Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24o WW M M F~PRES WÈDNESDAY, MARCH26, 1991 L ...M.... ... WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING special. ,Tune Up includes: *chsmicaliy cleaning. unit, -Iubricating ail movlng parts, fiftsr. $48.95.,Wè'iI pay G ST. Ail repars. 683-8519, 430-7382. VISCAR MASTER PAINTERS. After 23 y.ars you got nothing but top qualfty servceat a ýriceyou'll finid economicai d e own paymsnt, and flnancing avaik"bl. CelIINorm for prompt quotos t 655-5030. OCA. RENOVATIONS, cabinetW, adi tions. Kitchene, bathrooms. paving stones, fonces, docks, roc roomeé. Free estimates. 416-432-6865 or 705-887-2017. RESIDENTIAL RENOVATIONS, aiterations and, additions. Ca:li 430-0880. NEED A NEW - ROOF? Rs-roofinig, -ovsr tops, -strip -jobs, flats and repaire. 430- 0880. FURNITURE REFINISHING, spocializing in antiques and fins furniture. Kitchen cupboard doors. Fros oestimates. 20 years oxperienice. Call Perry, 655-4092. JOB SEARCH - a complets service to *hslp you find a JOB. Reasonabie rates. For more information, calI.666-2868. I..A...A..m. ERROL'S APPUANCE SALES. New & used coin washsrs & dryers. Repaire to refrigerators, micro- waves & appliances. Regular hours plus EVENINGS & WEEKENDS. 10% seniors' discounts. 432-7734. REE MICROWAVE & Refrigeration Services. Servicing aIl makes. Microwave ovens, refrigorators, freezers, window air conditioners, humidifiors, etc. Cali Ree 728-0692. HANK'S APPLIANCES. Apart- Ment frîdges and stoves $350 a set and up. G uaranteed. We buy used appliances. Hank's Appiances, 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6.728-4043. SMALL ENGINE REPAIR. Specializng ln aIl marins outboavds, lawnmowsrs, chain saws, diri bikos. Minor repairs ta complote averhauls. Fre. ostimates. 668-5322. REC ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywall -tspinp and flnishing, trimwork, csramic tiling, paintlng, gensral repars, fsncing and docks. CaIll(416) 576-7503. MOTOR JOBS DONE.__Replace. motors cheaper than average. Cali Paul ai 579-1186. CRIEDIT, CARDS! Trou.ble obtaining VIWMastercard? Send long, self-adcfressd nd staImd onvelope to FA & Aseocates, .O Box 24033, 601 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Ont. LIN axa. WEST LYNDE. Babysitting, available. Nice home. Mothor one. Nutritiaus meule, homomude broad, 'muffins, etc. Fenced yard.. NopesQue court. Pieuse cal Ji,68-09 CARING MOTHER offers safe and stîmuiatlng snvironment. for daycare. 'Minutes,to'schooVpark. Fencsd yad. Hot meais/nutritious snacks. Full or part-time. Flexible hours. Otter C reek area. Cali Tracy, 430-6431. MORNING PLAYGROUP for pre-kindrgrtn* chiîdren. Super- vised by ECE mom with 10 years oxperronco. Cal anytime. 430-6671. KINDERGARTrEN TEACHER, mother, will cars for your. pre-sohooler in a stimulating onvironmsnt. Excellent referencos. Roasonable rate. Garden-Rossland area. 430-3825. LOV-NG MOTHER 0F 3 will provide daycare. Any ago, infants wsicome. Any hours. Receipte givon. 434-1604. RESPONSIBLE, caring daycare for toddlers,' pre-sohoolors and kindergarten uge. Fencsd yard, sandbox and swing set. Regular outings. Lunches and' snacks provided. Receipts avallable. Cali 683-6472. BELLWOOD AREA. Mothsr of two wili stimulats your pre-schooler. Hot meals, large home & fenced back yard. 723-0214. OPENINGS AVAILABLE ln my ostablishsd , home daycaro. Excellent cars, safoty. Meule providod. Reforences, avaliable. Comparable rates. 668-7761.