PAGE 10, WIIrrY fRIE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1991 Reiet s* demandn action,.on PCB JS y Mike Kowalsld- Tolocal Womnen aredemand- ing someting b. done bu h CBabardf the derelict ferry boat ini WhitUby harbour.. I Nancy ýWilson and sister Nora Brln dhave collected several hundred- names on a petition wici will"be presentidto al levels of governxnent. Tii. petition demanda a quîick and fnal solution. to thepro lem of, almoat 500 gallons 0f PCBs being. kept aboard the Prince Edward Island fery .In addition, th4e7Whitby women are hoping te arrange a public forum on the matter in the near future. Federal and provincial politi- cigns, and government envin- ment officials will be.,invit.d te hear resiidents3' concerns about. the potential danger. lurking ini :101...Dundas St..W. Suite l304, Whitby668-3603 ..........:::. ...::W: ERS~~ The Durham, Board of Éducation, ~ the Staff and Students of ~ ~ATI-~' Invite You to the Officiai Openiûng or,~, 'I -e'New Gymnasium and New liabraryv the harbour. «Right now we're fcusing on the transformerscg" said Wilson. "If theres 'safIre tonight wiiat would happen? And iiow do they know abouÃŽt tiie lake?' Have they doneany testing?» Tii. sisters -agi,.. the "best alternative" is te mnove the PCB- laden transformera, .to Whitby Hydroi' TauntenRi.Pd..sMorage facility.(sSe4parate story). , , However, the.«neit beit alter- native,» is te ýput tii. transifor-' mers ýinte a fenced -in. sterage container:on tii. -dock until a decision is made on then, even- tuaI.resting place. - > "This -has -te b. 'don. im-, mediately were playingwt PCB fre"said Borlandgwti «W. don't. want'te wait until an accident happens. Althougii neither are membes of'environmental organizations, the wdmen have* contacted suii groualo sGreenpeace.,. ý2è'on' lcnow if tii. politi- cians are aware of ail the- facto. What we found out from world environmiental autiiorities is quite disturbing,» said Wilson. "If tiieres's anotheX fire orif there's a spiil, , wiat are the conséquences of itr» Wilson said Greenpeaoe >infor- med them that neitiier the, )fédéral nor provincial oe- ýnents have tii.e qujipznent needed.te contain a major-rieak of PCBs into the water. (A Greenp.ace spokesman was not available for comment.)* three fires and on. sink- ingthere is a real danger of PCi3a.gettinig ito the. lake, said' Wilson. 1 (Environment Canada officiaIs cîaimed boat owner Art Robinso n sunk the, vessel îast December but Robinson denied tii. charge.-Tii. boat has "since been refloated. (Due.tte presence of PCBs, Wiiitby fire chief Ed Croucii has declared tiie site an unsafe work- place. Firefighters wouîd only b. aâIlowed te battle a blaze from the doc-k.) Altiiougii the. danger from exposing PCBs tofire is well- doicumented, Borla'ndi said tii. problem- la just as, severe if FýCBs were to enter tiie îaleý «Greenpeace says.ýit's -equally as detriniental if iti.gets inte tiie water,» said Býorland. Enviroinnent Canada a'pokes- man Bob Krauel'^ said is. minis- try will talc. whatever action is nicesar if a-spili oMcurs. ~Itere was a spili, we would ,do our best to contain -it," said Krauel. However, "I cWnt envision (what form) 'a 1spili would b., we're talkinjhypothetically.»,- <Krauel'said a spili may, or may not constitute a health hazard.- "That's tqehto ,anawer, ,it THE 1991 MUNICIPAL ý.ENUMERATIO E ""Y Y! It's easy to complet the municipal. enumeration form which was mailed. to your home recently. "] If the information on your form is correct, just sign and return it. "] If changes are needed, "the brochure sent with your form wlll help you.. [l If you need more }ýelp,, contact 'the Regional Assessmin.tC9minis..- sioner at the ph 4e number isted on your. ft6rm, or cali free: 1-800-668-FORM Completing. ydur forfi' is an important first step in,,assuring your right to vote for -your. f",' goemrment. Schools, housing, ,,recreafon facilities, trans- portation... al the.,services your comunity provides are influenced by,,yourvoice and your-vote. '7 FORM YOUR. depends, on iiow ,far it spreads and how' it's contained, s.,aid Krauel., "T'ii. sam. as if there's a ffre, it could b. dispersed in the. air.» 1Krauel said that while'vwat.r samples -have tbeen.- taken fromh the. vicinity of 'the.boat, reIzé&iar testing -of the harbour is not don. "Therds no reason te b.lieve anyPCBs ,have- been ýreleased ite élake,' said, Kraiuel' Although ýR obinson was ordered te den upcontaminated bilge water in tii, boat's mli last month, Krauel said tii. «l.ak' obeurred- after tii. Deëcember refloatinig.> H. said bilge' water pumped ont in order te refloat. the- boat was not. contaminated. Krau.l said ,m'inistry npc ters keep, close 'watch- on the transformera te ensure the, PCa ar. stor.d prop.rly. .But h. did acknowledge that, thé:,egmalaspect 'as changed since t he vesseî's egine were removed in'préparation for the boat'seventual sale. As long as tii. boat was, con- sidëred operable, federal officiis could not- talc. action, against ]Robinson unless an ,emergency excisted. Krauel said the. PCBs coiild'. now 'conceivaà bly *be -considered'- waste material niM their, préent form., "Tere' no clear' indication from our legal _ people,'I said "IF theyre temporarily taken ont with'the intent-te p ut them bacc they don't-fali un« r ast ,regulations, but w. would't. treat it -that way forever. "And ifhe wants to, usethe, trnsfiormer. elsewhere it. could, poosibly be considered waste.' Meanwhile, in addition te col- lectmng more names. for -their petition, Wilson adrand are working onu setting- up a public «Werie going te invite repre-. sentatives from ail government levÃels te anar the Questions we'vebixen aéking," said Wilson. Whitby MaLyor'Bob Atersley welcomed such a meeting. -1 « I would lovýe that,» said Atterly.«I Want théepeoploto answerWho have' the juris ction te aùswer.Iý Depending on the date. and format of the meeting, Attersley said'ho would agre to holding it. in the Town ëounil cýhamùbers. Both -Ontario riding MP Bon. Sooctes and»,,Durham Centre MPP. Drummond White said they would be willing te, attend sub- ject to.their îrespective seheJules.« Ti>é.-sisters' are also seeking the community's help with their camIpai Tas interested can send their names' and telephoný num- bers to: POBa, P.O Box 24104, 601. Dundas St. ' W.,Whtby, LIN, MX. Blaisdale Montessori School ofA jax APhilo 'o'h -of the N*neties for the Chil - Six -T Cail 686-5005 for a visit and a booklet! Youll be impressedl Custom Upholstery Refinishn hIBzwmesgFeS3éYearg Modem, & An#tiqUe Choose from hundreds of 4uà lityabricsi! Furniture For-Sae! ' "~ ; i ~ Ontario