Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1991, p. 9

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WBWFU-PUB,,WFjNESDAY,.MARCH 20.1991, PAGE Dvèlopmen' Town councills planning and deveIop'mezntcomimttewaswan- ned M gonday. net to turr' nWhtb3 inea, version of "Misaissauge That was tiie' overwhelix messaqie,.delivered te cmmtte by residonts cppt>sed te a mas- svo subdivisiodn planned. for northwest'Whitby. About ,4» peop]eatne public mneetin-g te hean de!tails co a.à.2,392-uni sbdvisio n -pro- ~so byEri' MlîsDevoelopinent RIÏe comnpanyý is soeki',ng amendments 'te both Whitba and-Dunh' e*am ,egiona o'fficiai pl aiis te permidttii.devebopinont. T hé propose'd site locaéëted on 368 'acres cf 'laén d *wo t c"ôf Coch- r4ne" St., betwoen Rosand Rd.i and Taunten Rd." on w-'hat,is n10W vacant farnland. ereaseM96thé' populationdensityof y. sliphtly iagraathan thî; subdivision site' (400 acres)'froin 5500 ;pe ô 1 e tô9%000-' ErinM illsdevélô'pmçnt would house *88000 pepléwbý*lile;*an adjacent' 3-ace section te ýthe nrhetwould' houa. ýanother - Tii 34-acre section, owned, by another party, la'net -part of thie Ir aproleathe, subdivis Ion will conalat of 1,062 sin-gle-famil ho M es, 332'.qsemi-dotached, houb, 102 interlot dwellings, 189 townhouses, 413 multiple famiiy units ,and -294 apart- Thon. are aise provisions for thre. el "m'entary achoci alstos andtwo commerci al blocks.' Neighbounhod parka -and open apace willl- comprise apprexi- maey22. pe oenf thé. dove- bbulît Bo;usfleld siaid the subdivision wlll' ho aimilar-te Enin Milîs' dovelopinent :in --Misjssauga, with- 13. difforent:'building. Emm to run for mayo Emmnpointstehie 1988 vocte total as proof that Whitby nresi- dents -are worried about taxes. "Ithcught Ife (Attersley) would have gotthe message, ho didn't» In "addition' te -Emin and Atýtersley, eight other people have negistered te date. They inelcld incu mbent regional councillons -Marcel Brunello and Joe-Drumin. Joe' Bavaro will run for the. east ward seat- now held by councillor Dennis Fox. John Doistra and John South- orn have flled for the centre ward seat held by couzicillor Lynda Buffett. 'George. Milosh, who was a 'in ttetheDurhamn -Board cf Educatieat year, will seek te, become an elected truste. thus faîl. Bill Lawler will seek ne-elec- tien te the hydre 'commission, while newconier Gordon Mifflîn will alsoô run.. Municipal elections are usually held tiie second Monday f Novinhnbut since Nov, il i. t Remembrance IDay, the élection is pusied back on. day te Tuùes- de=, lopnier high. vaiy M sto ' - wlthi n prpsi expresE of Lyn'rý houses ýPlani said thi the cre maa bystaU The.E ted nosi i both ý Wood Helen. opposed crease ý tfii e the ,offic field. 10W, a urban ec housi.9 needjian "I don aliowed ment thi hero., "It' Nqting will be te the 40 SBouiài Liakeridg chaàge is Brooks Willhoè' and Broc congestio: Boib Wi Secarboroi apartme2n receivesroughreceptu B.minated from the plan the al mt 62pr cent of the deve- density la stili not acceptable.. st nit willbe low density houa- «This la totally inappropriate C mne-quarter will knediuwn.adneeds to -Iereviewed, said èuses) ,nd 12 per 'cent Waltors. Of Iens.ItY (aPartments);x.said One« person inquire bu eld, afguards to protet trees on the Ci apartmonts will ho located piroperty from neediess destruc- oblocks -on Ra1adand tion.. nol in heightfrom six- to nine Bousüleldsaid a maijor woodlot frc a, he added.- i the centre of'the delrelopment i11 ough BQusfield said 'the will hoe erd and wherever I population deiiity, cf 21.7 possible trees ll lnot ho remo-tui LB per acre e'Talla ,Wel yord. thi ail acceptable planin KenMconald of Stewart st.. a ieters 'for urban centres ,,was 'Worried .-<bot:.the po Brt ind littie support, for he my é n heTwns t a ai. - residentialdvl ietto, y olyer cf Valley 1'Ct. will ýnover ,support "ýýitself, said>1 sed%concern aoutero-sion MacDonald.-m de Creek and thieIlimpact -'Educàtion ýtaxesaiways go up gl< Storm sewer rnoffon bcseosudnevip nt m southcf Rossland. what possible, advantage this will ining diroctor Bob Short ho te the Town cf Whitby I don't thi eô "àsse cf stabilization" cf.,know. -oui ok valley and Storm, water, i hopÈe the, boardcf éducation sai orinent. will beo ýaddressed. or some grou p will::say this ià> J r.aiid:outside gnio. peatuire and we can.'afford pru siel urrently ýdesîgna- it.» 011Ef iidontial ad haiard lanide Councillor Joe' Drunun had Bta oficii plans. several reservations, -about th e ihaven G ros. resident developmont. - api Brooks was "ttllyý Drumm did'not care for pro- d» te the population in-, posed, double-driyeways on 'nome and askod Bousildwhy- housfacing,- ,Cochrane. St. idect could net hoe limitod because cof possible.sftypo Peoprie., blens.