Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1991, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WIIYPBYFREE P¶~SS~WEDNES1~AY, ~"(~7,i991 REC ROONSI, BASEMENTS, drywall - tapinq and finlshlng, trimwork, coramic tiling, painting,' gon oral repairs, fencing and docks. Cati (416) 576-7503. CERTIFIED -BRICK* LAYER- Chimnoy repair, retainîng watts, watkways, -dnivoways, water- prooflng, window' cauIking< & oxtorlor Painting. Cali Kovin 668-1036. Froe ostimatos. RESIDENTIAL, RENOVATIONS, attorations and additions. Cali 430-0880. FURNITURE REFINISHING, spocaizin in aniques and fine fumfure chn cupboard doors. Freo o stimatos. 20 <y4ars oxporionco. Cati Porry, 655-402 NEED A. NEW ROOF? Re-roofing, ovor tops, strip jobs, flats and repairs. 430-0880. FIRST MORTGAGE avaitablo' undor 1il'per' cent. Debt -consolidation and f mianciaI advlco speciaiist -residontiai 'and commercial. Home Guard Funding. 430-8362. PRIVATIE MORTGAGES- the place to go whon your bank sa78 *WServng Whttbysinco 173 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. APPUIANCE REPAIRS to ail makes and models, including air conditioners, washers,. dryers, stovos, dishwashers. Good, reliable service. 430-7382 or 683-8519. ERROLS APPUANCE SALES. New & used coin washors & dryers. Repairs to rot rigerators, micro- wavos & appliances. Rogular hours plus EVENINGS & WEEKENDS. 10% seniors' discounts. 432-7734. REE MICROWAVE& Refrigeration Services. Servicing ail makes. Microwavo ovons, rofrigorators, freezers, window air conditionors, humidifiers, etc. Cati Raeo728-0692. HANK'S APPLIANCES. Apart- ment fridges and stoves $350 a sot and'up. Guaranteed. We buy used appliances. Hank's Aplines, 191 Blo6or St. E., Unit 6.728ê-4043. Sewing Machine Repairs A# hMakes ComploteTune-up $39.95 Reconlonod Sewing Machines from $59.00 TOMMIE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 4W lng St W.Oshawa 29" COLOUR Advance System 3 Zenith TV. - under warrahty. Must soit - too big for room.'10 hours use. Paid $1,046.52. WiII sacrifice for $800. 725-6733. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- soats, socý,tionats, Ioss than haiff pc.Large soloction. MKo.en Furnmqure, 524 Simcoo. St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. 1 GOLD KENMORE STOVE. Good working' .ordor. $65. Cati 668-7S320. KING SIZE., round Holtywood-bod with mattross. White hoadboard & whito fur mattress- covor. Compete,$250 or bost offor. NO GST i DEAL$ ON WHEEL$ Public Automart/Flea market. Over 2 acres of vehiclos .for sale by ownor. Open every Sunday only. 1730 Simcoo St. N., Oshawa.' 725-0002, beave message. 1985 BUICK CENTURY Wagon, fuîly Ioaded..Thîrd seat. Ziebarted. 139,000- km. Original owner. $4.500. 427-2170. 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL. 122,000 km. Good running condition. Asking $650. Phono 430-7450. 1990 FULL SIZE GMC extonded cab, short-box truck. Options. 2-tono paint. 5 titre. V8, automatic, air, AM/FM cassette, plus. $18,400. 655-4870. 1984 FORD BRONCO Il. New motor, new transmission, new differential, new tires. Runs great. $4.000, as is. 666-3006. VW RABBIT, Diesel, 1979. Needs body work. $250 as is. 655-4820. 1983 PLYMOUTH TOURISMO, 4 cytlinder, automatic. In good conditon. Asking* $1,300. Phono 430-7450. 83 CADORETTE 16-V2 ft. Bowrdoer. Fiberglass, fully Ioaded. 70 HP Evinrude. Easy ridor traiter. Asking $11.000. 666-8456. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance bocause 0f aga, pooir driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. MATTRESSES, and box springs at *hàlff prico. -McKeen Furniture, 524,9imcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. ANTIQUE WALINULT 7' 6" long. Excellent $350. Phono 430-0029 p.mf. or weekends; credenza. l LARGE SECTIONAL COUCH. condition. Washable mâterial, noeutral colour. aftor 6:30 Very good condition. ' $300. 666-3006. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE.. IrS FAST - rns EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR, DETAILS., VACATIONS/TRAVEL, FAMILY HOUSEKEEPING. COTTAGES, large Weil maintained property, sandy beach, boats, fîshlng', reasonable rates. HaIt price June and ýSeptember. Homestead Cottages, RR,#2 Minden, Ontari,,KOM 2K0. (705> 489-2550. CANAL CRUISES; fîve' days aboard,.KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenlo Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal: private sile-roms. meais, free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7.' MOTORCYCLES- SUNDAY, APRIL 14, Toronto International Swap Meet& Ctassic Bike Show, International Centre.'Alsoi fealurlng MOTORCYCLE AUCTION. mIaf: (416) 427-4201. Spaco té soul bikes/paris/eto. aalbe FARM SERVICES GST. GET YOUR One-Time Credil. Ottawa owes you a GST stant-up credit ot up ta $1.000. Gel yours with TaxGuard GST HandleTM. Cali 1-800-268-6735. EQUIPMENT GARDEN TRACTORS/RIDERS-NOMA, Buy now payilaler! No payments until Juiy/August. Lease t0 Own',trom only $55/monthly. Calil collect (416> 4.44-3292 (Monday-Su*nday; 9 to5). GARDENING NORTHERN FRUIT *TREES, Decorative'Shr*ubs, Evergreens, Seedlings, Nul Trees- and Raratlora. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Mal-order only. Catalog $1. Golden Bough Tree Faim, Box 39. MarlbanK, Ont. K0K 2L0. