Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1991, p. 10

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PAGE -10, WM P RS, WEDNESDAYWMRGH20,9 1991 MEMBE.ESF Applications for memberslp in the Whitby, 'General Hospital,' Corýortion for 'the ya Februaiy 1991 to.,January 19 92, are being accepted unWiitby, Geerl ospital (offce ofthe - eeutiv;e 'director, ,secretary te the .board), .300. CodrdonSt., .Whtby, Mondày te Friday, 8:30ý a.m.te 4:30 .mÃŽ. Cailin advanýce,> 668-6831; ext. 1315. lii.cost 'l $5. -Memiberships xqaY, b. taken' out ,at, *aney time. 1However, eligibiity, te :vote, at the 1991 annual meet i ladependent, on, being -amember in ýgood s tanding at least 60' days ýprior, to said meeti#ng (i. . pril 26, 1991). Tii. annuae -tingwibheld at,8 p~.o ednesdyJun16 In thelae teia atitb Genrr HospitaL. For furtiier inormtion, caU te executive director'soffice at,668-6831, ext. 1314«or 1315. FIRM AIM)COURSEý >There will b. a standard'first aidcourse on Saturday, Mfarcèh23' and Sumday, March ,.24 frèoni9' a&m. to 5 p.m]î. attéd'Cross,45 Blèoor-St. E., shwa. CaR ýthe Red Cross office a t 723-2933, for informaion and regfistration. ST. JOHN AMULANCE St. John Ambulancein Whitbyv idholdingits 27th amiual nera mteeting at 110 Aàh St.,it In y on -March-2..The meetingWil' béen at'7:30, p.m. and, la open'to the public.,AUl welcoxne to attendý to find out'ywhat thé -organizaton,- is aIl about. ",lve-week Living Wel wOrksboh sriesisbeing fered at ProvîIPlce, 100 Genhill MacS1 from1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ThsF wo eh sgared.to toe living life e the fuilesithtroùgh p ood nutrition, exercse,,persona car. habits and stressi'mage ment. Coct of the .workshopis $5 which includes a 100-page- -manuàlan rerehiente. -Fo r, registratonT r information,Rc1a the Whitby SEeniorsd Activity OCntre at 668-1424. B"des To-Be If your weddng is, three months or more away, yôu'l want to -attend. BRIDAL PARTY Admissio n is FREE, b4t by invitatin only, To ,obtai your personal Invitation for you and'your mother or guest, please give us.a oeil. Phone:. 432-2684 or 725-8848 Place: CAW 1Hall, Philip Murray Ave.< Time: 7.00p Date: Mairh2/' AIDS-SPECIALIST Dr. Alex Kn Si, Wspcait frl out5aiHopt, TorotoÏ' Wiil b. keynote speakoer at a <medical sèeminar plannhed by- Wednesday,-Marc àwh 27.-Tii. one-day se minar -vaiil b. eld at- the. OsbawaHoliday.,Ihi sud iil b. of intereat te physWIi npurse, respirtory therapista anc socal orkrs Aprovd Y'«he, ClgeOf Family 1Physiciasoof Cndthe p rograinwIilprovide a 'cqmpreensive overvewof 11 manaemen sud current .therapies for AIDS: patiente. Reiation .. a $70 -(whichi inlde unh. For, more Association in Oshawa a 430-1046. Durain Business & Poessional Women's club will 'hold, a meeting .on Wednesday, Marich 27 atL Gala,$ 65 Sumray st-, ,Whi%*tby. A rece ption wil b., bieldà at 6 p.m.s wi th dinner, serýved at 6:45 -p.m. The topi*c' wiil b. 'FsinShow,' present.d by g:est speaker Anne'Rice of Your Rnbow Colours. ,,Reserationé must, b. made in advance. Call 686-2085, 668-5504 or 430-1944, or wlrite te -DBPWC, P.O. -Box 222, Ajax, Onit. LIS 3C3.< QUIT SMOKING Theres stiil time tô;register for the Lung Assocation's, stop smoking pxogram* Countdown. The. soen-sesson course:'.will begin, at'7 -p.. on -Monday March 25 ,atAil'Saints £Anglican ,,Church, 30 0- Dunidas ,St. -<W., Whitby. The. course, regalarly $95, will be. offeired at a special "ýwelcome s'ipring"' discount rate of $70. To register, or for -mol re information, càl the ,,'Lung Assoiation 'In Oshawa at, 436-1046. FIELD NATURALISTS The, Durham RegionField Naturalise will hold its -monthly meeting' on Monday, March ý25,. 