> sing conditions today are WIIe hoe termed ono-halfback- it t han: they were when , d planned for. some lots,< icial 'plan was formulated alf-assedbacky'ards". 20 years -8go0, » said Bous- «It's the wcrst thung Nve ever seen," said Drumm, .in reference kind cf place Whitby ja e th1e shared yards. major. eompîcyment . and Drumm ýsaid the üimpacts "on, >entre, roquîres a broader Lynde Croek south cf Rossl3and type,' ho said. muet, ho .examined -closely ,and are the town, dosen't predicted, the Latker'ige Rd. n-aknOfpepe, inm terchange was at leat 'ten years awaty, «f you're luck. et know why Mississua But w hat bothered &umm that stylecf deelp-most was,, thé- possible bs cf or., but we don't nditwooloti. "Under provinîcill aw you ure groed ix the puise cof could:"go ix a d -cut-al thée tre ,thate"how wo did.'it in if i"o or w s, aid lugIa» rsiens Drun.n ff thatmay'esdets «Until thé, provincial law i. ' commutera, BrooÏks changod w. can'have ail the Iow doô 9,000 pooplo get bylaws ,we' want 'anid'it* wont 17' mean a thing, w., have te rely o eld saad.,the marn access your goodfortune.", Rosland'and Taunten'te ý -Councillor Lynda Buffett teld ge ]Rd.- and'thon. south on Bousfield the companiys naine is ed interchango te the approprate. Your intention is te bri ire, hoieconceded :it will Mississauga te WVhîtby,, saiI ,al years before the inter- Buffett; a built. "«What's planned -ins ary, ]rM B roplied that commutera oppos ed te the, entire devlp forced to use Cochrane ment in'principle becauseof te ck St. and' add' te the densities.» >11011those roada'.'.I, Buffett said the' subdivision altera 6f Kapuscinski Ct. doés ne*t ropresent '"sensible moved te, Whitby frein planning" in any foinM. ugh "t get 'away frein «I hope its not the direction sity like tus.» Whitby is te go in the future," 's said that oven if the said Buffett. nt buildings weroe eh- Councillor Marcel Brunelle< dso expre torm, wate .reek and." eut Bu ,fwhat ha# td. bridge ,anadian Fa Brunelle>" ot take tii cm amaji itthe areî "W. will ire and I oe. fedejral iy mood lk iinelle. *ý "The on>,, Brunelle - ,aï,po érea f if i a ,m t. ': :' 'Weve bu ds coinmui it with>zpai [dBrunelli Hie' -said- A ublema froi ië area shc Lif. . Bousfield preciated 1 atphiçetîn ssed concern about botl -residents and committèe. atrnunof into 'Lynde /"Ifs always instructi#e 'tà'get ossble les. cf treea. other ideas on a, pian,» - said iele raised. the issue Bôuéfleld. =rn te the Rossland HoaiEnMlsantci- wh 'crosses the mitted "bard and faWt- te the. .cific railway tràcki. housing types and denaities an&i' sald the bridge wili is willing te ho fleible. ý. ,pounding produced, "We-hope that,:when the plan. jorinfux f- ehiles' l ýin circulation it il*11'pae athqL a., . tests that .-the jùbli gnciéâ reuire a 110W struc- ppyeiaadoufed d't think -%JP and -fnot,,the plan will ho adjus- governnn are in teacodgy. 1) pérd nxone,» said .,Bousfield said, iin Mille haa prep1p ed an applcation, which if. alternative would ho approed, "Il- hoa high quality', comniuniy worried.that council, ",I is i.the'firt' piece cf land, ating, an «ubanju-weve ëowned ix Wltby wo'rein- pproves the déveop.-- . business for the long haul," ho said. lit ixodhou in %e <We ant te, seo the good iitywhicb a paced reputationwe, ,have on the. west, rwlnd 'in betweeni" aide (fTeotoetablished, ,e . here.» t;he: po6tential social 'The compa;y's 3propôosaiwill ho M se, many people -in,-,circulated ,for' comment -from >ld ho examined'by varicusa.,-public agencies bo.1fore comingýbacék.te comniittee with'a. teld roprtrsho recomiendation from the, plan- the comùmente, frein , mng departinent. >w. RS CAL& Boys & Girls Fashions, Up to,,Size 18 AfniversaryCelebrati9 Infantwear MX.Mh 18 2 " Dresses, "lEZ OFF m' F nirstU * Suits $ifia *Gifts e Accessories.' ......... *Free ýSat. Parking, $t êMs 39 BOND SBT. E.,OSHA-WJN e71-5435 Mon..to I'hurs. 9-5, rij, St95 ITHEI cnoornD'cts .wnr irin DG GROOMING BY APPOMNMENT Acomdation INàM DO 2- wantwed I. Big Sistera is looking for <nyoneiwho can provide a room for $380or basI or an a'partinent for$800or 1beas, to young people between ag 16 and ,21.L SFor more- informïation cali Mdtm i- -a486 oon. OSHAWAý 140'Sim'oe, St. S. (Just,! t sOuf !John) W79-1655- -AJAX 37lHarwéodl Ave. S. BètWeen Hwy and _401 793 MarkhamRd ln the.Painted Post 1 Plaza' ,1

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