.PAG 20 WM FMPRESS, WEDNESDAy, MAy 81991 CEERATIN YOTH. Photos by Chris Bovie ALICIA JOVi,39 top :lft) aà nd Nicols Hoknan, bmught thlrt favw b as to -E&F. Hub&hJsoYs Toddy Bear JOAN SANDERSON, top îfgtw) wsone of the meny ,'and: abmi lrytdem who Jl. wfth uJdnW ra ï, Lbry iGtild Day at HenrySbOM HlKgh'Schoo sTmDENTS at ELA. Fairman PLuIC Schol i) 100k pfl ln 'Gft4> Dar, vearhi acclba l Ue. GRADÉ, 4 eeh t eLEA. H&ilclsonPule School