7:30 p.m., at the Nortýhview Public IÀbrary, 250Beatrice St. E., shw.The': scheduled speaker is Harry Lumsden o6f the Caniadian Wildlife Services,wh will be'giving aeyneetn talk on the itrodution of trumpeter swans into'Ontario. Al welcome. - FLEA MAEKET Holy'CroSs Church will bost-a flea mairkethrummage saleat 373 Simcoe St. .-S-Y .Oshaw'"on Saturdays, Marcb ý23 from 9,a.. 4e 4p.m. Proceeds go te th.fr Marriage Jubile. day.ormore informnation, caéùIGermaine at 428-358 or Ernàie"and Dorotby at 728-6533.' -FRlENDSO0F, SCHIOPHRNICS Ameeting of Frenda ocf Schizophreniswill, b. beld on ThurdyMarcb 291 at 7:30 p.m. lu 'st. mares Churcïi b-house, corner of'ByrUon and'.,Coîlborne St., Whtb. For fuiÏfi'er information, 'caR 7233753e evenngs., POLKA-DOT DOOR 'Polka,.'Dot -Door ivè.,' epon-- sored by tbe Westminster Uniited Ciiurch buildin - fund, will ,b., held on Saturâay, April 20 :at Eastdale*CVI, Harmo:ny]Rd* N., Oshawa. There wl .tbrepr formances at il a.m.,I p.m. and- 3pm. Tàc.twilb. sold March 22and 23 àt the_ Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, near, Zellers.(loweir mail entrance). TIckets ae$, plus GST,-or calî 430-7120; Sy43-2 6919 or5768218. ORIENTATION Big Sisters o f >Nwcastie-Osh- awra-Whitby, wil hold .anýorien- tation night for-potential, volun.- teerson Wdnesay, March 20,- 7, te- 9p pk., at ti.Big,,Sisterse office 179.King St. E., Oshawa.- CaIl 460951 for more informa-, MODEL:TRINSHOW,- Scaboroug h model rafiroaders w&ill holdtheir annual spri ng op en bouse-and model.,train,-show "in Apr il. -The model - train sýhow sMale railrods, autbentic:railroad souÙdi, -movies,, sî nack -bar and "how-td' clinlcs.The-Scarborougli miodel open bouse ,is ýon .-Sunday, April 7 ýand Sunday, Ap'rile14 at 1ÃŽ7.Jeavons Avei.,in SaiboOUgb froàiil am 5toS.mï.,Admision is* $4 rpron(cideudr 4 eet 6 lucëhes, get irfre., s there -are ,spécial,,rates - for fanillies). Fo*lloW the model train show soigna from Bircbmount Rd. wbere, it crosses either Danforth Rd., 'orDanforth Ae.in 9carborough. ASSOC IATION -Ol- DUÉRIU Asupport ý,grouqp meeting will b. held on ,Wednesday, Marcb 20 at> 7:30:> p. ratWitby, Baptist Church, 411 -Gilbert St., Whitby (corner. of Reynolds audGilbert St..Ail are welcome.. .For transportation' or ifrain call Carol Ryan at 576-3830.i t. LING WELL PROGRAM A' five-weeëk Living,Weli workahop »senies. (geared te tiose persnsagd 55 and over) "will b. hed, atPwovidéee RPace, 100, GlenhiRl Dr., Whitby, startig on, Thursday,- March 21 from. 1:30 te4 3:30 ;p.m. The. cost, of ý'this workabop la $5 whicb ýincludesa manual and refreghmente. For, registration sud informnation, oel the WhiMtby Seiors Atiit Centre at 668-1424. DDiNERIDAN CE -h Ti. Cardiaw :Reabilitation Organization ',-will bý old '.a dinner/dance on Saturday, Marcb 23 at the Polisii Hall, Stevenson Rd.. -N.,- Oshawa. R.freshmnents will b. served &t 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. , fol lowed by a dance. The. cost la "$25 per person. For more information, cail Ann, 728-9732; Maria, , 723-3033; or- Dave, 655-3738. RAMADRAN Ramadban will b. beld, March 18 te April 15. Tii. Ahmadiyy.a Movement in Islam bas informîa-. tion, -timetable and free litera- ture on, Islam and almost' ail lagugs of*the. world. Write te Bx207, 601,Dundas:St. W., Whitb, iN6Xior oel Lone MUFM NMARS Lucy' Gray,- an acoemplished muffin maker, laagan tahn th scrtsof malngsccsaû muàffis sch as blueberi orange, oatmeal apricot and-,dol uc chocolat.-:, cbip. . ii. lassi lai sceue-for'Thurdy ac 21, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m. at Anderson ColgitWhitbi or.frt. r infationand registrationi,oel the 'YMCA office at 668-868 or, 683-4093. Wbitby Çlneral Hospital Aui- liary wil pesnt'Ribow of Colour,' an eveningoôf fashion .by Great .Looke (Diane roôes.) on ,Moniday',March 25,7:30 p Im-at' St MrksUniteid urcïi Cost is $8 per person. here W111 b. dessert, coffe.. and door -prizes.