WirFII PRPUB% WEDNEEDAY, MAY 1, 1991, PAGE 21 No espnsebyAtiantie0o hu-dwnreus «Production at Atlantic, Paoka- ing will b. severely disrupted if the factorY is forced .to shut down flOiY eqiprnent, damsalm ÃŽenérà I manager Bob- Nelson says it will be dificuit foïrAtian- tic to complY with a recent Town request that it shut down mnachineÃŽrat night, and on Sun- days. "It would disrupt'production entirely&,said Nelsion. ý 1«lW.cant, stop one part of the operation ach ledependent 'on theother, hoadded.-- 1 Nelson was respondingý to counc il'a docision last wek to asIc the comùpany to shutdown machineatspecified timnes. Zoni does flot wantth equipmentuedbetwenl lp. and 7 a.m. auring the weekor any time Sunday until the pro- Talks go to, conilation1 By Miko IKowal.k Contract taika between the Town. of, Whitby and its union employees have reached the con-, ciliation stage. A meeting with a'provincialiy appointéd conciliator will be held May 8 im an attompt té hamoer out a* new-collective agroomont. for the TownWs 258 insido and outido ëworkers., Tý réito~year contract. 'I ix meeting had betn heid betwoon the l¶own and Canadian Union' of *Public -Employoes ((UPE) -when, both sidês agroed ta seok outsido holp said, union spokosman Jim Woodward. "Theres-no 'animosity, wo'ro not mad at'oach otho"r,"» said Woodward. «We just felt itwas tiine ta big in a third party'to help p ut ana imnt together. W. had exhautdtho taiks botweon us3." Woodward preferred flot ta, dis-- cues details at this time, nor indicate if any specific issues were holding pa settiement. Ho said tho union will bo in. a botter position ta -comment if conciliation fails. -«I can't really say what the key issues are, ta do so now would bo unfair t the other side,» saîd Woodward. «It might be thrown out of context.» Whilo the unions bargainn committeo is examining ail options, including taking a strik e vote, Woodward is hoefla agreement can bo reactied with the conciliatar.. "]Pm an eternal optimist. I wish it could have beeh done without the services of a conciliator but economic pressures are there." However, Woodward said municipal officiais have given no indication that they are seeking to reduce the number o ."Th Ton'sbeen trying ta -do "One always keeps all options open, -that (retirement) is cor- tainly one option," said Bugelli. SThe 44-year-old businessman said .ho will make a decision within three or four weelcs.ý Bugelli has represented1 the, Westitod since,1978. tf blem i. corrected. Company officiais have indica- ted tath municipality that a solution should be in, place withiný six ta soven weeks. -Whfle'Atlantic is 'still tryingta correct, the" problem which h as plà gùed soth Whitby residents' for the past five months, Nelson said the company has yet a prepare an «off»iciai' rosponse té council's reSuest. Nelson said that while Atlantic: will respond, ho would not In- dicate-i the company will com- Pl We haven't formulated a ro s- ponse yet," said Nelson. «Until we do J2d rathor not comment.» ý Nelson alo referred not ta seulato on what mayhappeel shoild the municipaty ordier, rather than, requoest, a shut-' downi Until an engineering report on, the' eisting situation is pre. parod, Nelson said ho could flot comment further..,.' 1Last January Atlantic manag- mÃent voîuntarify shut down the- Thickson Rd., S. nowspqLper recy- déing flant after rosiidrets began. complainingta Town 'officiais. " Tho noise has boon describod as a «low, ùenetratinq, droning" sound wMch varies in intensity. The source of the problemn was traced to four 6O-ft. 