Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1991, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARM > 113, 1991 SMALL WORLD & GOOD FRIENDS ,Nursery ,Sohool reg istrations for September. Avallble .week of March 18: Cali 668-5504 forý HURT ELECTRIC. Residential and' commercial For al your electricai needs, including installation of dishwashers, centrai vaogrge door'openers., Free easmara. 68594 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR. Specîalzng. n il marine outboards, . lawnmowers, chain saws, -dirt bikes., Minor repairs ta complet. overhauls. Free estimates. 668-5322. VISCAR MASTER PAINTERS. After 23Jrears you get nothing bt top quai y service at a prnce you'il finrd economnical. N down pmenti ndfiancing avalabe C1 Norm for prompt quotes ad RENOVATIONS, cablnet'ry, aàddi- tions. KRtch ens, ýbathrooms,: paving astones,fences, ,decks, ,rec rooms. 'Free estimates. 416-432-6865 or INTERIOR PAINTING, apart- ments a speciafty. Fat, dlean service. For free estimates, cal Mike at 655-3791. *. ,LEARN TO'DANCE TONIQHT. Arthur Murray Dance Studio (singles and couples welcome). P hon e 430-.0014. HANK-'S APPLIANCES. -Apart- ment fridg as and stoves $350 a set and tp u aanteed. We, buy used appliances.-Hank's Appliances, 191 Bloor St. E ., Unit 6.728ê-4043. ERROL'S APPLIANCE SALES. New & used coin washers & dryers. Repairs to refrigerators, micro- waves & appliances. Reg ular hours plus EVENINGS & WEEKENDS. 10% seniors' discounts. 432-7734. REE MICROWAVE& Refrigerat ion Services. Reasonable rates, wien guarantea. Also smail appliance repair in Whitby/Oshawa area. Caîl Ree 79.)OflQP- CREDUT ý CARD8I Trouble obtainlnig Visa/Mastercard? Send bog se-addressed and stamped envelope to FA & Assoclates, P.O. Box 24033,ý 601 Dundas St. W., Whltby, Ont. LUN MX. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truc, tailgate It Furniture & appliance removal. Clean- yards, baements, garages. Cut trees, etc. -Cali 655-3004 anythme. CLEANING LADY- 666-3299*; Freq estimates. Excellent. work._ AIR CONDITIONING SPECIAL. Tune up. includes: *chemically cleaning 'unit; *lubricating ai moving Iparts, 'filter. $48.959 WellI pay GST. Ail repairs. 683-8519, 430-7382. CERTIFIED BRICK LAYER - Chimney repair, retainlng walls,- wakay, driveways, -water- proofing, window,,caulking j& exterlor painting. Cail Kvin 668-1036. re estimates., FURNITURE REFINISHING, specialiin in antiques and fine. furniture.1pKitchen cupboard doors. Free estimateés. 20 « ears expérience.,Cai Perry, 655-4 92. REC ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywall "- taping and finishing, trimwork, ceramic tiing, painting, gnr reairsi fenc ing and dlecks. JOB3 SEARCH- a co mplete service to help you find a JOB. Reasonable rates. For* more information, cai 666-2868. INGUIS DRYER, 10 monthe old. $250. 666-8862. MATTRESSES and box springs ad hall 'price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. CHESTERFIELD &-CHAIR, colour 26n TV, coffee & end tables: stereo.,$275 takes ail, or wiil seil sea atlAl in good shape. CalI 66-743 CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals,. less than hall Fprice. Large selection. WoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. REMOTE -CONTROL CAR, Grasshopper Il Super G, Airtronios controller and controller recharger, 8 AA rechargeable batteries, two 72 volt batter packs and recharger. $175 or best. off er. 668-7320. Sewing Machine Repairs Complee Tune-up $39.95 16 PT. SPRINGBOK aiuminumn Recncridtoned Sewing Machiunes bs ot i.wlsCmlt ft r $5.oW with 1987 35- HP Marc motor, TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE traller, customn . Tonneau cover. lo 571-1385, Excellent condition. $6,500. After 6 W~o lOng St W. Ohawa pm 5-48 ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gettlng auto Insurance because of age, poor drivlng record, or suspension of lcense? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. LOVELY 2 BEDROOM in floor apartment ln 4-plex. Laundry ensuite. $738.20/monlth. plus utli-* ties. Cal Sandy Herber.430-14W4 668-3364. W. Frank'RE. Ltd. RItr. 1 BEDROON APARTMENT. Centri.air,'pool, laundry pivt drive ànd e.ntrance. Uiliies included., $550.per month. 666-9557. CIROSS -CANADA MARKETPLACE-. ITS. FAST - r EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILI DOES IT ALI.- TrHINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER'FOR DETAILS. VACATIONSITRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, on scenlc Trentr-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; privae state-rooms, .meais. free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough., K9J 7H7. COMING EVENTS, CRUISE CANADIAN RIVERS. This year, spend 3, 5e or> .7 nlghts aboard elegant replica steamishlps crulsîng calm-water rivers and-vlsltlng romantlc cilles. the world-' famous 1000 lslands, magnifient fjords and theý International Seaway and locks. Experence whale- walchlng at Its very beat. $592-$2,850. Dlala-brochure 1-800-267-7868 tollfree. GS. FARM SERVICES, G3T ET VOUR One-lime Credit Ottawa owes you a, GST start-up credit of up to $1,000. Get yours wlth TaxGuard GST HandlerTM. Caîl 1-800-268-6735. WANTED TO BUY POSTOARDS, MAPS, TRADE CATALOGUES, books,' mragazines, photographsaphlets, other pre-1960 paper colëclibles* wante.Hlgh Prices .paîd. Write for Information. Neil Haynïe, Ba8th. Ontario, KOH 1iGO. PAUL 2 S'ÈVICÊS PALJACONELLO, M.D.,« coniducting medil praice wlth spal ntpeot In'nutritnland.preventive mecicie For Information calI: <416) 463-2911. rWrt 751 Pape Ave., Ste 201, Toronto. Ont. M4K 3T1. NEED'CREDIT? Instant $1.500 line of credit. Guaranteedapproval. Cash advances avallable OAC. Catalogue shopping. Application send SASE: AdvantageCard, Box 4363C, Stn. D. Hamilton, LBV 4L8. