Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1991, p. 2

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~>A~ 2 WHI'BFRE PRSSENESDAYMA&RCH'13,'1991," Lifesenencetfor ýWhitby man A Whitby man who s hot and thon ,mutiIated the body, ofhite common law wifo has been sen- tènced to 1f. in prison.> Ralpli Douglas Acorn, 47, for- merly of Il Brendanbrok Dr., will not b. eligible for paroie for, l4years.' .-Mr. Juýstice Richard Clarke of the Ontario Courtes generai divi- sion'sentenced Acorni last Friday for the August, 1989, murder of Christine Siochowicz., Acorn had. originally been charged with first-degree mur- der , -but' pleaded .guilty bat montli to second-degree murder. Aona frer Roal ana- dian M0ounted Poiceauffxilary officer, was cliarged following an eiglit-hour standoif with Durham Regionai Police on Aug 2, 1989. Police discovered the 38-year- old Siocliowicz' body i her home after Acorn surrendered.' The upper portion of the womans body had been mutila- ted and she liad been dead for -four daysj. ' Siocliowicz liad tbree chuidren fromi a eiosmarriag They were at thehome of a 'relative at the time oftie murder. Court was told Siochowicz was killed after an argument with Acorn. After shooting oir once in' the back of the liead, Acorn put the body in the, 'bathroom'tub. Hielater tel.phoned a frlend In Saskatoon an&i informed him of wliat lieliad donA.. Trespassing case ad4journed By 111k. Kowalsld A trospassing charge invobving the, NCB-loden ferry boat in Whitby harbour lias been odjour- ned on. montli. Whitby businoeman Art Robinson owner of the Prince Edward islond ferry wl n apipear in court A ri llnx «Te case liad =n scieduled for trial'bat weekî but was adjourned te albow ffirtlier nego- tiations between Robinson, the Town of Whitby and the. pro- vince. The discussions are aimod atý findine a suitable storago site for potentîally dangerous 7ICBs con- tained i the boat'. transformera. Once the PCBs, a cliemical. Iinked te concer mn laboratery animaIs, are removod then Robinson con proceed wttli plans te selI the. ferry. t idopr «We're aux eust idapr manent solution te tth. PCBs and the, removal of the vessol," sald Whitby Iawyer David Sims. UWe felt thé Mine could lie more productlvely spent," oald Sime, explalnlng the reason for the adjounment. Simo la representlng the.Town In the. prooSution ]!Robinson under the. provincial Tr<ospise Act. IPBONS & ReASCALS Boys & Girls Fashions Up to Size 18 Ann iversaryCelebrati*on' " fInfantwear " Dresses ,@ Fi rst Communion Gowns 0 Suits a Gifts e Accessories *Free Sat. Parking 39 BOND ST.- E., OSHAWA Mon. to Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-7, 571-5435 Sat. 9-5. Whlle there have been"po ductive"meetings to date, Sm declined to elaborate. uThere is every reason for optimtsm that we will find a basis for a permanent solution, but Fin not at liberty teot*ve out more Information," said unms. Robinson was charged with trespassing by the Town last oprlng. The trespassing charge was laid followng Witby harbour's reclasuification as a small craft harbour, which gave the muuiici- p ality juriadiction of the water- ron.,trs Orgnally destined for the Caizan as a floating generat- Ingr station, the Prince Edward Island lias been a frustrating concern for Town council. The Town tried to force Robin- son te move the boat three years aobut was, tliwarted iits eforts by the federal govern- ment. Town officiaIs were not aware the government was coilecting docking fees from Robinson. if tac 6tween Robinson the Town and province break down; and the trespassing >charge goes te trial, it will not resolve the motter. Tho maximum fine thot con be imposed undor the Trospoas Act is $1,O0. and, a justice of the peaco wouid have no authority te ordor the boat'a removal. "î'-' As a resuit, the Town lias-aie autliorized Sims'te seýek'a man- datery injunction ordoring Robin- son te remove the vessel. If an injunction is granted, Robinson would, be An contemp t of court, should lie, fou te omp' l witli the termis. CM PossIle penalties' couid in- clude finies and/or jal. Simas said it will lie some time bofore the Town'a applcto o on injunction is liead The application is boing con- esdbyRobinson, 50 it must go tlirougli a pro-triai jprocess known as on «examination for discovery» before reaching the trial stage. qIts a civil« proceeding s0 it'saa slow procesa » said Sims. Meanwhuio, an interested observer of the proceedinga wats patiently for the PCB pro bm ite be resolved. Mary Ellen Donnelly. said ah. ill intenda te buy the boat from Robinson and, turn it inte a s'aterfront teurist attraction. Donnelly and lier liusband plan te build a museum, res- tauront, lounge and donc. floor in the. refrisled vessel. However «w. need a place te puttlie PCI3s," said Donnelly. "If city (Town) council woud get off its butt and lielp put tliem oûmewliere we couid go aliead,» lie added. Léast montli council objected te Robinson's application te the pro- vince for permission te store the PCBs at a site adjacent te hits wrecktng yard in nortli Whitby. Until outstandingfire code vio- lations ond municipal- bylaw charges against Robinson in con- nectio withi 100,000 used tires stered at the yard are resolved, the Town will net consider the' application. The Ontario Mtnistry of Environment, whicli would approve the application, will net de se againat tlie munictpality' wislies. - Robinson had been ordered by Environment Canada te, remove the PCBs and otiier otîs from the boat's transformera following a sinking last December. SEEF GE 8...... $1 O. DISCOUNT Ion ANY service: à with this coupon. Expires Feb.1/92 TO WING 24 HRS. D Boosting Ii Tire Changing Ope7dasawek U Door Untocking SERVING: Q Recovery Whitby - 666-4613 - J'i uWIng, Ajax 686-4613, I <1 coupon per customer> Iw Purc............. 1 1 1 ig

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