'exhaust stacks connectotavaoeuum eums usedin thenèsrt Atlantic enieers recmemen ddthat tho' oxhaust, level' .bo reduced and,,bales of straw bo placed around the bo ttom of the stacksta muffie the Sound.* Although the company admit- ted the measure was only tem- porary, ,officialIs wero satisfied wîth the sollution, when m achiery tesinresumed But accordhigtreiet9 h noise resumed following atwo- wek rospite.. WAS BARE Q IE There's an old nursery rhyme about Old Mother Hubbard who went to her cupboard to get her poor dog a bone. The same ýstory holds true tod ay when we spend the money we earn locally in out-of-town stores .and malts. Local' businesse ,s need everyone's sup~port to :continue providing goods and services at competitiveprices. Protect your own community "Cupboard" from becoming "bare" through the loss of business aând services by< shopping at home. l3th ôtf a serles,. Ke prt o th do~ ~l. lars yu s*pend i: [eO.11:I hi IRVI Ronald L.» Salsbury, 430-3988 Lesiey H. Barber, C.G.A.,,668-9387 SmaIl Appllance Repair Service, 220 Ash St., 430-8378 Totten, Sims, Hublcki & Assoc., 1500 Hopkins St., 668-9363 Ken Mclvor Auto Body,, 608 Garden St., 668-9822 Central Bakery ý& Delicatessan, 110' Dunlop St. E. 668-6020 CAR & TRUCK REITALS Rent-a-Wreck, 1230 Dundas St. E., 666-3361 Computer Learning Centre, 3rd Fl., 121 Brock St. N., 668-9713 DRMTNG UPU Total Reproductions, #1 6-17, 1751 Wentworth St., 434-5651 Yvonne's Esthetlc Boutique, Pearson Lanes, 666-4715, Olde Silver Thimble Qulît Shoppe, 119 Brock St. S., 430-0297 Devile's Produce, Hwy 12 ,,427-4311 HAIR SMINC - MfI'S & LADII Fair Lady and New Men, 116 Brook St. N., 666-4051 Ivan's Haîr Styling, 1400 Dundas St. E., 668-4321. Joseph's Haîr Stylists, 104 Dundas St. W., 668-5691 Strand's Haîr Boutique, Pearson Lanes, 666-0550 Fennell'Insurance,*#214, 185 Brook St. N., 666-2400 Yasmena's Fashion Gallery, Pearson Lanes, 666-5526 Ms. Emma Designe, Pearson Lanes, 666-9368 ~WMU Audrey Janes LingerIe, Pearson Lanes, 430-0647' a -ORYC Brooklln Cycle, Marine, Honda, 114 DundasSt.E., 666-1666 Gultarzan, 115 Brook St. N., 430-2543 îw&URD CAMS C & C Motors - Subaru, 1705 Dundas St. W., 430-6666 Marigold Lincoln. Morcury, 1120 Dunrdas St.* E.,,668-5893 Midway Nissan, .1300 Dundas St. E., 668-6828 Whitby Dodge Chryslor, 209 Dundas St. W., 666-3000, Avis Office Equipment, 2020 WentWorth St., 434-5079 Whitby Optical, 106 Mary St. E., 666-.831 Outdoor Inn, 305 Brook St. N., 668-0474 One-Hour MotoPhoto, 80 Thickson RdI. S, 430-6764 Krebs Restaurant, 918 Brook St. N., 668-9369 'Sundance.,Glass Studio, 513 Brook St. N, 430-1727 Loisure Rooms, 605 Brook St. N., 430-8621 Circle Taxi, 128 Brook St. N.,.668-6666 -RVE ONLNJ Dynes & Lloyd, Pearson Lanes. 668-8042 Russell Travol.1ý26,Brock St. S.. 668-5000 While Atlantic planned ta ini- stail permanent muùffiing devices, théecompany said workwas not expectd té b. completed for three ta slx mon0ths. < 1This e xplanation' did not please councillor Dennis Fox who urged councfil ta have Atlantic spoed up' the process. Accoring ta an, April 12 letter from Nelson, the cm<anno expects thé. __fing vicé't b. installed, within six ta seven weeks.. ei' At lest elsmeeting coun- cillor 'Jo. Drumm s aid legal action muet b. considered if the problem ise not rectified.* THE CUPBOARD.