Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1991, p. 24

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PAGR 24, wIDTB FPM PRESS, WEDNESDAYo, MABCHI 6, 1991 HURT ELECTRIC. Residential and commiercial. For ail your e lectrical, needa, including Installation 'of dishwashers, central vacs, garage door openera. Free estimates. 668-5974. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck, tailgate Mif. Furniture & appliance removal. Clean yards, basements, gaages. Cut trees, etc. Cal 65-3004 anytime. REC, ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywall - taping and finishing, tirimwork, ceramic tiling, painting, eneral repairs, fencing and decks. al(416)576-7503. VISCAR MASTER PAINTERS. Afler 23'years you get nothing but top quality service- atapic you'll- finid economical. N down pr nand financing avallable. C, 1Normfor prompt quotes at 655-5030. OCA. RENOVATI ONS, cabinetry, addi- tions. Kitchens, bathrooms,.paving stones, fences, doka, »roc rooms. Free estimates. 416-432-6865 or 705-887-2017. SMALL- ENGINE 'REPAIR. Speclalizlng - n ail marine outboards, Iawnmowers, chain aaws, dirt bikes. Minor repaira to comploes- overbauls. Free estimaee&668-5322. INTERIOR PAINTING, apart- monts 'a- speclty. Fat, clean service. For free estimates, cal Mike et 655-3791. LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHTr. Arthur, Murray Dance Studio (singles and couples woîcome). Phoneo430-0014. HANK'S APPLIANCES. Apait- ment fridges and stoves $350 a set and up. G uaranteed. We buy used appliances. Hank's Applines, 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6.728ÃŽ-mf.> ERROLS APPUANCE SALES. New and used coin washers and -dryers. Repaira to mlicrowavos and appliances. W.* will buy qualty usedappliances. 10% seniors discounts. 432-7734. REE MICRO WAVE a Refrigeration Services. Reasonable rates, writton guarantes. Also smali appliance repair in Whitby/Oshawa are a. Cali Ree 728-0692.' Sewing Machine Repairs Ail Makes Comiplte Tune-up $39-95 Recendilioned Sewing Machines from $59-00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 40WKng St W. Oshawa SEASONED FIREWOOD. Face corda/bush corda. Dry hardwood. Plckup or delivered. Prunlng trees and evergreena, sorubs. Garden/ basement cleanups. Cail 649-3183. MATTRESSES and box springs at hall price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. CAPTAINS BED, solid maple wth mattresa, $250. Single oak waIl unit, $200. Reclining chair, $150. Freezer, $100. Metar- desk& shelving, $45 each. 430-0643. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haif prce. Large selection. MoKeen Fumiture, 52-4 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER, mother, wilI care for your pre-schoolèr in a stimulating environment.. Excellent references. Reasonable rate. Garden-Rossland area. 430-3825. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gettlng auto insurance because of age., poor driving- record,' or suspension of license? Perhaps we can heîp. Phono 666-2090. FIRST MORTGAGE avaibable under il per cent. -Dobt consolidation and fimandiai advice specialist - residentiai and commercial. Home Guard Funding. 430-8362. PRIVATE MORTGAGES- the paeto go when your bank says 'IWServingWhltby since 1973. 668-7200. ANWIS INVESTMENTS. WHITBY CLEAN, QUIET f urnishedl roomn for rent in private home. Includes parking, phone, cable, limited kitchon use. Close to Brockç/Dundas, GO, shopping. Prefer mature working maie Avallable immediately. 668-3640. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - 2 people Iooking for third person ta, share north Whftby home. Working persan a must. 430-2420. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM for rent. $90 weekly. Bathroom & ktchen facilities. Student or wiorker proferred. Walk to ail amentities. 