WIUTBY 1 EFESWEDNBAY ARH18 99,PAE5 Roast, Prime Beet Brolled-Lobster $9oe9 N.Y. Steak & Shrimps Te1a11ov nld c.osala"d. BrolledSeatood Plate -aiebed&psa Banquet Facil.ies Avallable - Speclals Avallable Every day - Open 7 days AýWeek' BUEAND MABJORY' Shier% , uhown vith a certifi. cate firom the Town of Whitby, oelébrated thefr Gth anMversary at st. Marwk's hchm on Saturday. At rkight, a l93lphoto of the Shiers. Chrlu DBode photo Red Cross Month The Canadian Red Cross Society A United'Way Agency Full deep cleansing facial with relaxing mas sage ,$4.00 35 00 1 Month.0 Unlirnited $ Tanning Glazed Ice Fiberglass Nails by Virginu 'a SPECIAL $99 W&a nwopen until 8:3Opm- Mon.-frU. Gif Certificates Available combined $6.08 million total is gignificantly lower than -the $41.8 million registered during the frut two monthe of 1990. Although permit. "were, Issued for onlyý eight single-family homes in February, the residen- tial sector accoune or amost 80 per, cent (79.29) or $1.4 mil- lioný of the total. ýý i.ý.The.value of industrial permits wa . $284,242; commercial $ 57,000' and inétitutional Drngthe first two months of 1990,9hevalue, of residential permitsiwas $28.4zmillion. - Commercial. was- $5.9 million; industrial $2.5 million and inati- tutionai $4.8 million.- FROM HANDLE S TO ,HANDSOME welght Ioss centres For over twentvy ears, Nutri/Systemf has been successfully helpirig people lose weight. Our program i5 100% nutritlonally balanced and is.specifically designed to provlde safe and effective weight loss. By followOing our personalized. system, cambining support, convenience and individual attention, you can lose .welght, keep it off and maintain a heaithier lifestyle. A PERSONALIZED SYS- TEM. Our staff evaluates your Individival needs based on lifestyle, body type and medical health history. Your weight-loss objectives and target dates are determined -using this information, as part of your personal weight-loss system. AN EDUICATIONAL Sà YS- TEM. Education is a funda- mentalI part of the Nutri/ System program. VouIl- attend classes and work withýk a Nutri/System behaviour counsellor to learn how to changè and improve your. eating habits. Once you've reached your goal weight, we stay with youfor a full year to helpmake sure you maintain your new weight. CALLTODAY WH ITBY, 1101 Brock. St,. S 666-0770 A SUPPORT SYSTEM. Our nutritional specialists work with you on 'e-on-one to pro- vide the necessary support, guidance and personalized îattention-that allows them to accurately monitor and evaluate your. individual weight-loss success. A SYSTEM FOR SLICCESS. -Our system recognizes the imjportance of eating real food as well as following a light activity program.-With our nutritionally-balanced meal plans you don't have to worry about the incon- venience of weighing portions or count- ing calories. And when you*ve reached your ideal weight. we'l help you'make a smooth transition to everyday meal plan- ning and shopping. FRA FREE NO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATION OSHAWA AJAX/PICKERING.60 WMAN VILLE 345 Simcoe.St. S. 722m 52fl 1450 Kingston Rd. - .%~* t. ~t4*~.4~ t.. il ~ f rom > $1195 Sîgnificanit savings on home off ice fuùrnîiture. Save on handrubbed cherry, mahoganyor-oak desks. ýMatching chairs available..,, FINE 'FURNI.TLJRE ,SINCIE 1929 216*«aySre EsWib (Just east of, Brock St., nortN, ofHwy 2), 668-3483 or Toronto 686-0061 ICANCER' INFORMATION SERVICEÉ CALL 1-800-263-6750 i 98 King St. W. 420a.300 623m 8666 1 We"ve Sot the System. 1