PAGE 30, WH[TBYFEEPIRSS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1991 New bo ard of, directors at German.Canadian club Members of the newly-elected board of directors of ClubLoreleby Ine., a German-Canadian club, are: Olaf Rudolph, presideint; Heinz Henninger, past .reident; John Brunner vice president, admnierwatiair rene Li Ski, vice ~resident, culturbe strease; Helga Stader, membership trea- surer; Renate Scbmahl, secre- tary. Directors are Tony Hama,Wil Schmahl, Tom n nige, t l ter, Kranzl JulieMartielli Heunz Mier Dieter Wundr lich Klaus Trber, Guenther ehch. AUCTrioN SALE SUNDAY APRIL 14 - 1230 P.M. M~IN OR SHINE Furniture, prints, rugs& fiooning, craits, carousel horse, Dodge Maxi-van camper, the. prop.rty of GARY SIN E, AT 871 WILSON RD. S., OSHAWA (SOUTH 0F 401) Attention: Builders and contractors also weicomfe. Several -prints, nicey framed by Bateman, DJumas and McLean, fuiI lino of carpot soid by the <.boit & room size, Armstrong,, ifl 'orin g in', ssQrted patterns foôr kitoien :&bat h, indoor-outdoor *carpe t, Oriental rugs smali '& med. area Yùgs, tule, Bruce. flooring, dispîay* racks, desks, wooden soreens Nova rug shamfpooers, -smalî fridge, antique washstand, soapston e carvings, 7 Mparsons table, drop-Ieaf table, beroomn suite, hall table,, upripht p dressers, end;. .tab os, îefnoddchairs, gitems from novelty shop, NSA water filters, Walkbind snowblower, 1986 Dodge Maxi-van wth V8, air' & many. extras, sleeps 4. Auctioneer's note: This is a chance ta get the carpet you need et your, price in this public auction-cloarout oai -new., carpet and fiooring. NOTE TIME & DATE: SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 12:30 P.M. Teirms: -Cash, Visa, choq ues with' ID. Auctioneer. & owner will not be responsible for accident or injury in connection with this sale. Sale managed and sold by: IDON & PHIL COCHRANE, AUCTIONEERS 985-2788 FOR A COMPLIMENTARY facial or spring glamour makeover by Mary Kay, cali Sharon at 435-0534. HI, I'M UNDA, 38, single, wauld like. Christian penfriend1s. Lave pets, atI animâls, cauntry Ide.. Any on 0%ay e Please write ta: Box 000 c/oWhiby Free Press P.O.. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. L1tR 5St aing by Dawn - aelifts wfthout swrgery, etc. 4430-1328 BIRTH CONTROL and famnily planning caunseiling. Free and confidential, avaiîab[eMonda y o Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. Cinic every Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6 p.m. For further information, cali 420-8781 or 433-8901. FLEUELLING, BRETT - father ai Robert Anderson, d.o.b. 14 08 80 and Bradley Anderson, d.ab. 10 14 84, or anyone knawing his whereabauts, please contact Cecilia McNabb, 416-690-1311, Toronta, Monday ta Friday, 9 amn. ta 5 pm. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart ai Jesus far favours received. DF. IF YOU WANT TO DRINK that's your business. Nf yau want ta stop, tha's aums. Cali ALGHOLICS ANONYMOUS Lakeshore Districts 416) 728-1020. AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSO Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of- Hwy. 401 ( xit #399). Featuring every Wd. an excellent selection ai antiques,*fine furniture, glass chin olcibies, primitives, and the ujnusuals. 80 liusevery Wed. and partcpate with no buy-backs. or reserves. "Consignment and estate seîling our speciaity." Cati us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (46Ç83-0041 AUCTION ACTION SAT., APRIL 20 - 10:30 A.M. EQUIPMENT REDUCTION SALE FOR GWS LANDSCAPING CO., 1BOWMAN VILLE To include' 7100- Kubota tractor w/ioader & mower dock, 92" tri-plex mower, 3 trucks, snow plows, tandem trailer & more. Compete ist next week. For more info, cati 416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS SSHOP IN THE CLASSIFIEDS!I Vouil save time and money if you shop the ads in the classified section first' If's the place to find the big bargains youre lookmng for PROM -BRIDESMAID, mother- of-the-Lride dresses. Design your own, or use your pattern. Cindy's Alterations, Pearson Lanes, Whitby. 