666-3776 after 6 p.mi. STOP Dont throw It out someono may war.t iL Try r-hM Claifleds. COU The Wheltby FrueaPros ROOM MATE WANTED to share large two - bedroomn apartment. $350/month, al Inclusive. Walklnp distance to GO. Avalable lmrmediately. 666-8477. WHITBY - 1 bedroom basement apartment. Separate nrne fireplace.-Avalable April 13,,1991., $560 per month,, utilities included. 430-3862 and leave message. NEWLY RENOÃ"VATED. 2 b.d- om apatmnt.,AWso3. bsdroom man Iflor bungalow. Rent- whole hous or ether unt. 430-633. CROSS ÇANADA. MARKETPLACE iI'S FAST - iT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK1BIG -CAL 'THIS NE'WSPAPER FOR IDETAIýLS. C.OMING EVENTS ARTS. CRAFTS, COUNTRY COLLECTIBLES Showi And Sale presented by CraftWodd and Cryderman Productions Inc. MoIra East Trade Centre, Pickering. March 8-10. Information cal CraftWorld (519) 351-8344. SPORT CARD & COMIC SHOW. Sunday, March 10, 1991. BRAMPTON Holiday Inn, DixieRdiHwy 7, îOam4pm.,60 tablesi T.C.B. Promotions. (519) 759-7910 or (519> 752-1244. Dealer enquirles welcome. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five ,days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Can ai, private state-rooi, meals. free brochure. Write Captain Marc. Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. FARM EQUIPMENT PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS - Canadas leading manufacturer offers a variety of modela. Save Money, Make Money. Free Brochure, Enercraft, #3. 130 Saunders Rd.. Barde. Ontario, L4M 6E7. (705) 734-1211. FARM SERVICES GST. GET VOUR"One-lime Credil. Ottawa owes you a GST slart-up crédit ef Up to $1 ,000. Gel yours with TaxGuard GST HandIerw..CaIl 1-800-268&6735. AUTOMOTIVE JEEP OWNERS. Huge stock et parts. Low prices, Instant shipping. For Jeeps 1942 te 1991..Gemini Sales, 4738 East Hastings, Burnaby. B.C. V5C 2K7. Phone (604) 294-26 23. CASH WANTED TO BUY CAHFOR JUNKII Crosley/Addison Radios up to $400. Nostagia Items up to $1500.COCA-COLA Items up te $1200. Toys up 10 $1000. Ron (416) 891-0805. FOR SALE JOIN T HOUSANDS of satistied custemers. Buy wigs ai whoîesale prices. Frorn $39.95. Shop by catalogue and-save. For FREE catalogue CALI TOLLFREE 1-800-265-7775. STAINED GLASS: Shop by mail. Glass and Supplies. Great prices'. 184p catalôgue, deposit refundabie: The Glass Place, 50 Ste-Anne, Pointe Claire, Ouebec, H9S 4P8. Orders oellifl 80 363-7855.. BUSINESSOPPO)RTrUNITIES THE ULTIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. 'm Iooking for people who need tip te $2.000 te $3000 per monlh part-Urne. CalilGarth <705> 835-2967. OWN Att CASH SNACK VENDING ROUTE. Newest machine la opening up great locations. No competition. Earnings can exceed $1.000 weekly part-time. $16.000 U.S. Investmfent. 1- 800-444-0615. BARDAHL LUBRICANTS. Join a winning îeam. Distributors requIred ln many parts et Ontario. Truck & investmenl requlred. Write Ken lnino, 211 Oueen St.. Newmarket, 13V 2G1. CLIP NEWSPAPER ITEMS $2.00 - $25'.00 Eachl Work at home - In spare time. Write TODAY. FREE Details: Clippings (o2), #150-1857 West 4th, Vancouver, B.C. VBJ 1 M4. SELLING YOUR BUSINESSI Save money by representing yourself i Advertise weekl throughout Canada.and the Pacifie Rim ln our widely dîstrlbuted publication. Calil(604) 531-4115. CAREER TRAINING LOG BUILDING CAREER. Pal Wolfe Log Building School cameer courses beginnlng April 151h. 10 week, $2.200; 4 week, $1.100; 1 week, $350. (613> 253-0631, Ottawa area. FREE BROCHUREI Ge dihe training you need te Improve your job skilis. Select tram one ef our many correspondence lob tralng courses. Tuidon assistance. 