W~TBYE P~SS, EDNEDAYAPRIL 10, 1lu1, PAGE.11, Tw.o citizenis' forumstob-e held lix-Whitby Two citizens' forums, will be held at the municipal building in Whitby this week. The Chamber of Commerce and Jaycees will hold a forum in council chambers on Thursday, April 11, 7 p.m. Commissioner Susen VanDe Velde of 'Manitoba will 'attend the Thursday night forum. A grop identified only as "concerne citizens will hold a HELP KEEP 1YOUR- COMMUNITY CARING AND FRIENDLY! Good Neighbours Standing by each other. Find out how you can get your community involved by contacting: The Ministry of Citizenship Office for Senior Citizens' Affairs CALL COLLECT: (416) 327-2460 forum on Saturday, April 13, 1 p.m., in the council chembers. A panel of three or four people of different backgrounds, includ- ing a native Canadien mwill pro- sent their views on Canada at the Saturday forum according te, Marc Kealey of V/htby, forum moderator. Whitby r.esidents are invited to, ~attend the forums te express their opinions about Canada. The Citizens' Forum, or S icer Commission, is expected te -hear from thousands of Canadiens before it reports on Juily 1. A brief to the citizens frum To tii. Editor: This is a short brief from a senior citizen, wartime veteran, grandfather and concerned' I bave lot faith in political parties, their leaders and their objectives. There is *too much leeway for priîme ministers, no control pssible by the voters, and politicians interested only in retaining power. Governments bave, unfortunately, through our lack 0f interest, placed us under a crippling burden of debt with which our grandchildren will be forced te, deal. Governmenta bave trampled on many of the rights and freedoms we used te, take for granted. Governmenta bave forced us into officiel bilingualism, which is unfair and very coely. Govenmenta bave forced their way inte fields always considered the domain 0f private enterprise, atgoreat coet te the country. Our govermoents bave lied te, us soften that they are no longer believeable. Since many of the people are like me, why should we believe that the people 0f Quebec want to serate just because Our aolc tel! us it jese? 1 have hdthe pleasure and privilege of knowing, working aud servng with them. Ail bave been as much a Canadian as 4, many more so. Cen anyone guarante e te, me that their politicos are any different ftrm ours? Do they really want what their politicoS say they want? What d they reaily want? I don't know the answers teour situation, but I arn firm in my belief that *no- answer will be arrived at under our present political system, with the present leaders. The people must come te the decisions necessary. In order te, make whatever decisions that are made, work, we will need, at a minimum, governments under the control. of the people, operating umder strict guidelines as te, their powers and responsibilities;- less overlapping of powers, se that a decision reached by one, can not be affected bey, or affect, the powers 0f enother, strict financial sud spending laws -- no deficits except i national disaster or war; any major increase in spencling and taxation controlled by referendum; time limits on each and overy leader and elected members; strict. control of goverument actions, no action unlees covered by law, no executive orders or Cabinet orders that effect spending or taing. It is cbvious that no answer can b. available te, meet the so-cailed demands of the government of Quebec, but the people of Quebec must be made te ase that the rest of Canada wants and needs them te stay. We are not ready te, concede wbat their politicos say they want. We must make themý see that the answers lie with the people, not 'Poiticos,ý and ifwe te peoplo ettgther we caxiturn Canada bokinte the real> co untry it w as. A constitutional convention 'of the people is cailed for, now. Wilam J. Gag ~COUPONho This ad good for $3 0 F our next- mdium o large pizzaM 113 Byron St. S., WhitbyI 430-7383 430-PETE L Limit 1 coupon per order please. - -oepyNo cash value, I I I ERIC BARGER FORMER ROCK GU ITARIST PRODUCER/ENO INEER SPEAKING AT Whoitby Christilan Assembly 100 Rossland Rd. W. at Brock St. Su.n.April l4th -,10:30 arn,6:00 pm Mon. April 15 to Wed. l7th - 7:00 pm Nightly .... .... ... O f Special Interest To Parents and Teenagers *Get The Inside Story Cmmis8ion cost not a bad price to have views heard Recently, Keith Spicer, and bis Citizensd Forum have corne under attack by opposition members as a resuit of conts incurred fromn listening to Canadians. As a Conservative, I bave always expressed very clear concerna about the coat of governiment, but when we are dealing with the very future of Canada, I bave great difficulty ini bemng sympathetic to the cppoition's concerna. After the fialure of the Meech Lake Accord, Canadians asked, in fact, demanded, the opporunity to b. heard on future constitutional arrangements.p[The Spice Commisso s* etn that demand and is travelling in uncbarted waters As now estalished, their budget tralates into about 95 cents for every Canadian. Not a bad price te bave your views heard. Personally, I do not thiink that is too much te save this cunr and I hope that ail of you wiil take advantage by participating mn the forum. The ninister of the environment was in Toronto recently te, unveil somne encouraging blueprints in coinjuniction with the Gree Pln. he eetng as nterrupted by a protester, and as is par for the course, the CBC repoeted almot exclusively on the role of the protester and not on the very solid announicement by the minister dealing with Great Lakes water quality. It ie a shame that the CBIC spending estimates have been announced. Unfortunately, actions like this convince me that the CBC no longer plays its traditional role in keeping the fabric of the country together. Manyr of you bave questioned the Government of Canada's role in funding assistance programns in Iraq. I bave littie difficulty with supporting financial assstance te the Red Cross te provide humanitarian aid in that region. However, you should be aware that the governiment has not announced, and I would be very critical of any such announcemnent, that Canada would be suppying taxpayers! assistance te rebuild Iraq while the present tetaltarian regime is still in power, intent on oppressng its people and those of its neighbours. Please be assured that I have made that point clear in Ottawa and will continue te do so. cordiallii invite iou to our