rising Star competition at the. CNE, end for subsequently competing in Vancouver in the ail Cenadian amateur competition in February. Contrast,"lias' performed in vanious Scarboroughf area variety enMY16 Itzbegain TorStointm. It McLaugln 1950s witii, a few ýartisa'gtt togethe*r on a somewhat irrhma basi&L' They incdude s well-kniown anloirat a Gordon Rayneron &umà an -- ~ pl~g 'pno and - tel i 1'I shows' and the Rtising Star Admiîsion is $Q end tickets are availabl~ at the. Whithby tlieaetr' à dvanc: d ticket outlet, IÀon ée Trading Poot, '122 Brock tN., Why (430-3774), and t Houa. Boutique 1IMies Fas]iîs 71 Station St., 'ajx (427-91 -1), or cail (416) 668-3925. TIck ts *wil aise b. available at tiie dor Dfrectors choseniil for 1991-92 season The board- of directoris of ,htY, Courthouse Theatre h chosentdirectors for 1991-92s&e son rýduct;ion:. 'Guys slnd Dolls," Susan r'arr wi' direct '$ut ' and Joan ]Roantre TRom ýervce.' Board members say mani talen4e individuals applied N~ the directorpositions. Tii curtnt Coôurthouse -pré- ducioà -,,'Gaslight,' conitinue.or (ay 9,,r10 andl Tickets are available at Lafon Ltie Trading Post'in downtewr Whitby or at the door on niglit oi performance. Theatre Ontarjo festi'val underwayinOhw awa Little 1beafre wi bl bhoat- ntheTheatre Ontario Festival, wh%-ch«ineludes the. best of coin- mpuniy theatre works from al e a 1- Il e tenor ahd. base' P.-iaes'a An*chael. Snow a.onflugÉel,, hoin, trumpet aând piao Siî~oe tii.,beg*mnmg« t memerhave.cage ' e pople-came te l"isennd endec-.I Up lplayig while ohr eventuafly.left TG aýacemîpany prinfa by tii. Artista' Jazz -Band. members, woeke from the.permanenit collection of the. Robert, McLjaughlin Gallery are e on Thé, exhbition continues until, Ag. 4. Admission ta th. gafleîy for Art. to be held at y Thé. Station Gallery> and r'Ro Çy lubofWliitbhy,.willi hold' >, Drwig for* Art-o Tiusdy nJui' 13 at'Invenlynn. a* p T~ ucaing tickets[ o $5,aeassured of wînùgan -orîg nal workof<à rt byTregxonally ~'and ationially .recoedl6ýCà '-na. diani'artists. Each work 'of,é bas a retail. pn ice ofbtwe $150and $1,000. > The pre-sold 'tickets will b drawn; in, random. order "on f.hé eming ofnune1 ' iOôkt TMe proynilcmeio a plays: 'Amadeus' pr.séiite. by an Abertine' by 'hEpaoa Vieigi fo t pi.t corne taOiiawa a-idral Mimes the -BtîMéi, liâ-ttie - l:iatre; ià ttie Theatre draw frein 8 te 10.p.m. ~ eoe uýLtus will j bé the first dDoà ,* wif ý è':b Cai' niy Alpaswilb edia h h~ ilà loe orp official-chtsttaki k pae n wright S)fiarîon Pollocék *'d pre- Oshawa theatre.g,.nning at spcagut<iéenrgènîf the. Lttle 'Theatre bocated et 62 sented. by tii..Guelphf L ià ttle '7:30 p.m. onopeninday, -andaât tain' ent andie hmets . nRussett Dr.r avb"lfromwi usetD.Theatre;A Ife,'reseted <v i pa'alt~-ae~Jswî ikt r'a~b.1 thPaet>iug G i: GARNET ROGERS Rogers is guest artist I.-- ------------ -