1-800.481-8850. FREE career guide te homne-study correspondance Diplora- courses: Accountlng, Alrcon ditioning, Bookleeping, Business. Cosmetolegy, Electronics, LegaUM~edical Secretary, Psychology,' Travel. Granton <SA) 263 Adelalde West. Teronto,,1-800.950- 1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai tha Southwestern Ontario School ef Auctloneering. Next clais: Jun. 8-15. Information, contact: South western Ontarie Scheoietf Aucîloneering, R.R.#5* Woodstck*.Ontarlo7-N4S 7V9.<5(19) 537-2115;. EARN EXTRA MONEVIl Leam Inconie Tax Preparadon or, Basic, Bookkeeping. Free brochures. Neo obligation. U&R Tax Servilces,, 205-1345 Pembina Highw«ay, Winnipeg, MB,.R3T 2B8. .1-800- 665-5144. TRAIN TO MANGEan' ApartmentiCondeminium Building.' Governmnent lîcenced htor"- tudyàcrtîfication course., Job" placeme9nt assistance. Free'Brochure. RMTI, 1801-1 Venge Street, Toroto, Ont MSE 1 W7. KELP WANTED REM OTE MOUN.TAIN,,.RÇeSORT hiring for. summer. Chambermalds, waitresses, gas attendants. cashiers. For application send self-addressed stampederWelepa le Glaàer Pàrc Ledge,ý Rogers Pas., B.C. VOE 2S0. FUIt PART-TIME SALES. Advertlsîng Specialies. -Ideai for semi-retlred or persons on shîttwork. Highest commissions pald. Lundy Spedialty Advertilng,-5-2485 Lancaster Road, Ottawa, Ontarie, KiB S511. SALES HELP WANTED '16-FIGURE INCOME' .ntamnational Muslc and Video Company expandinq Into Canadaq needs highly motivated commissloned sales people and distrlbutors, part-Urne or fuIl-time. 1-800-263- 1900. (519) 94446740. INSTRUCTION HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home sbidy -course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteedl FREE informýation. Write: Popular Music, StudieoS.5 3284 Boucherie Road. Keiowna, B.C.. '1Z 2H2. - OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND avalîabiity and Ontario properties Io be sold for unpald taxes. Fr Information write: Properties. Qepi. ON, Box 5380, Sin. F. Ottawa, 1<2C 3J1. PERSONAL WOULO YOU LIKE te correspond with unattached Christian peeple,* ages 18-80, the. object being companlonship or marriage. Write: ASI4GROVE, PO. Box 205. Ohase, B.C.. VOE iMO. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FAOTORY DIRECT - Thousandi et satisfied customers have bought'frorn the bail for lis. 25x30 $2,309. 35x40 $4.189. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668- 5422. (24 heurs). BEST BUILDING BUYS - 112 Price Sale - Buy one'buildIng ai regular price and gel double Ieingth for 50% more. Umited steel. - Paragon - 24 Heurs - 14800-263-8499. A.Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New -types, sîeel/woed, quenset, cladding. For- true value, action & answers - Wally- <416> 626-1794 alter Opm, weekends. Free brochure. Clip-save. STEEL BUILDING SALE. 20x304$2.730. 25x36 $3,756. 33x40 $5.1*64. 40x60 $7.140. Price Includes steel endwalls and ail taxes. PricSd leo lear. Cai 1 -600-66*8-4338 or (416> 792-2704. WHV SErTE for second bail when you can buy ih. very bail, for th. semae money. For ail your buidicng'needi oei FUtureeal' Buildings. 1-800-qW-8653. Your ad couîd appe ar ln communlity newspapers ln Ontario, or rlght across -Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Llmlted, so Caîl This Newspaper Todayl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACflE" To reach a wider market, advertise throughout the regionai membership of the- Ontario and Canadien Community Newspaper Associations ental ntrio55newspapers - $160 for 25 words a Ail Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 .words~ Centrl OnarioAIl Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words For f urther Information please caîl the Whltby Free Press CIasslfleds, - 668-0594 J 0 A!lke M e- M. Iwo 1 m 4-"ll Yi'ýà im- - Z, , ~ . t efl 1

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