Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1991, p. 3

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WMITBY FREE PRS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1991, PAGES ron gert d'. d, ",ee rel.. "n 'e Iteins fromi Whitby Couimcil agenda(s) Monda4y, Maroh 259,19,91 Recommenda- tionis from the, Committee That applications tram Orlanda Corp. ta permit prestige Industriai develap- -ment o'na 0.81 -acre site on the West side of Thickson Rd. N., be denied. Athough staff recammeinded approvai, the cammites three w eeks ago. toit f urther deveiapment ln the area wIl be detrimentai ta the enviranmentally sensitive, Corbett Creek and nearby marsh. But foiiawing a submisslon t ram anOrad spokesmfan, council dimected cammlttee ta take another laok at the application. Hawever, committee upheid, its oigina'l docisian ta deny the appiicalion. .Çared That a site.plan application ftram Essa Petraleu m »r an expanded gasoline baÀat the southeast camer af-Dundas "St. E. and Kendalwood Rd. b. approved. The applcant -plans ta replace the exlsting 253 sÏq. f.Ü.klosk with. a 475 sq. ft. structure. That a draft plan af subdivision tram Awaiting Develapments for a mlxed commrcial-resldentlal deveiopment on Garrard Rd., narth af Rossland Rd. be approved. The deveiopment will conslst of 67 single famlly homes, 57 townhauses, a commercial block comprising 0.352 hectares and a park block occupying 0.408 hectares.. Carried Recommenda- ti.ons from the Operations Committee -That councilipetition the That the gazebo in Rotary Park be used for weekly musical concerts during the sumnmer months. According ta a staff report, a variety of musical groups ranging tram jazz ta Dixieland ta the big band era have expressed interest in the prapased event. The f ree concerts will begin June 5 and run ta Aug. 28. - Carried Tougher' laws ta pro1tect Ontario woodlots from the deve- lo9per's axe are being recomiàen- ded ta, a municipal lobby group. A special committee cf the 'Association, cf Municipaities cf Ontario (AMO) bas cailed for a revamping cf the provincial (AMO is a voiuntary orý,ani1za- tien which promotes the inter- este cf Ontario municipalites. It bas' yet te, endorse. the commit- tee's report.) Although the Trees Act regu- lates cuttmng on private pré>pàlrty, it needs strengthenfing to ensure protection of woodlots from deve- lapinent pressures, says the coin- mîttee. To achieve this objective, the cammitte. wants thé province ta, empower municipalities to, pass byiaws aimned at restricting and reguiating the destruction cf local woodlots. Among the committee's recoin- mendations are the following., a * iandatory notification and/or permit system at the municipal level prier te the des- tutionaof trees on private land and provision for an appeal pro- cedure and. tree protection orders; * deletion cf il statutery exemptions in the existing act, but giving municipalities the p owta ake make exceptions weeappropriate; For example,, under the cur- rent act, an owner cannot: be prevented from cutting trees, for bis own use if the weodlot hMs been ewned by hlm for more than two years. . * municipalities be allowed te, issue stop work orders against developers in order ta, enforce bylaws; **increasinq the maximum fine for contravenmng the bylaw frein $5 000 ta $500,000. Wle current legisiation also provides for a three-month jail termi, the committee feels more effective deterrents are required. The committee's report bas received'the solid endorsement of Whitby ceun cillor Marcel Brunelle. "Soxnebody's- been listening te me,» said a pleased Brunelle. Town budget meeting nextmonth Whitby residents will know the Towný's portion of their 1991 municipal taxes in two weeks. Counciller Lynda Buffett, this year's- budget chairman, said Monday that Town council's pub- lic meeting te approve the bude wili be 1ed prf9 at 7 p.mu.e Altbeugh a'definite figure bas not been fermally anneunced, Buffett said earlier tbat she is trying te keep this year's tax increase within five ta six per cent.