jjjjj- PAGE 18, WH]TBY FRZEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRLj 3,1991 $1,0,00OOgrant, for a-ssault centre A î al gantof $100,001 has ý enmce to the sexual assault treatmnent -centre at Whitby Genieral Hospital. The grant is for annual operat- INST NT B LB' ing costs. The centre provies médical and nursing care, crisis R D E PJ intervention, referal and short- term follow-up. A.~vume The< grant is* art of a five- uiirrDIuuS year, $28.8-mi'llýion strategy, TUI UD announced in- January 1990, to k <~ ~improve services to vîctimsý an, Lt SPrn's further assist victime in ,the jus- \Coma Early... tice system. M ite «Women who. bavel been trau- set th5Sle pots matized by a sexual assault need Il f Dffois to know there are places where <br 0Tu Ii. soN theycan ge tre atment that is or in tubs for sensiiv and caring,» said Dur- CRAFS à UMSy SAES LTO onglasdng 'hama Centre MPP Drummond r,,g' White, who, with Health Minis- « ter Evelyn Gigantes, announced fedm nds Y0 r the grant. neighbours. 'Destin Manor on -Coîborne St. E. in Oshawa received a grant of teefi $60,000. 0f that amount, ,77~ $15,000 is for renovations and the remainder is to applied te ea. the- deficit that resulted from providing additional services. 18Kg. Bag Covers 90m2 O itaries (9,68 ft') amars HIh~kROBERTOSBOBNE ON Y U$T CKîNo Robert Osborne died a a HAIRLý view Lodge, Whitby on Mareb HA1111 23, 91 e was 75. -Gomtortable lie was born in Pickering on -Contoumed February 16, 1916, son of -Highbsd< Howard and Mary Jane ( How Our reg.land) Osborne. iA resident of bisb al 1 SALE life Mr. Osborne was a armer Rie is survivedby niece Caro ynWhi4ly, nephews Hon and rrTy'Moore and brother-in-law e. Art Moore. He« was predeceased LimIt3 Perby bis sister Margaret Moore CusomeThe funeral service was hl on Tuesday, March 26, 1991 Interment at Union cemetery. VIVIAN FLEBMNG 5 Position Rh@dlos Vivian Mary Lucinda Fleming FODIo f Wtb died on March- 73, 1991 CHAIR She-was S Jn aà Ont., daughter, of-Smulaid -10Marycmgnes3'(Mlis). McGill. She -High glass marred\Norval Gordon Fleming ..'.. -Conured on Mayj4l,1927 i Janetville. I badc She rési ded in, Janetvlle unil LE she began training as a student Y nurse at Lindsay and Whitby -~~ She lived in Oshawa fr-om 1927 t LOWESTPRICE1946, and- lived the past 45 year IjniOlidea. in Wbitby. j IlG A A T E She was a member of Whitby E Baptist Church, and wasa * former member, of Calvar Cae re o/ esnfuiur s efetfo utlrs Y A - A E*E Baptist Chrch i Oshawa and wl o el hpocrc!WARRANTY. : Janetviile Presbyterian Church. 13EST 13 Y Ahe issurvived by daugbhter Grnidecmte roneMakr 3183Dundas S. E.,RW. E. HWY. 2 TAN68-3552 Sa.,Su. miay Rtsn Tunon6ter ous 68440of-13 Hoenappontnlflt*ladI arrngod