Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1991, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WHFBY FREE> PR<SS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3' 1991 TEVISIONAIRES of the Evangelical Seminary of: ...~ ~ ndonsiawereprforming guests of Whitby .~ .-.~..ChristianAsnby on Esetr Sunday. The, stu- dtouri¶reoril0 America am part of the Patorsnal porm Chds BBade photo Good ciizeë'.ns, The Honours and..' Awards Socretarit qf tbe . Province cf, Ontarîoý is seln nominationis for "the ýý19911 Ontario Modal for GodCtizenship. The. Onteariogovernment'estab- lished the. Ontario'Modal for Ç>d Citizenship in 1973 to recomze .and pay tribut. te those citizens. who make this province a botter- Place 'to live , thr-ough their." selfessnoss, .humanity and .Juat who are on ftee- citizenâ? -ThoY are the mnand womnen *ho care, about th. plght thf ti " por, theloiielinesàa.ofthe, eldeirly, .tii. frutrati-ons ýof the, pbysically and,,developmienal disab:ledi h3ied fth ic.l short, theY are peop[e who quietly> go *-about helping the-- leséa- advantaged mmes fOur society. Any Ontario resident: may b. nominatod for the.. awaréd.ý Nomninations will, b. oval'uated'by thé, tho 'Ontaio Modal for'Good Citizenship- advisory council, and awards, will b. conferred 4y the, ,ieuÜtenant >"Govrnr,., the Honeourable-Lincoin Alexander. . The dea ne for norminations is April '15. Nomination forms arel availablo at -constituoncy offices of ail,,momnbers eOf 1the .provincial* parliam ent -or from Honours, and AwadsSecrotiat, Ministr-y of Intergovernmnen1rtal 'Affairé, sixth. 110or, Mowat elock,ý 800 Bay St., Queen's Park, Toronto, Ot.M7A 102. For more infration, contact HelenBourko, coordina-ý tort Honoursý and Awds Secretariat.at (416)e95-8944.' Do yo ur bit. to ,,'Pit.eh.-.In' Cemmunitis chools- and voluntary, organizations have benencouraged te .start planning for 1991 ýPitch-In Weelc and te eideér free materials fromn Pïtch-In '-Weeëk ýorganizers to a-ssiat them .in, their .campaign. Pitch-In Week takes place May 6 te 12 in Ontario and most cf Canada. "Recycling will again b. -a major focumo of the. campaign in addition te litter élean-up, and wo are urging participants te order our specal free collection bags whichcanbe used toidentify and separate recyclable and. non-reècdable ,waste," states Charles Alexander, 'president ,Ontario Federatien of Anglers and' Hunters, sponsors, in cooperation., with, Pi tch-ln Canada, cf Pitcii-In 'Week iiMi Ontario. An information it about the, campaigu and containing an order form for.free iiaterials was sent eut te thousands, ef cemmunities, sciioéls youth and other comimunity.organizations in early ,February. ,The. free matorials are boing provdd m NOVA Ce-ptin of Alberta, Ontarie Multi-Material Rocyclingý màc. and the Oýntario Ministry cf Envirorument ,who are -finanial supporters of the, Pitch-In Wek campaign. "A large percentage c f the. more than- 1.2 miillion -peope who patciaed iii last year's campaign Separated the ,waste collected during clean-up prqjocts SatHere Be a part or Canada's original, green movement - with kids. and, we' expect that numbk te haebeen estgblsheïd during thé. past yar " adds "AleI'xgpder., The 1991 Pitch là ee cainpaign, whoe Aeme isle"Itn l Your ands," blside its promotion of waste -rtion -and litter .deëan-up'by including. comnposting Y n t ange cf suggeste-4 individual and, communie'y activities. Organiizations" wisihing furtiier information'about Pitch-In, Week, which 'has : become ýCanada's Iargest, environmental partci-' vtiôn progrm'm, can -contact Pié-nOntarjo, 500 -6 Adolaide St. E., -Toonto., Ont. M5C.,1H6. $50OO grnt te Westmnl-steé-r- Westm2ins3ter United Churcin'i WMhy has receivèd a provincial grant -of $50,000 >te, make, the faci tyaccessilete seniors.- «Tii. fundinig is for installation, cf anaumti elevater and automatic door, opener,, renovat- ing stairs and sidewalk,' and making -a washroom' and entrance accessible. Pizza, for patients Whitby Psychiatric Hospital patients were the. benoficiaries of a pizza-making competition iield Mardi 21 by . Domino's Pizza stores in Oshawa. Pizzas produced by, Domino's Two 'Tray Times compétition were:delivered te local',charit ies. and institutions, incluidingthe. *psychatricho'sp'il.' rSHOPPING, TRIP TO BUFFALO' NEÉW YORK- 1 SATIURDAY, APRIL-2O, 1991 > I Leaving at 8 ar. «j Wjhitby.GO Train station retumhing aàt 8 p. , phone: 6682(W ty) v« 2 Why5i "J,' .The *Wh.itby free -Press would like to wish Happy Birthday to ail its carriers' wîth -APRIL birthdays Grlegy egley Steven Holloway Daniel McV eity Jason Dickson Jerome Lecky Marcus Paelp Allison Fraser Ian MacKinnon ,Eatrryl P eIl amie oodfllowAndrew Mclntosh ChrStPh1 lai Gofe -.5D d -Y-.voo -dvow4ýý-

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