,WHMFrfl REpriESS% WEDNESDÂY, APRL 10, 1991, PAGE 7 PAGE SEVEN, TUIE We're the iproblem What is wrong with this country: an essay. Our flrst problem bas to do wth the future. We don't bave Thýiat may not startle the Spicer Commission, but littie bas. Everybody stands up and says, 'Me first, me first." Well, it . - Quebecers cannot bave sovereigit~y and stay in Canada. wnthawork tbat for permission.to date others. - Theslke akn your spouse Don't try anyof tblt soverexgntyr association crap. Your spouse o wouldn't buy tbat, either. Westerners want power. Easterners want nloney. Ethne jj N groupe want recognition. bavryndyblni::uwhitegihCaFre:c spalcing - greedy. .1-cwfr o White English-speaking -Canadians want recogiinfr\ Iqi people want recognition for baving maintained a unique culture on a continent of English. eog ogv vroewa Thiis country is not large eog ogv vroewa shewuhe A nd carved up into smaller little pieoetbe American tide will swallow us. Many Canadians ong te be ___________________________ swallowed, and prepare with quick cross-border shopping tripe. You cen see them lined up every day at border points, returning from the U.S. with their booty. Pardon: not lined up. Zipping back te Canada via the Express Lane. Courtesy of Brian (Sell-us-to-the-U.S.) Mulroney. I bave a couple of ideas of how we got ber.. One: we bave no imagination. For year, people bave been warning about letting our culture fail into American hands. Films. Books. Magazines. Recordings. Television. Especially television. Oh, Sure, we bave Canadian content. But bit by bit Canadien content bas sbrivelled. Canadians bave devoured Americain content as superior. Suddenly, we wake upone day and discover tbat our dreame are Arnerican dreames. We sbimmer te their Elvis, adore their politicianse admire their generals, salivate over their riches. It mnight b. pertinent to point out tbat Québec bas few such problemse. History, isolation and a language barrier bave provided* them with a stronger sense of tomorrow than the rest of Canada. Canadian publishers moan about the smaIl market En eh Canda roides (about 18 million). Yet French publishers producefo a market of 6 million. W. in English Canada. remain satisfied with buying up remaindered American books, watcbing re-runs of American sitcoms, pacling ourselves into government-sponsored stadiums te watch corporate America's professional sport our dreamns bave become trivialized. Talkto our young people. What dreames do they bave? Sure, boys sill dream of making it in the MM. Afew would WH1TBY BOUSE H(YFEI4,1955 like te bnecome rock stars Surely some long for careers in the ii. Whitb:y Houa. was bufit on Dundas Street West in 1880 by Joseph BandeI to replace an movies. earlier hotel tbat burned down. Tii. Bandai family kept the hotel until 1948. The, hotel is A few make it. Gretzky, Michael J. Fox, Kurt Browning. n>,o pp9relflrs."f These aùMn the few who could taste their dreams. Mst of our Wb, yArciaIphot Politics and politiciens are us. Were the proleni. Party. If we're a country fuil of simple.minded selfish jerks, then finding a fix requires sanie surgery. First, w. need recognition that our pâlitical. problems are tough te remedy, and laugh 75 YBARS ADO aloud at those vnth one-remedy solutions. The world doesn't from the Thursday, April 6, 1916 edition of the work that way. WHrM'Y GAZETTE AND CHRONICIZ W. need te pin down wbat we stand for. Thates what a' e The old Dufferin Street School, built in 1851, will b. sod now tbaethe Brock Street. School consttution is ai aboutnotabout how big apiece of the pie we is about toopen. each get. a A committee, under the direction of Miss Cormack, las sent 17 boxes of comforts te If thes country is te b. worthy of a future, we muet also have Whitby%' soldiers ini Europe. collective drearos. Dreame for our children te mature with. e Town Counicil is considering installation cf alarme ini the homes of members of the Fire Dreame larger than finding a half hour te watch America' eprmet Funniest People. Dreams lems selfili tban a lottery ticket. a UiahJoe will show off' bis new Gray Dort automobile et hie hardware store in Brooldlin. If we're going 1o demand better leaders, w. muet prepare te _____________________________ b. better followers. _____________________________________