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE ULTIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Ilm, Iooklng for people who need up to $2.000 to $3.000 per month part-time. CalI Garth (705) 835-2967.»> M.L.M. HOME SECURITY. Vour effort determInes your Income. Send self addressed-stamped envelope, faxiphone (416) 878-5733. 9-3pm. For Imb Canimex. 934- Childa Dr., Milton, Ont, L9T 4J6. EXTRA INÇOMEI Grow baltworms in your basemnent or garage. Odorleas operation*. Low Investment. Market guaranteedl Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, RR91 Smithville. Ontarlo, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. OWN ALI CASH SNACK VENDINO ROUTE. Newest machine la openlng up great locations. No competition. Eamings can exceed $1,000 weekly part-lime. $16.000 U.S. investmeni. 1-800-444-0615. B.C.'S BEST DEALS. 250 West Coast businesses for sale. Publication Includes wintroductione to British Columbia. Visa or MWC. Caîl oîîfree 1-800-665-1123. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hirlng. for summer. Chambermalds', waltresses, gas attendants, cashiers. For application send self-addressed stampad envelope to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.G. VOE 2S0. FULL PART-TIME SALES. Adverlising Specltbes. Ideal for seml-retired or persona on shiftwork. Highest commissions paid. LundySpeclalty Advertlslng, 5-2485. Lancaster Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Ki B 51-1. BRCHSALES HELP.WANTED *EIIHAND FAMOUS' FT $100.000. PT $25.000 Market Canadals Hottest Music,,Video Vacation Program Booklet. Protected Terrories avaîlable. 24 hour information line. Il 1 -800-263-1900. YQU 'EINVTIED to change youerlifel 15 year-old'muid-' milindollar Canadiah f lrm seeks 2 representalivesi yorara mmedlately.. Potential 80 eky ,comirsion. <416),756-2156,;<416) 756-3174. TO'tALLY TROPICAL INTERIORS is looklnig fo part/ful drne consultants to'seil silk 'planits/trees through ,home parties or commercial busîneisses. Cail Brenda, 'collect (204).467-9330. CAREER TRAINING LOG-BUILDING CAREER. Pat Woîfe Lo6g -Building' School.career coursesbeglnning Aprill5th. 10 week-, $2.200; 4-weak. $ 1.100;, 1 week,. $350. (1) 5-6 Ottawa area, FÀEE cdareer guide Io homeà-study correspondence Dipom courses: Accountinîg,'Alrcodnditlfoiing- Boo kkeplng, Business, Cosmetology. Elecetronica, Logal/Medicai Secrtamy.Psychology.,Travel. Granton, (5A).263,Adealde West..Toronto, 1s800-950,192. Q LEARN AUCTIONEERING, aitthe,,Southwestern OÃ"nlaria, -eSchol ofAudtionooring. Nextclais: Juný . 015. Informaàtion, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schoî 0f Auëtloneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, OntarIo. 4S ,7V9.- (519)537-.2115. MORTýqAGES OWN A,1HOME? Need-a Ioa<i? Payoff bilIs Credit cardalî Example: Borrow* $10.000,. repay,$195.00 monthly, I No- qualifying hasselsI CatI Intransiùcon Financlal tloflfee 1 - 800-268-1429., ouTr 0F TOWN -PROPERTIES CROWN L.'AND availabiîlty, andOntarlo properlies Iote. sold for unpald taxes. For, information write: Propeuies. Dept. CN. Box 5380, Sîn. F. Oftawa, *K2C 3J1. REAL ESTATE SELF-SUFFICIENT HOUSE on'river plus 2 acres. $22.500 cash. Compeate farrn on creek- plus 777 acres< $155,400 firm. Lake of the Woqds area,- Ralny, River. Ontario, Box 536. Phone (807),852-3640, (807) 852- 3784. STEL STEEL BUILDINGS. 'SELBUILDINGS - FACTORY DIRECT - Thousanis' of salisfled customers'have bought from the hast for less.,25x30 $2.309. 35x40 $4,189. PIONEERIECONO. SPAN 1-800-668-5422. (24 hours). BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one' building at regular price and gel double length for 50%< more. Uimited steel. - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263- 8499. A-Z PRE-EG BUILDINGS INC. New types. steeVwood, quonseot, cladding. For tnJe value,- action'& answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 aftar Gpm, weekends., Free brochure. Clip-save. WHV SETTLE for -second best when. you can buy the very best for the same monay. For aIl your building needs cail Future Steel Buildings. 1-800-668-8653. Your ad could appear in communlty newspapers In Ontarlo, or rlght across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Llmlted, so CalThîs NewsPaper Today1 For f urther Information please; caîl1 the Whitby Free Press Classlfleds - 668-0594, BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a widar market, advertise throughout'the regional membership of the Ontario and Ganadian Community Newspaper Associations' rCentral -Ontario 55 niewspapers - $160 for 25 words - Al Ontaria 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 Wrds' AIl Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words .- .....------ m ie I ~~~.. ................. Mn4wyto-PrE -; -1o -1-pm111 1 ;O04

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