^ Sewing Machine Repairs -Ail Mkes --- Comnpiete Tune-up $39.95 BULIGSEA cern. Recondiiioned Sswîng Machines BULIG PE ALcerce frm $59.00 20x2Oft., $2.900; 24x24ft., $3100; TO1PUINE SEWING CENTRE 28x36ft., $4.500;.32x36ft.,-$4900; 571-1385 36x48fL., $6,900; 40x60ft., $8.800. 400 Ki(ng St W. Oshawa Cu8-90 HOCKEY & BASEBALL cards. Ail brand names availabls. Complets sets, boxes and Individual cards. Botter than store prices. Aiso buylng. 668-2849. CHESTERFIELD SUITES,' love- seats, sectionals, lees than haif Vice. Large seletion. MoKeen Fumfture, '524- Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Plhons 725-518t QUEEN SIZE -COMFORTER se I'icude -.bsdsIift' &. shàmà) Prlnted percale ,fabric 149.5 Ruffied eyelet, $169.95. Dscor-Agsncy, Interiors.428-0937. < CROSS -CANADA MARKETPLACE.-' iT's FAST - iT'S EASY! ONE CAIL, ONE BâILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. AUCTIONS ONTARIO BELGIAN DRAFT HORSE Auction, Markham Fairgrounds, Markham, Ontario, March 29, PULL 6pm.- March 30, SALÉ - Equipment lOam, Horses 12 noon. (705) 924-2799. VACATIONS/TRAVEL. CANAL CRUISES; liv. days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on' scento Trent-Severn Walerway ýor Rideau Canai: prival. siate-rooms, meais,.fiee brochure. Write Captain Marc. Box 1540, Peerborough, K9 7H7. FARM SERVICES GST. GET VOUR One-Time Credil. Ottawa owes you.& GST start.up credit of Up 10 $1.000. Gel yours wIth TaxGuard GST HandierTM. Cati 1-800-268-6735. EQUîPMENT GARDEN TrRACtORS/RIDERS.NOMA. Buy now pay ltton No payments until JuIy/August. Lease to Own from onty $55/monthty. Cati cotteot <416) 444-3292 (Monday-.Sunday; 9 105). REAL ESTATE 640 ACRE ORGANIO faim, Peace River country. partiaiiy deveioped. chemicat free. 1,800 sq.ft. home, weîts, phone, hydro. seplil, sohoot bus. Wiidlfe abounds. Must sei medicat (403) 837-8265. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontarlo properties Io be sotd for unpaid taxes. For Information' write: Properties, Dept. CN,. Box 5380, Stn. R. Ottawa, K2C au1. FOR SALE AIFORDABLE LOG BUILDINGS for hall pricel New method drastlcally reduces cosi. Free information from Canada's largest handoralter. Pacifie Western, Box 267A, Atikokan, Ontario, POT 1iCO (807) 929-1129. CAREER TRAINING LEARNI EARNI SAVEI incarne Tax Preparatton or Basic Bookkeeping courses. Free brochures. No obligation. U&R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Highway, Winnpeg, MB, R3T 2BO. 1-800-665-5144. FREE career guide to home-study correspondence Diptoma courses: Accounfin g. Airco nditionilng, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetoiogy, Eiectrcnics, Legal/Medicat Secrelary, Psychoiogy, Travel. Granton (5A> 263 Adetaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING a! the Southwestern Ontario' Schoot 0f Auctioneering. Next ciass: June 8-15. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontarlo Sohoot of Auctloneoring. R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN ALL CASH SNACK VENDING ROUTE. Newest machine ls opening up great locations. No competition. Earnings can exceed $1.000 weekiy part-lime. $16.000 U.S. Investment. 1-800-444-0615. FIBERGLASS - WINDOW 0F THE '909.'Canadian made. A breakthrough ln window technoiogy. Exclusive torritoies. Gel In on Ibis expanding business opportunity. Minimal Inv.stment (416) 856-1600 ext. 16. OUTSIDE WOOD FURNACE, new concept. in safety, connects Io existing sysl.m., Fr. information. Rotait and wholesate.