430-6550. WOMEN IN ABUSIVEý reiationships. -For heip, cali the Denise House for Women and Children. ToiI free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BAHA'IS BELIEVE - Let your adorning b. forgiveness and mercy and that which cheereth the hearts of the wel-favoured of God... Cali 668-8665. 430-6550 li' kiMary St. W. I usir, Pearson Luaes!1 Whitby *liapj THANKS TO THE SACRED Heart of J esus and St. J ude for favours received. CC. JOAN Monday to Friday I 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 430-1328 ABORTION ref errai information. Cati 430-1663. Pîsase check your advertisment for errars an the iirst day ai publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI not b. hiable for fallure ta publish an ad, or for typagraphic errors in publication beyand the. cost of the. space obcupied by the error Up ta a maximum cast ai the, Insertion. The. Whitby Fr.. Press reserves the right ta cîassify or rejoct ail advertisements. PRE-PNUD <Cash, VISA, choque received before deadîine) $5.00 for 20 words; ($5.35 includes G.S.T.) 120 each additional word; (130 includes G.S.T.) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate lune (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSUFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphios) Regular display rates apply - 860 per agate line Minimum size 1 coiumn inch $12.04 (14 agate lunes per inch) j PLUS 7% G.S.Tu DEADLINE Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. 668-0594 MARY JM4Tffa M E Lintner died at Fair- vieqLdr, Whtby on March 31 1991. She was 94. âie was born in Audley Ont., on October 26 1896 daugfiter of George and Ânna (Orvis) Lint- ner. -, A Whidtby resident for more than 70 years, she. was an employee of the former Whitby Malleable plant. She is survived by many nieces and hew and was pre- by ta= rethers Edward, Charles Jn Frank, and sisters Annie Follest and Susan Read. The funeral service was held April 2, 1991, conducted by Lev. Bessie Lane. Interment at Grave- ide cemetery. 6 Geerations of Service, Quality-& Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering * Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3552 Afler Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointmenta gladfly arra!ged BDit. a ce Crime Steoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public'. help ini solving a break, enter and theft wh occurred at the Orona arena on Feb. 10. Sometime after midnight, a door on the southwest aide of the- arena was forced open with a crowbar and entry was gained. Once mnside, the suspects went te a sterage area where they removed a grnder, crowbar and chisels. They then usaied the grinder te eut the dia1 off the safe and the other tools te force it open. Stelen were cheques and some cash. Several filing cabinets and drawers were also forced open. The canteen was also entered. Food, chips and hockey cards were stolen. A re-enactment of this break and enter will be shown on CITY-TV, channel 57, cable 7 on Thursday, April il at 6 and 10 p.m. during the news. It will also be shown on CHEX-TV in Peterborough and CKVR-TV in Barrie on Friday, April 12, again during the news. Have you any idea who broke into the arena? Did you mee a Esucious vehicle in the area of the arena or on Hwy. 115 after If 0o, you can oel.Crime Steppera. We won't ask for your name and, you'l neyer have te go ta court. A cash reward of Up te $1,000 i. being offered. The Crime Steppera' office is open 24 hours per day and the phone number is 436-8477 (thatse 436-TIPS). Long distance oeil collect, You canmiiaielel through your local Durham Regionsi Police Service number and ask for Crime Steppera. No cali. are ever recorded or traced. A citizen board administers the Crime Stppr.prgramisof which there are now over 850 ini North Aerica. 'M ewar mnay i raiued thro h tsi deductible donations whichmr esent ta Durham Regional Crime Steppers, P.O. Box'4 Oshawa, Ontario L1H71. Offle Hors:Monday ta Frlday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm Fax 66r8-0594 Obituary lot%