WRTJ'BYGeneral Hospital held campaign. Participants, young and thefr third annual walk-a-thon in old, turn ed out for the 10 km. walk support of the Ffrst Class Fund ChyleDavMe pho Graywood.proposai recommended FROM PAGE 1 convey roade not required for 10 years,» said Wojcicki. "We'have no yroblem with the location of roadts, building roads and conveying the roacs, the issue is dedicatng it up front.» Wojcicki said at some .point, Graywood may have ta alter the direction of a ro'ad and did not want its bargaining position withn abutting landowners made weaker if it did not own the land out right. "Wé're flot trying ta avoid building the streets, we just don't think'it's necessary ta do itup front,"he said. Wojcicki also objected ' toaa requirement that the casheu- valent of two per cent'of the landà value for the commercial -and office blocks be given ta the Town ini lieu of parkland." Counicillor Joe Drummn agreed with Wojcicki. «r've neyer known us before to ask for all the roads up front,» said Drunun. «I think we're putting the armi on you a little too strongly.» As for the unprecedented two aer cent contribution for -park- lnd (thé rate charged'for indus- trial development), Drumm said, "If we haven't done it before we shouldn!t do it now." Notinq that the site has been the subjeet of varlous planning studies- and development pro- posais over the years, Druimm said, "Lets get going » «rm flrot -prepared ta look for roads and two per cent at this time and put the squeeze on someone who wants ta put bucks into the town." Councillor Lynda Buffett con- curred. «Two per cent is excessive and the -roads are a little on the extreme side » said Buffett. She addeci that the parkland provided fôr the residential com- ponent is more than what is required by the municipality. Counicillor Ross Batten, com- niittee chairman, disagreed with his colle agues. «I c'an see trouble ahead with the road conveyance, it gives us no access and we have ta nego- tiate with you (Graywood),» said Batten.. «rm not asking you ta build themn now. I just want them conveyed so .we have' a bird in the band and we know they are there.» Although Batten conceded that he would be outvoted, he would not alter his position on the matter. After discussinig the request for a few more minutes, the comrittee then left the counicil chambers for a short time .ta diseus it further. When it returned, Batten said the comm=ittew -had* agteed *,ta- keep staff's original. condition regarding the raad conveyance. Hlowever, it was subject ta change if a satisfactory arrange- ment could be made with staff. The recommendation goes ta council next week. WH P REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY .1991.'PAGE 19 THE REGIONAL DURHAMUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBLIC INFORMVATION'CENTRE CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EXTENSION 0F TRUNK SANITARY SEWERS TO SERVICE THE COMMUNITY 0F BROOKLIN IN THE TOWN,0F WHITBY The Rga ukplt of Durham là in the pmocess of flnaMznq the alignrent. forte fututmextnsiorn nsanitary sewer rmquied ta service the commu- nity ai Braoklin ta Ithe exsting sanbtay sewerage system i he Town of Whiby. The -project s subject ta tMeClas En*w neal Amun for Mwdc*.l Sermg.pand Waler Pm* ce&.Cad lnin9 pracess approved by the Ministry af theEn"rmnment is being follçowe A public infomiaton,,centrbt present the rrferTed alignment for the trunkç sanitary swer and ta seek public WEIJNESDAY, MAY 22,1991 2:00 P.M. b 5:0 PJI. sad 7W)P.M.tb 9:W P. BROOKIJN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST, BROOICIN Staff of the Regian ai Durham and Practar& Redfem Umkited consulting enieesfor the projeci wihl be in attendarS ncet wr<etos o those interestea brief presetadion wil be gven at 3:00 p.m andat7:30 p.m.F Under the terns of the Class- Envimonmental Assessment, writn or oral camments fram the public and review agencies Wl be received and adkiessed in the Environmental Stuc4' Report being prepared for the project Follawing the public meeting fûflher comments will be receivd untiliJune 7,1991. Subjeot ta comments oeceived as a resuit ai this notice, the Region wil prooeed wvih the pbrning for this projec and an ErMironrnental Study Repart wl be campletdplaced on public record. Further information can be obtained from: MR. KEN THOMPSON, P.ENG. REGIONAL MUNICIPAL"TYOF DURHIAM, WORKS DEPARTMENT TELEPHfONE (416) 668-772 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MOtIDAY TO FRIDAY LG. HERREMA VA. SILffAIS, P.ENGu. REGIONALCHà IRiAN GOMMMISONER OF WORKS help the Region of Durham's Blue Box prog.ram worki effecrively! Your Blue Box collects only the following marerials: 1M *tie with NEWSPAPERS include inserts string or place in Plastic bag *place on top or be- side your Blue Box a keep papers out of the ramn PLASTIC SOFT DRINK CONTAINERS: *remove ids, caps & stoppers a rinse *CRUSH a place loose in box with bottles Place the Blue Box ar the curb by 7: 00 a. m. aon yaur regular garba'ge day. Yau may lea*ve labels an cans and barries if you wish. *Recycle Right! - it's The Thing ta do to proteot the environment DURHAM for future generations *'~***,* *,"*, GLASS DOTTLES AND JARS: *remove caps & > sroppers *rinse a place laose an barrom of the Box DEVERAGE AND FOOD CANS: *rinse *CRUSH (saves space) a placing in a plastic bag will improve our collection For more information 'cl: (416) 579-5264 (If long distance - Cali Collecr!) o u c 44 o c, 4 DURHAM A waste management information program of the Region of Durham and the muniùipalities of." Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa, Newcastle, Uxbridge, Scugog and Brock. - m