Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNEBDAY, MARGIU 18, 1991 The revised Guide te, Ontario *Government Programs and Services, for Disabled Persons is now being distributed. i. The guide liste more than 100 programs and services for Ontariens 'who are disabled. Among the listings are services in Guide. to. programs, services.*for disabled. ,:ducaton heaith, emiploymient, acomdtion, travel and receation. The Office for Dissbled Persans gathered information from 23 Ontario ovenment rnimstries to, produce thegude The boollet is published in* English, . French, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese. For the first. time, a Greek language edition is ai» àavailable.,ý ýýcopies of the irevised-guide mnay be. obtained from' the Ontario Office for Disabled Persona, 700 Bay StSite 201, Toronto, Ont. -The Ontario teli-fres niumber, including telecommunications dovice for- the deaf, is3 1-800-387-4456., -Toronto area callers should <iai (416) 326-0111 (voice) or 326-1778 (TDD)., Gft tun nto hobby, ýin a biýg way IVAN HESS lookà over Ianscpd&pro. pt t-twas'once gav!pit. Te Mîistry o if NaturalReorergad wè.i rehabilitation -work as among, the - best by.pit owners. araBodei.phoo ByMaureenQuliinlan Aprirl Sater bas over 300 bears hibernating around ber home.' Theere teddy bears, and tbat's ~tbe number thbe. Ashburn resi- dent bas collected for a hobby beguonly six eareao love them »saysSlater. Some of tbe 1>ears bave already been 'on display at the Ajax library and were recently visiting tbe Whitby Public Library. Until- now, Siater hadn't belonged to a teddy bear ýclub or group. But wbile ber teddy bears were on display at the library, sbhe received a card"-from a Toronto group and 19 now con- sidering their offer. Her collection began as a gift during the -Cbristmas of 1985. Front then on, it continued* te grow and grow. uMy oldest bear is big, blue. andfuz tbat belonged te my brotherwhen he was littie,» s;ays-- Mater. "F'riends and faxnily find -gift shopping rnuch easier when you have a collection," says-SMater, partly explaining her large col- lection. In addition te stuffed bears, Siater has bear wicker'baskets, besr signs'and béar pins.* Slater's, favourite bear. menu- facturer is Gund, but beers corne in ail kinds of brandseand shaeone frorn the ONE, that has to sit on thei. -floor,» sýays SMater. Many.'of ber beaârs .are from Canadabut a« few are from as far. away as'-Germaniy. nd England. Although àll of her, bears, are special, SMater admis a particu- 1er liking for Hilda. Brown and fuzzyr, with a pink4 handmade dress, Hilda' was given te ber by her grandmother. Hess sets the ex ample for pit rehablitation Whenever in need of an excel- lent example of rebabilitation of gravel Rits, tbe, Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) points to the Brooklin-area property of Ivan Hess. Hess bas been operating a sand and gravel pit fior more tban 30 years, and Cs excavated, about 70 acres of hs 114-acre property. Thus fer, be bas lands- caped and rehàLilitated 40 acres.' Bih lAtkinson, MRaggegate resources officer, says thé work b ess is one of tbe best exam- piesof rehabilitation in the area. He7s been doilggod work sloping. and laOndscaping the site,» says Atkinson, *ho urges the public and aggregatte pro- ducrstoloo a wat ess ha done. aites almost like a park." In fact, Hess wants te fashion a golf course out of tbe former pit area. "Eventually, I want to create a golf Course, se rve been careful about tbe way rve sloped tbe land and replaced the topsoil. 'Tm doing tbe work myseif, sO it's taking.some time.», ai started rehabilitating. a bit at a time long before it *was popular,» says Hess. Undeèr Ontario's new Aggre- g ate Resources Act, introduced lest year, a"gregate producers must rehabilitate their sites as they excavate. Previous legislation required tbem te make only a security deposit wbicb was refunded once .... .... o:!*.* 0THE CQRPORATION O 'J.op$THE TOWNVvOF WHIvm-uY Are you intemested in runn ig forla gomerment, office? If you plan to seek office in die 1991 municipal elections for municipalcouncil, schlool board, or hy&o-eecicommission, you must registerwith dme Town Cierk beforeyou sperd or rase any money for campaign activities. For more information conWac lb Town Clark. cal bêlg S aqmu elgn! DONALD G. MCKAY, CLERK Tib. CpUonm of t Towt.aWh3 575 Rocau.d Road East WNiOfldo LiN 2M8 a depleted site was rebabilitated. ("If- aggregate producers think oftbe environment first and plan tbe ýreb -abilitation before tbey start excavating, it will be better for tbe environnient» says Atkin- son. "Taking legal action down the road to force operators to comply with the jregulations isn't the way we want to operate.» The MNR is cracking down on operators of sand and gavel pits and rock quarries who fail to meet the new, strict regulations. According VLo the ministry, pro- per site rrianagement and pro- gressive rehabilitation nieans stockpiling overburden and top sou 50o it can be used later t landscape excavated areas; p lanting trees, shrubsý and grass, treduce erosion; sloping sides of pits te mâke future landscaping possible; and excavating only small -areas at a time on one portion of the site wbile rehabili- tating other areas. There are about 2,700 licensed pits anci'quarries in Ontario, 256 in the MNRs Lindsay district. 1Hess says he's ,successfully plented trees in former pit areas, except alonq roadways where he- believes winter sait has kihed nearly a, of the trees he planted. S ISABELL RANDALL S Saldes Representanve S Bus. (416) 668-8897 7i Res. (416) 655-4207 FrpersnLn rfsinl.1 APRI SLTERwith a few beaus from her large, collection. chWhEvbbo Brookli United. Church news For St. Patrick's Day, 'there wilbesina gof -Irish1hymus on Sunday, Marct 17, at the church. Pancake breakfast will b. held on Palm. Sun day,, Merch 24, 9:30. a.m. 1Nineteen memibers are. now workigot beir relilon and'lle Maundy Thurüsday ,communio n Villbe-onMarch 28, 7"to7-,80 p.m. At,-Easter morning worship on March 31, there will bemusic by the senior chofr'and a senior %.nday school'surrise.? Easter communion serv cée and welc.mina of new membêru will -. - .. - - - ~ 1I Eroolin11PÀ9coffie Phone 668-61,11 1

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