%f U[ thinkil real effort has been made to address the issue,. it ehows there are problems in other quar4ersbesides Whitby.» Brunelle has been fighting for a tree preservation bylaw- in Whitby since earlyj last year. Brunellé was furious that a Toronto ideveloper 'remoôved several trées from a subdivision after having promisedI to pre-ý serve the tirees., 1A tree preservation- policy was needed to prevent similar in- cidents. fiom reoccurring, Brunelle Warned. HoweveLpravincial legisiation is essentially. lirnited 'to' the Municipal Act and the Trees Act. The former enables a munici- pality.to pass byla'ws regulating cutting and removal of trees along highways, but it does not extend to trees 'on. private pr- Rwiile the Trees Act governsý cutting on private property, it is limited in:'scope, states the- coin- mittee report. The act -dates froin the 1940s when widéspread clear cutting of private forests led ta the enact- ment of the Trees Conservation Act (now Trees Act) te protect future supplies. Although only 15 per cent cf Ontario forests are privately- owned, these woodlands are cru- cial to southern Ontario's environmient due te lack of Crown forests in'this. region of the province, states the report. %pet, economic pressures on landowners ... have resulted» in the loss of up te 45 per cent cf4 the- woodland in southwestern Ontario from 1961 'te 1986,» states the report. The draft report was released te receive public imput on the recommendations. A final report wi'l;ibe presiented to both AMO's executive and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources in June. Brunelle expects the dcmn te be ready for AMO's convention in August. "I will.be there supporting this one',» promises Brunelle «f *ust hope it's not watered clown by then.» Brunelle has high hopes that the government will. pass the necessary legislation. He points to the «heavy in- volvement" of t4e nministry in ISABELL RANDALL Sales Representative Bus. (416) 668-8897 ~ j Res. (416) 655-4207 For personal and professional 3 real estate service. Z YestIetcaly, * l'eas ig I Invites you to enjoy aI preparing the report, as indica- tive of the government's feelings, on the issue., 'A J. 'Denys, -manager cf the ministr3's private land forestry division, s;erved as co-chairman of the "comniittee,. while other ministry offIciaisî were'nmembers and/or àdvisors. Sberi -Oral S k4si;nanýfo-r minister Bud ýril ma1,aid the minister's office b ad anly recently received the report and no- one had yet had an e ppor-ý tunity ta review it. < Meanwbiie, a 'proposed tree- cutting byiaw is -now akingthe rounds- of various Dur b amn Regien councilcmites Brunelles works committee must stili review the document' and prvde its *MCu before it goesb'acék ta the planning cein- mittee. "rd like te se. it pass, thraugh the committee and council so that we bave semething ta work with now,» said Brunelle. "As legislation becames avail- able te us, we can amend it.» Brunelle said tbere are several weodlots in .Whitby wbich are susceptible ta ,develýopinent and miu9t be protected.. MThis(proposed' byiaw) isa god fir-st step, bùt'I want <te se. legislation passed',by thé 'Pro- vce as. fait- as possible," said Brunelle. Whitby plays' host to Lonueuui The Town. of Whitby will erve asthis year'shost municipality of the' twi'nig arrangemdnt with Longueuil, quebec. Councilor -Tom -Edwards ,told Town counceil "Mondlay ý,th4ý rE-I--à dents and officiais of Loàngueuil will be in Whitby uigtk weekend of June 1416. _ Edwaàrds., head of the locall twinning cammittee, said aub lic mè,eting.will be held ii te council chambers-an Apil,'SOt'o outline activities planned for the Quebec visiters. The June events- mark -,the 22nd year that.Whitby ,and Ingýeui1 have been twinnied.< CLEAN UP AND FERTI-LIZE YOUR LAWN, GOLF- GREEN SPECIAL Reg. $25.99 NOW $19,V99 COME IN AND' SEETHE FLOWER SHOW! OPEN E VER Y DAY OUR ARE NOW IN FULL BLOOMI, *Rake up 'your flower beds -and putjin sheep manure8 (1 bag covers 1 squar fet Plaànt Pansîues Now! Guaranteed l ot to freeze. (Selection of 20 diff erent varieties.) Usedormant oit spray kit for fruit trees and ornamentals!, Use Cygon 2E on.your> Birches SPECIAL Reg. $1 2.39$9 9 See our dlazzling flower display in the greenhouse. Qen To The Public! SJOHN BROU WER GARDEN Hi # MÀAND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 40 650 Lakerictge Road South, Ajax. Ontario Li S 4S7 S. E & TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680 Open: Monday to Fday Sam - 8pm r-w l y$*st~ Saturday Sam - 6pm, Sunday 9am - 6PM I I1f1 e NOTICE The officeâ of the Whitby*, rree Pre88 wiIl be cloged on Good Friday but w.iII be open 'on Ea8ter lionday. Deadline8 for adverti8lng will be at the u8ual1 time, tlonday at Inoon but to en&ure prompt. &ervice we urge you to book by Thur&day afternoon. The 8taf f of the Whitby Free Dre88 v18h you a happy and joyful Ea&ter weekend.

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