~~ - ~WBTBPM F REE W~S, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3, 1991, PAGE 7 PAGE SVENý SAVE ENERGY As I receive the newsIettýr, 'Centinel' from Centonnial Colfege, Iarn able to pasa on to.you ail their-envirornmental In theirF«ebruary -il newaleétter in Chiu, mand er of plant *~and.engi'neering, wrote an aiice-én eneripy conservation. Heo pointedout that energy conservation is a'vital part of saving our environmn Mswel shepigto save mny Chiu 'quoted Centemiam 19#elecriablilas being $820,000, and.that 55 per ýent of thbiswa due to lighting. the collèevis 40,000 fluorAcent tubes. IV qutesimple for eaofus tdoourpart andtuno. * igtswhnwereno sig urds. or kiffice for any amount of time. Heating shod b. kept et 21-YÉ degrees CJelsius fol, officesasid 20-21 foÊtlasaSme'and generlaes"asChu J He conclded thatteninnutes ofevery hourd o non-energy us. could gave up't' ten per cent of elecrcal osts -almout $50000 per year. ,- Wun 'ihnif how eneWgycoservation can,,apply to your hoi#e ý.nd-place for work I Poor economic cbnition are conciding with-the public.need for ,éducation Wp'environmental issues. Unfortunately, this resulted in the demise of an-excellent new envirormental, magazine entffled, Tecover!-Their last edition featured two articles'i by ,DuirËim environmental worker, Helen MacDoneld. I wish ]Recover's editorial staff success in continuing ta -spread the. message -of ecology, and hope that there will be a recovery of Recover at a future date. Pardon my slip. In rny suggestions Of environmentally-friendly bridaI gifts I1mentioned 'alununum' miigbowls as an option ta bowls that would eventually break and cannot, as yet, be recycled. I should. have said sêtainless steel. ýCOMING -'EVENTS: ~pil 1 7:30 p.m., Durham Environmental Network(DN memlers will meet at the Port Pe munici ai uidnf oated at 181 Perry St. (just north of ueê S.) -rig ýse-addrssedsamped envelpeif yu wis tarecive' minutes. For further iformationaotDN caîl 286-9565. I)& <April 21 (rainor shine), 2 p.m., Oak Ridges Moraine nature walk. ,Meet at Dagmrscoscutry skichalet on Lakeridge (HwVy. 33), north of- Hwy. 7. For further information, call Shelley'Gailoway ((416) 649-5384. We have much to ce le brat e By Re"é Soens Ontario riding MI> The opposition continued ta assail the government over the *27-million Spicer Commission price tag. Admittedly, the role of the opposition is ta attack the government over its progrwainsd -plWc. However, the issue of national unity transcends such boundaries. This country is far tao important ta us ail and must supersede any il feelings which may recehtly have been created. I find it most inappropriate that the opposition is willing ta gamible on national unity for the. sake of short-termo political gain. The Citizes' Forum will'be makin a stop at the Whitby council chambers at 7 p.rn. on April il. qe meetig wiil b. i n the form ofan open tawn aiml meeting. However, written submissions willb. accepted. I encourage everyone ta get involved in this process. Mot only do we owe it ta our children - w. o"eit teour country. As Canadians, we have much ta celebrate - our freedom, the richness of our land, our unique heritage and our citizenship - in this prosperous nation. This year, April 14-20 will mark National Citizenship Weelc, a time for Canadians ta celebrate their pride in this country. During this weelc, I encourage you ta reflect on the. values we ail talc. for granted, such as equalityr, fr-eedom, fairnes and justice. On a.fin al note, I was extremely pleased that the Speaker of' the House upheld my bid to axe the Senate's controversial &%. en-a-Jay ta-freeliig--ownc.Ibm one" wol -whav ee iM ALMONDS T.N1TED CHURCH, 1962 This franie church on Hlighway 2 near the Whitby/Ajax town line was built about 1837 and closed in 1971. It vyas demolished in 1977, and the site is marked today with a stone replica of the church and a plaque. Whitly Archve. photo '10 TEAIRS AGDO froni the Wedûesday, April1, 1981 edition of the WHITY FREEPMESS " An addition is planned for the ixýaIe Food Mart plaza at Dundas and Frances Streets. " The new Roman Catholic Holy FamUly Parish is holding mass at St. Paul's School- until a church is built. " John Nickson iïs president of Whitby Arts Incorporated. " Jac's Milk and Výriety has opened in Brookin. 25 TEARS ADO ftrn the Thursday, March 31, 1966 edition of the WHITBT WEEIKLY, NEWS " Detective Sergeanit Gerald Robinson is Whitby's new deputy police chief. *Much disraption is expected this summer when Dunclus StreetEast i. reconstructed ta, four lanes from downtawn Whitby to the Oshawa boundary. *Whitby General Hsita holds its annual meeting tonight for a membership of 900. * he. Ontarior Government is transferring the H1ighway 401 north service road ta the Town of Whitby but the Town doesn't want it. 7TEAIRS AGO fromn the Thursday, March 30, 1916 edition of the WHITBY GAZETE AND CHRONICLE e A new industrial school is'being establishbed at the recently remodelled Whitby Hligh School. e*rThe WJhitby Bowling Alley has suffered froru its second fire in three months because of the oiled wood in the alleys. *The 1l6th and'182nd-Battalions held a grand military ball at the Town hall on March 23. *A Dr. Ross" of Toronta, who was selling medicine in Brooklin, has been exposed as a fraud.