- Paciflo Western, Box 267A, Atikokan, Ontarlo, POT 1iCO. (807) 929-1129. MARKET VENDORS WANTED Io ssii quality, animal- figurines. For Information, contact Marlus': Caslls tudros, Inc. 10 Tidey Street, Norwich, Ontario, NOJ 1 PO.Phn (519> 8632443. $OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS$. Why- have a fixed Incorne?, Make untimited cash fast and easy. For fres -Information, sand SASE Io: J. Lameront, 500-E Grey St.., BranIord,,' Ontarlo, N3S7L4. SALES HELP WANTED *BE RICH AND'FAMOUS' FT $100.000'. PT $25.000;, commission. Market Canada'. Holtesi Music Vldeo Vacation Program Booloit. Protected Territorles' àaalhi. 24 hour Information lin., 1-800-263-1900. INSTRUCTION HOW TO. PLAY POPULA^R PIANO., New home. study course. Fast. easy method.,Guaranteedl FREE, Information. Write: Popular ,Mus!c,' Studio 86. 3284 Boucherie Road,- Ketowna, BC., Vi Z 2H2. CHI NA' NORITAKE SALEI TerrIfic discounts on- current pallernist Deîivered wel.-packed, Insured. For price .1lot on your Noritake pattern, caîl Alexander's, w1h. Noilake Expertse. Toronto. 101fr.. 1-800-263-5896. GARDENING NORTHERN FRUIT TREES,' Decorative Shrubs, Evergreens, Seedîi' ngs, Nul Trees. and Rarafiora.' Guaran 'leed, detivery. Rsasonabie prices.,Mail-order.,onty. Catalog $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm,. Box 39. Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. PERSO NAL WOULD YOU LIKEIto correspond with unaltachsd Christian people. ages 18-80, the objecl being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE IMO. SERVICES' NEED CREDIT? Instant $1.500 Credîll Limît, Cash Advances OAC, Guaranlteed Approval. Catalogue shopping. For application s.nd SASE: AdvantageCard, Meadowvate Postai Outtet. Box 21032, Missssauga, Ont. L5N 6A2. *OVERSEAS JOBSEARCH* Post-war construction *boom. Heallh car. personnel, construction, pipeline, trades Il"abourers, clerical, consultants% engineers. Lucrative tax free, wagesl Free transportation, accommodation. For processing & placement, (416),631-1 384., MORTGAGES" -OWN A HOME? Need a loan? Pay'off bililtCredit cdards[ Example: Borrow $10.000, repay $195.00 monthty. N4o qualifying hasselsi, Cali Intransicon FinanciatI toifree 1-800- 268-1429... STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY DIRECT - Thousands of satisfiedi customers have boughl from the best for less. 25x30 $2,309. 35x40 $4.189. PIONEERIECONOSPAN 1- 800-668-5422. (24 hours). BEST BUILDING BUYS - 112 Price Sale - Buy on. building at regular price and gel double lenglh for 50% more. UJmited steel. - Paragon - 24 Heurs -.1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDING SALE. 20x30 $2.730. 25x36 $3.756. 33x40 $5.164, 40x60 $7.140. Priceincludes steel endwaîls and aIl taxes. Priced Io Clear. Cati 1-800-668-4338 or (416) 842-2100. JYourad could appear ln communlty newspapers ln Ontarlo, or rlght across, Canada, or any'Incîvidual province. Space is Limited, so Cali This Newspaper-Todayîl For further nformation please cail the Whitby Free Press CI-assifieds - 668-0594 PROFESSIONAL :,OEfcrened teach:r -Private Iêssons - iirEvenlng or Saturday limes - Fre consultaton EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES 668-8225.. t' r' BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLA CE To reach a wider market, advertise throughout the regional membership of the- Ontarlo.and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations Centrai Onaio55 nwspapes 160 or25 words A naro11nwpps-$30fr2 word~ AllCanada 572 nwsa ers -$974 fr2 od m 1

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