Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1991, p. 1

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Baten ciiie Cromberpr andprovince By MikeKNowaloki Both the provincial govern- ment; and a report on protecting Lake, Ontario's waterfront have corne, under .fire from'.Whitby councillor Roqs Batten. Chairman of Town council'e I I INSIDE SECTION *1~...~**........ Staff have no objection'te the "prnceiple" of a trail, in fact, both the Lynde Shores and Port Whitby Secondary Plans incor- porate trail systems, the report states. But, "the- location of these trails wvere determined through a local planning process and should not be arbitrarily altered by the province or commission," the report states. It further adds that the pro- vince has provided «little direc- tion" on how the trail plan will be implemented.. The report refers to Crombie's desire to have the waterfront declared an area of «provincial interest» under thë Planning Act. But staff note that the commis- sion does not specify how this will affect local municipalities. "Prior to declarin te Durham waterfront as- an area ýof provin- cial intereet, *the coi *sion àhould. cIariIy how 'the :decla- ration of interest is intended to be implemented and. seek local input into this process,». the report etates. As Batten points out, these and other concerne muet be resolved before Whitby can give blanket approval, te the Crombie report. «I don't really have a problemn with the direction, but it ties u municipalities- in some areas, said Batten. However, Batten does have «big problems" with the Ontario government's sudden involve- ment in municipal matters. He referred to the provinces recent objections to a major resi- dential development planned for Wihitby harbor.- SThe Ontario Ministry of. Muni- cpal Affaire has threatened te .tleWhitby to the Ontario Municipal Board .unless changes are mnade to, a $150 mrillionnrn- Some bunny, loves yo LAIEACORNHILf.L, partner in, Grandview Rabbi- trdisplays a black rex during 'Meet the Bu»- nies,' a hands-on information session on rabbit breeding and care, held'îeoently at -the Kuights of, Columbus Hall in downtown WhitbY. 7 .ý,Ch.BBovIe photo Tratertenants,' at Hydro's merceY. inee panin t kldsuch a ject planned by Coscan Devélp y loowlk workplace under the Health ani trail from Burlington te Newcas- It appears little can be done' Safety, Ast in o >rder te protect iti tlein he utue.SU PAGE 14 about Ontario Hydrô's threat te employeés. tle n th'futre.turn off electricity te an east Overhead >wures are exposea Whitby trailer park. and hangj close tô antennas anc gProviincial rent review legisia-, trailers. I as benestiatec tion cannot stop Hydro fromï dis- reairscould coat, up te $80 000, M-1connecting the wer ý te According'te YrounÉsg's etter -..~.the- Subwa Mo ie Home- urt Hydroq has dealt with thrýee suc- oMay 7 Uause of dangerous cessivergstrdowners. of thé . pn ark* during the past threyar Allogh a judge could- order teh ave the probleme corricted. park owners te -correct. the'pr - DougHuggins.'the lateitlregis bleme, it may not be ýenough te tered 'owner, was prosecutéê By MlkeKowalsld after residents -repeatedly om- keep 67 families from being left under the Power Corpora tion Act A noise problem wluch foroed plarned te municipal officiaIs. without power. last year and fined, but irepaira the temporary closing of a south' The source of the noise was Earelier»-this month,.Frank were nâot made. Whitby factory, in January traced te four 60-ft exhaust Young oHyrsWhty ,o0ffic Young told the Free Pres~ refuses te go away. sitacks connected tée vaccuum sent ýa'« letter teo wners and. Hydro does not have the, «lega Townf council. Mondaiy reoeived pumpe ueed in- the neweprint tenants 'of the Dundas St." E. auithority te do the repairs itieli a 20-namne petition fromn Lowder dryin-g procees. trailer park and then bull the owners. «It's up Place residents objecting te con- Atlantic engineers recommen- -Citing 14 different instances of to the- owners, our only alterna- tinuing noise from. Atlantic Pack- ded that the exhaust level be dfet wii ng at the 'site tive is te disconnýect thepwer. aging. reduced' and bales of straw le Young liasake Hydrols central We can't go onte private pro- Despite the company's efforts placed around the bottem- of region office for iperýmision te pertv,» said Young- te correct the problem, residents etacks te muffle the noise. dconnect ýpower if repaire are NIieaàdmitting theý tenants clain the noise has not abated. Although Atlantic officialI not substantially completed by are ucaught- in -the middle". However, the petition notes- admitted the measure was only* April 2. Young aaid he has no other the noise, descrflbed as a lIow tepm rry, they were satisfied According te- Youngs'sletter, o'ptions. penetrating, droning,», has not with -th e solution when the'park's electrical syetem lias «We conýsideÎr it. quite hazard- been as intense since Atlantic machinerytestingresumed. deteriorated te, such an extent, 'Oua the ýwayit is ,now, there officiaIs took stepe ebfl h But according te the residents' «that -aàvery .real ieadpo ol easroaacdn. sound. pttoteniersmdfl perty hazard eiste." - AlthoughYounig said Hugg.ns In *January, Atlantic v a wo-wekrepite The letter further notea that cannot afford te mâke repairs, tarily shut down the Thickson «Although the intensity bas the Whitby fire department lias -~~iýqwçp4ap9ir Tecçlîng plnt- EEPAGE i4 . ,...declared. the- area. an .unafe ......., B i i i I J I b j - .-- ~1'.~.- ....- .-,.,.,.... I ,, , ~... ~ .1) planning and developmnent com- mittee, -Batten-1 has taken umbrage with certain aspects of the- report. prepared by former Toronto mayor David Crombie. .The report, called Watershed, was released last faîl and con- tais 80 recommendations based on ,reeentations made to Crom- biesaroyal commission. The 207-page document je the interim report of.the Royal Com- mission on the Future of the Greater Toronto Waterfront. Althoughý Batten, does not object to the me egeneral thrust of Cromie' reort, such as Ère- serving green spaoe and protect- ing the environment, he disputes certain inferences- made by Crombie. "The report basically assumes municipalities have done nothing- In< this1 regard (proteéting the waterfronQ),»said Batten., -"Nothid'cudb frhrfo the. truth .'with-. respect to Whitby.» Batten said that if thereport was designed to serýve as a guide- lime to waterfront development he can live with, it.. "But if it's designed as a hard and fast rule, I -have problems with that» said Batten.. Battenf decined to mention specific examples . of Crombie'e report at this time. He preferred to. withold his commente until next week's com- xmittee meeting. A report from Whitby's plan- ningý departmnent in response to Crombie's- report, will be dis- cussed by the committee. Although p lanimni , staff endorse most of Crombie s recom- mendations, the report does raise' a few questions. .The report notes that the _pro- vince suplports Crombie's call or ' aefont walkinff trail 'n' ùs

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