- Tickets areaùvailable at the. hospitalgift 'sho, Lafontaàine. Trading Poàt, ýElsapos Children's Things, and Anitbony'es,,Hair Stu- dio. iu Wvhitby on, ,unday, March S31, il a.m. te 4 -p.m. Children can bunitfor special:.gg 'tekens sund trade tbfem for chocolat. treats. Pancakes will b. served at the Picnicshelt.r from noon te o4 p.m.4 To getteeber Down, talc. Hwy. 12,-go west on Taunten Rd tiien not on Country Lau. Rdl. Foi mâore information cail 579-0411. CANADLAN ORGANIC The Dunbain chapter of Canadian ýOrganis Growers- wiil bolite 'moutbly meeting.., oui Wednesday, Mrh, é27 at :7:30- ,Pm wthe -prograni .room of-the WJhit4y ,Public Làbrary 1Ted Maczka- from' Demorestviie Ont, wildiscus> orgaicrowing and mdcinalusageo grlc.AilarTe welcome. Cali - 434-62ý31 for more information. Galery stud to assessWhitby artistieneeds By Maureen Quinlain The Station Gallery b.-as deci-ý ded 1 te -re-ev-aluate, the ýartistic needu of the.residents of Whitby Tii. jaîîery la ,undiErntldng 1a. feasibuhfty 'study' te ýgive s fome insiitintte .creationof a neêw developmnentplan., .Thée study:w ill lokat issues such.as "audienêe, Iprogram dlrec- tinhyical plant sundlocation. «W,.elooking at some pro- bleme the. galiery bas, such -,as lack of sterage space,». say Nancy Hushion - president of N4LHush-ý ion and Âssociates.., Husbion's c' ompany will !,b. Tamarack at'ýý Tam arack will b. guest perfor-ý mers. at ,tii.next,-Vital, Spark FolIk Socîiety evenfing,' on Satür- day, Marcb 23 in Oshawa. 1 With a combination ofballada' and lively talesTàTaar'ack' per- forma traditional /original Canar dian folk music. The. show, at Orange. Temple,, iljý Bruoe St beginsat ,8 p.m. Admisio is~7 t the door. Barclay wat erc.Ã"lours laiEWI FUND An -exhibition of new., and Froii, March,'Il te -30, the recent works -by Therésia BSar- LeIukida -.Resarch Fund i la iamili continue, at the. Whitby a*king peopie 'te '"Ieave'- us your Public -Library until.,March 27. - loonies."E erybac of tii. Barclay works-nl 1 w., co Sank ofM7n an sd alllours, sud-.ail ber Works, .except Siopr'Drug Mart stores wili for reproductions for'Cbnzistmas b. jlripating. 1u tlfis urgent . carda, 1are one-of-a-kind coi- appwa. puais. * coducingthe study kitha Whitby architect' and conserva-ý tionist; -De!nnis Bryan of Barr B9ryan Assosciates LtL, and Ste-S phen Poulin,-ôf Poulin Conserva-' tion Service. The <group will conduct the* tuyýthrough surveys, and focus sessions-, when Whitbrsiet are initd li t their two ýc en ts worthin as well as plain oberser- vation. Like .,many orgànizations in Whitbygalery.,organizers feel' that as Whitby.,expands, s50 muet >The Station Gajlery. Yet no mat-- t.er;what changes 3may take place in future, "Th'egallery is 'comit- * ,'ted.*to focusing oný, indivçidual. ,srvcý -eixplains Linda Paulo-., c, gahéIrydirector. In years p'ast,. the. gallery bas had a-significaint.record ofeêibii-' tions, -collection' and .studio,,pro- grains for artists alnd. non-artists alike. , Were, rec 1ognilzing 20 -years, of success," says Hush ion. Studentar at galry Whitby student art wllb. sBhown aÃŽt 'Art Track '91' at Thie 'Station Gallery ýfroni April 16 ta Tii. exhibition represents the ,prog9esie, deverlopment of 'art eèducation, fronmkmdergarten to grad 3 in Whitby and Brooklin elemientary, and, -aecondary. schools. The. exhibition- is organized in c-prtion wi'th the Durham Board of Education and'a special committée of art consultanits and teëachers'representing schools. The. opening receptioft wfll b. held on Sunday, ,AprîI 7, 2 te 5 p.m.

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