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For Information on both write: Properties, Dept. ON, Box 5380, Sin.FR Ottawa, K2C 3J1. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY for any purposel Pay off bilîs, credit cardsl Example: Borrow $10.000. repay $195.00 monthly. No quaiifying hassels! Cal Intransicon Financial tollfree 1- 800-268-1429., MISCELLANEOUS STAINED GLASS: Shop by mail. Glass and Supplies. Great prices. 184p catalogue. Deposil (refundable):- The Glass' Place, 50 Ste-Anine, Pointe Claire, Quebec. 1-9S 4P8. Orders caI: 1 =800-363-7855. COMPUTERS COMPUTERS, New )T-8086-l2Mhz $413. AT-80286-l2Mhz $521. 80386-16Mhz $1063. VGA Color Monitors $402. Printers $247, Modems $125, Harddisks $300, software cal. warranly, catalogue 1-800-627-9273, fax.jBBS (514>- 247- 3365. FOR SALE JOIN THOUSANDS of satisfied customers. Buy wigs ai wholesale çprces. From $39.95.'Shop by catalogue and save. For FREE catalogue CALL TOLLFREE 1-800-265- 7775. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide Io home-study correspondenceDiploma courses: Accountinig, Aircanditioning, Bookkeeplng, Business, Cosmetoîogy, Eîectronics, Legal/Medical Secrelary, Psychoîogy. Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1 972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auclioneering. Next class: June 8-15. Information, contacte Southwestern Ontario School of Auclioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontauio, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, 1EXTRA,-INCOMEI Grow -baitworms ln your basement or. gara >ge. Odorless opération. Low lnvestment. Market. guaranteedt Free informatio -n.. Early Bird Ecologe, RR#1, smithvifle, OntanoLOR2A0 (416) 643-4252. UNLIM ITED'INCOME: PQT*ENTIAL, Manufacturer noýW.] seeklhg Ontario deaiers for, JUICEWORKS", thîea 9zig n.iew:fresh jules'viendlng machine,CaI Ac 1ton Asse'mblies (416) 873-7806,ý for Information p'ackage.' OWN ALL CASH SNACK."VENDING. ROUTE. Newest .Machine lsopenlng up great locatIons. No competibon. Earnlngs can.exoeed $1.000 weekîy part-lime., $1'6,000 U.S. lnveslmenL 1.800-444.0615. N EED EXTRA CASH? Stant your own -10OK Jewelry business for. as Mll1e as $50. Easy, funl Inquire loday. Gold Dlscovèty, 14335 - 47 Ave., Edmonton, AS. 6H- OBO. (403> 434-2550. BE VOUR OWN'BOSSI Are you'lnte'rested In'develapina career ln 1he equipment leasellinancing industîry? Canadian Lease, Networks. offers: Canada :wlde. successful organization, Genuine, flnanclng/sup porlt ram a rmajor Ieasing/flnanclng company, Guaranteed, thotough, lralning/ongoing support.,Guaranleed to make monley, Minimal Invesîment, No expenience necossary. Caîl David (416> 634-3658. SALES, HELP WANTED B3E RICH, AND FAMOUS* FT $100,000. PT $25.000, commission. Market Canada's Hottest Music Videa Vacationi Program Bookiet Prolected Territoies available. 24 hour information line. 1-800-263-1900. HELP WANTED CANADIAN PORTABLE BANDSAW SawmilI Manufacturer needs Representatîve 10 êthandIe Sales, *Service, Demonstralions in tiiis marce\ area. Contact: CSI Ltd., 19564 - 601h Avenue, Surrey, B.C;VaS 4N9.' EXPERIENCEefarm lite in U.K. ContactîheInternat ional Agricultural Exchange Association at'1501 - 17 Ave..S.W. Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2,10 Iind oui how. PERSONAL LOSE WEIGHT - LOOK GREATI'Free information." Ai new natural package. Fast -resulîs. Send naine, address loday: Diet Service Institute. 2 Bloor St. W., Ste 100, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3E2. -SERVICES OOVERSEAS JOB SEARCH* Post-war construction *boom. Health-care personnel., construction, pipeline, trades labourers, dIerical.ý consultants, enginèer. Lucrative tax free wages! Free transportation, accommodation. For processing &placement (416> 631-11384., STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY DIRECT - Thousands of satisfled custemers have bought from the best for tess. 25x30 $2,309. 35x40 $4.189. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN I- 800-668-5422. (24 heurs). BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StiaitwalIl Type - net quonset - 32x48 $5.665. 4dx64 $8,188; 50x96.$14.671 - non-expandabte end(s), other sizes avaitabte - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Haurs - 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS - STRAIGHTWALL - SAVINGS. 24x36x10 $3.692. 32x36x12 $4,667. 40x48x12 $5'814. Includes Sheeting. Trim, & Steel Main Frames. Oueonset BuildrXs Also Available. Ail sizes availabte.. CatI 1-800-668-4338 ,or (416) 842-2100. WHY SETTLE for second best when you can buy the very best for the saine money. For aIl your, building needs cai Future Steel Buildings. 1-800-668-8653. Your ad couid appear ln community newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, ' or any Individuai province., Space is Limlte.d, so, Cali This Newspaper Todayi For fturtner Information please cait the Whitby Free'.Press Ciassifleds - 668--0694- BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"I To reach a wider market, advertise thmuùghouit the regional memnbershi» of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associat ions newspapers - $160 for 25 words AIl Ontario 1711 newspap:èrs -1$350 for 25 wor-ds?*(Cenral ntaro ~Ail Canada 572 newsbapers - $974.for 25 words mmmfflamp

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