PAGES8 WHrrB FREI PRSS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 31991 ." Tociti zens forumS. to b hedý in Witby JOHN PRIEB of Whitby drove off in a brand new Dodge Stealth from Whitby Dodge as the winner of a Sromotional drawheld by the car eaerhp and CFRB Radio durini the Toronto Car Show. With P-riebe are Mlichael Stanhope, District Manaer (Ontario region) Chrysler Caaaand BiB Hodsoll, President of Whitby Dodge Chrysler. Fr.. Pr. photo The Ci tizens'- Forum on Canada's future has thus far reported that- Canadians generafly: feel ý thatý its native Canadiens -are not treated fairly,, that Quebec bas too many deais on the table, and that the level of distrust among politiciens remains highn, eccording ta Mairc Kealey, a Wh tident and one of theoerator of. the forum. On April 11, the Whitb~y Chamber ,of Commerce and the Whitby Jaycees will hast, an open4- public forum at 7 p.m. in the' council chambers of the hIMtbyj municipal building, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. "Regardiese of what individuae féel about the forum, it certainly is serving a purpoe, " says chamber presidenit Bob Stanley. "Ini my view, Canadiens have itever been this vocal about the things- that are affecting their future. Nothing else has worked since 1867 in coming ,to- a census, o condemning the forum. at ti et %.. My iewpoint, Ibelieve that the participants a t forum meetings. really are. helping .redesign the country," says Stanley. :' A member of the commission, Susan VanDeVele, will be at the' April meeting. For ' further information, cail the Wib Chamber of Commerce at» 668-4506. A citizens' forumwill aiea be held on Saturday, .April 13,11 pm.,in the council chambers of the Whtby municipal building. A citizens' forum moderator will attend the meeting at which residents can voice opinions about Can ada. Get answers to housing questions during New Homes Month April is New Homes Month acroos Canada. If you plan to buy a new home, this is an ideal time ta learn about the advanteges of buying from a Toronto Horne Builders' Association :(THBA) member builder, to explore the p. many benefits of new homes, and exainethe -latest d mne in new home teclm10o y design and construction. Get anawers toalal your housing ~'etonse t the Spring N ational oene Show. Sponsored by the THBA, the show wiil teke place The THBA is also presenting a seminar for firat-time home buyers on April- 23. As well,, dipays at participating Bank of Montreal branches will sotlight new homes and renovation during April. Ceil 391-HOME for more information on the Home Show or Firetime Home Buyers -seminar. THBA president, David Keenan, edvises prospective new home buyers ta, be informed. MDon't buy on impulse. Shop around, do your homework and be sur you are comfortable before you sign on the dotted lin%," he said. Keenan said somne people spend more time buying a pair of shoes than researching- a home purchase. He offers these simple steps ta buying with confidence:' 1. Determine where you would like ta live. *Selection- crite .ria may be based on tranpottion, distance to place ofem oymçnt, proimity recreation faciitiesphping, tc. 2. Determine your ebility to meet financi*al commitments. * Review, current expenses thoroughly, including infr-equent expenses such as car insurance, taxes, etc. e Find out how much added expense wiil be incurred foilowing a move ta, a new home -- mortgg payments, taxes,, heat and hydro. The local tex office and hydre company cen help, and your lending' institution can supply mortgege cast. 3. Choose' your proféesonal builder carefully. 4. Prepere a liet of questions for the sales representative. e What are the standard features and caste ofupgrades? *Is there a lot premium? On r, 1 New INommsMmd which lots? How much? 9 What is the downpayment structure? i *What, ifany, landscaping is included -- éither on your perticular lot or witbin the subdivision itselfZ ,@ What will happen toaeny vacant land adjacent ta the subdivision? * Cen the chfidren walk ta, echool, or will they be bused?' When you are satisfied you have found your dream home, aïk the sales- reperesentative ta, prepare the THBA Standard Agreement of Purchase and Sale, but don't sign it before consulting a lawyer experienced- in, real estate law. The THBA offers, at no cost ta consumers, a series of il1Insights brochures. These informative brochures help take the guesswork. out of buying a new home. To receive Insights, cal 391-HOME. Buying a new home can be an exciting and rewarding expeLence. Maldng your decision, with confidence wivil ensure your enjoyment for years ta cameè. DR HM IDA SAH REGISTERED PSYC HOLOGIST AND REGISTERED MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPIST is pleased to annou nce the opening cf his part-lime practice at the Fanidly Wellness CIinic 1631 Dundas St E. -Whitby@ 728-9434 CORPORATION.'0F THE TOWN..0F-WH ITBY 1991 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The second instalment of taes- for 1991 is due and payable April 15 1991. 1=ayenis not received by the due date' penaltywill be added on the frs da idfault and the each calendar montb so, long as no-ament continues,. at. the rate of 1-1/4 per cent per month or artth ere If you have not recelved a tex bill and you are responsible forpayment. pleseconac te Tex Deparbtment at 668-5803' teobtainth necessary information. Taxes may be paid et any Whitby bank wvidout bank collection chaes or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rosslend Road East, Whitby, one-ro LYNN PIKE SUPER VISOR OF REVENUE WHITY'SGOLEN ride erecei- vda 1901 outta «dn performance award forrakn second overali amonç ra]il Golden Gddle stores i Ontaio. The Whitby. store was eva- luatod undeér the - ôtery- Guest' progrm. Prom left, are Vice Pre-. s dent, Maretin= and Franchise Servic, Chri Boranchise owner Rick Tessier and, chief hostess Beth VanDijM. Fpre. Pr. photo Baker climie recognized by AAH e '- 197 $jCa italGis e m l usns Baker Animal Clinic in-Wbitby- is now rcgnzedas a hospta member of tlhe Azneilcan Ainal Hospital Association. L-i~s than six per cent of the emnau' anial veteiayfcltes, iCaaaare hoita memer of the iassociationï. 1To, echieve the distinction, the cliniC, located at 1912 Dundas St. E., voluntarily participated ini a comprehensive,'.quality assess- .ment 'evaluation of its fecility, equipment ,practice Wmethode and pet health care manaLgemùent. Nut4ri-System 'March for Succes'in Whitby ln% Nutri-System March for The walk-will begin at Iroquois, sS cewHIltake-place Apri17. 'Parkwith-registration at I p.m., N ui r-'s tm geni es followedb4ythe walkat 2,p.m. tho outUrýham wiilhold a Refreshmùents, will bha served fiv-ýIkt om tilwak t he - along with thé largeot diet birth- portteOnaoarho as day éake ta hfelp celebrate the Ontario March' of Dimhes' 4Oth o:btahu- artà iny uriSstm pizes for a one-year membership locat in Drham tBeckstBody.nd Fitnem. 1