* WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAr MAY 8,1991, PAGE 3 Whitby man killed inOhw Itemsfrom Whitby Council agenda(s) Monday, May 6991i Planning and Developmrent »Committee Thatrezonlng and officiai plan amendment applications- t ram Sonterlan Construction Corp. -for a condominium apartment developmfent at the northeast corner of Dundas St. E. and Garden St. be circulated for comment tram public and government agencies. Sonterlan proposes to construct f Ive bu ildings of varying heilghts on the 1 5-acre site now occupied by a slngle-famtily dwelling and waoded area. The b uildings will contain à 29 units. Referred to planning staff. That a revised plan of subdivision tram Whitby Gardens Inc. for a 74-acre site south of Taunton Rd., between Cochrane St. and Hwy. 12, be referred ta public and government agencies for comment. The mixed residentiai development wili contain 570 units, plus an elementary schaol, open space and a park. The original 1989 proposai called for 100 more units and less aeetlannngstaff That a bylaw be passed which would Implement a provincial-municipal agreement for $300,000 ln road and servicing Improve- ments ta Gilbert St. E. The money wilI came t ram the Ontario gavernment's Program for Renewal, Ipravement, Development and Econamic Revitalization PRIDE) program. comimended to council Operations Committee That Whitby Transit's progress report for April be received for Information. Lest month, Whitby Transit buses carnied 51,827 passengers which was a 28.8 per cent increase over the 40,216 passengers of April 1990. Passenger revenue ta date totals $182.632. Revenue projected ln the 1991 budget was $174,755. The report also notes that Whftby Transit's new service ta the Oshawa Centre has been weil received. A total of 2,150 trips were made ta and f rom the centre since service commenced April 2. Recommended to couneil That a bylaw be passed conf irming the we lght limits of f ive bridges in the muiniip- Aý Whitby man was killed and another. wounded following a shooting on a south Oshawa resi- dential street early Saturday. Ronald Florence 22, of 100 White Oaks Ct., lied 'instantly from gunehot wounds to his chest and stomach after being shot at point-blank range by an unknown assailant. Arson suspected after fire at restaurant Arson je suspected after fire caueed $150,000 damage ta the commercial- plaza off Jrock St.. N., just north of Mary St., in downtawn Whitby early Sunday inorning SWhitbyý firefightere were at the scene for five hours after res- ponding ta the fire caîl at 2:14 a.m. Thle fire je believed ta have started in a room at the rear of Souvlaki Master restaurant which was gutted by fire. Thlere was emoke damage *ta other stores in the p1aza includ- ing Beverly HilsWeiglit Lose Cinie which was alo foroed ta close ite doors. "Vie think it ,was deliberately set," said platoon chief Ken Cor- ner of the Whitby fire départ- ment. Durhamn Régional Police, the Ontario fire Marshal'e Office and the fire department continue ta investigate. Building permitS take bigjump By Mike Kowaield After three monthe 'of little activity the value of building permi'ts issued in Whitby jumped dramatically in April. Figures released by the Town'e public worke departmient in- dicate that $e4.2 million in per- mite weire processed. This compares ta March's total of $7.5 million; February's $1.8 million and January'se .2 mil- lion. -Residential permits accounted for almoat aIl of the April amount with $33.9 million. Permite were aiea iseued for inetitutional, $185,000; commer- cial, $40,000 and industrial, $3 300. i'he residential p ermite were for 85 eingle-family dwellings; three apartment buildings com- riing 259 unite; four tawn-1 house developments of 32 units and 12 link houses. A pleased Mayor Bob Attersley said the residential permite were the highest total recorded for a singlemonth. "Tat shocked me, it shows there's some movement in. the communiity,» said Attersley.. Howeverlhe did not krýow if ApriliL the norm or merely al g in the overaîl pattérn. "Te 85 singfle-family dwel- linge are a bit eurprising, these are nÃ"rmally larger homes it's a sign of something,' said Âttere- Heýie added that the 376 units represent a «good mie» of houe- in yes in te municipahity. uncillor Rose Batten, chair- mani of Whitby'e planning and development committee, had not yet seen the April report so he' preferred not ta comment. But Batten did say hie has seen signe of an improving economy. i 'know we've had a lot of activiDr ini the planning depart- ment, said Batten. Vihile the April report shows a Another -man mýho was with Florence ie in serXous condition in. hospital with 'ýfounds to his chest and shoulder, As of Monday the gunmanwas stili at large. Durham Regional Police are releasing few details of the shooting which occurred on Dean Ave. between Wilson Rd. and Ritson Rd. early Saturday morn- !îfowever, area, residents say the victime were returning from.' a, stag party when a-, gunmnan walking in the opposite direction' opened fire. Police have not yet identified the wounded man who remains. in serlous condition at Oshawa General Hospital. A third man who was with the others wae flot injured. H-e was taken from the scene*for further questioning by police. A portion of the 3treet was sealed off for.rnost of Saturday while police looked for further evidence. A nearby construction site and areas along Hwy. 401 were also searched in the hope of finding the murder weapon., Insp. Bill Kolebnik could flot provide any further. details Mon- day except ta e'ay poélice were stili investigating the matter. Born in Uxbridge on. Oct., 15, 1968, Florence had been employed, as eL construction dryfwaller. He ide8surviLved by hie mother, grandparente, three brothere, two sistere land their famnilies. DO IT YOUR SELFGARDEN CE îNTRE ':, OGS GARDEN GALLERY 5515 THICKSON RD. . BROOKLIN, ONT. O5-33O'4* OPEN ALL VEAR Large geraniurn plants in io" Anhiite othe's Dy AH r:: pots. Plant some instant colour. gift to last for years.W eg. 1.9Floribundas, climbers, Larg selection of WTIIUT colour NOW 9.99avaîlable. Re.9.99 utpal, Save 5.00 NOW Alother petunias OR 99 ___________7.99 EA. multi pack< Easy 10 grow perennials which last Wonderful spndng flowMengI là romea n earprovdeing. wihbroadleafed evergreen. Brighten Mup any Iroom Mith a Excellent var:ety Blossoms of pink, red, white potted Mum. 6* pot Reg6 99- V ~ .,~' of plant s available and purpie. for al l'i' htin.9gT SW E 1 gallon pots.01 11 Reg. up to 6.99 NOW290994*997 TM -Save EK_ . *ov seas- ug obe. wns Wser e ea VISIT US-WE'RE I CATTLE. 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