PAGE 20, WE1TY FREÈ PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARGEI 6,1991 WHITBY ýGIRLS, u SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION V(. ~ENERAL REGISTRATIÃ"N," AGES:5 years to 20 ygars - ~WHITBY I OOdge M DODGE Dpnal SALESSEVC ,209UDùndas.,St: -w. ' 200 Dundas'St.-Wý.* &200 Dundas St. W.MO8O 68-1642 (AJAX u ne) f l vOME DURHAM' MUN'CIPALITY 0F" DURHAM' PUBUC NOTICE IN THE, MATIR 0F:, Tho, Municpal Acý, sections 298 and 301 TAKE NOTICE THAT the Counicli of the Rogonai MuniobiaItyoo, Durham may PUSs by-Ias uhoifrgcolnructiof the, foIiing proecte: Roi.Road Nq.F ame MncitjL to 3 .Wnrchsor Rd. (shawafteNmf Ue m*dinfrom Roam mHammw Rd) 4 Taunton Rd. Pickering TaunbnVStee1es Connecdon from Ow ?VstDuflfiC",e BdE toRam 1, (Brock Rd) 4, Tauton Rid. Whitly Intersection Impivemnteai 5 m hConc. Rd. Pkclçouo From westof- Clairerontwesteyina f lie DurhamNork ýG SaQmhfteIdRd. Scugog Replaoement of cutiet Loi 18,Coesson 28B Rossland Rd. Oshwa Rossland Rd. tom Road 1 <Rtsn Rd.) 39 Road 39 UgNicge gri u4k>Road noaherlytoZephyr 47 Roui 47 Bc a ei~ fmm o - ioalBaundary 55 TowIie Rd. CshaNewcmde Townline Rd. fm Ave) Plans shawin details ai the prjeots and the lands affected ma beý seeatteofioofthCh ;n Englneer of the Durham Works D e~ate 105 Consumers Prive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone Wôiks Committoe, being delegatedi by Pleg onal Counc*1 as the hearing body, shall hear in person or by his or oer counisel, solicitor or agent, any prsanwho .daéims his or her land wilI be prejudidally, afected by by-Iaws and who applies on or before Mardi 5,1991, Ia the undersigned ta be heard ati a meeting of the Works Cammitoes on March 12 1991.' DAMD ai WhRWb this Bih day of Februar-y, 1991. . AKER -'W.A TWELVErRE P.& 'Senior, midget , volleyball Anderson wins "DYSS Mfter sweeping LOSSA, Ander- son Raiders. girls volleyball tourna felljuit short- of simÃilar domination . in' Durham-+York (DYSSA) compétition .last ïweek, caturingtwoof thre tIi toura cae ou à on op while ot onacac atl.parte h the final. pacdscntd Tié.juniors lcdsonte wiheventual, junior champs -MI- lknMilîs, w fho had a* botter. ýpoint; differential. Anderson. senior frls, oing off an ,exciting IXSSA victory over Dunbarton only two' day' before, again met Dunharton for the DYSSA championship. - Onceaan the Raiders ,cap.- tu0goici' but this time, in easierfashion, b scores of 15-9 ,and 15-12 in coptitiof at Unionville iRh Over at Markham High School 'Raiders midgetý club" needed, tregmes ta knock off Denia, O'Conor 1015, 15-3 and 16-14. In their LOSSA match1 Ander- .son seniors' were bln h eight bail in the third -and -décid- Ing game. But determination and excellent pla 'yé-Ahne Muir, brought the team back. An illegal substitution by Dun- barton gave the Raiders a- 14-13 lead and the. fire.d-p club, cap- ,tured .the crown on. te, .next serve. Anderson finished the regular, season undefeated.ý Due ta, protesté, the LOSSA AAA' >ras volleyvbà ll final was Themai prte t -was lodged by O'Neill Collegiate coach Paula' OFzirinka when she 'cl-ai med sýhe .was taldthat hier club ibid natý. malte the pla'ya'ffae. By the ýtimeè ah. managed ta field. her team,' Ile,- OSA commnittee met- Feb.» 22 .:nhd. anntounced, Feb. 25 that the finals; would be, played Tuesday rnight at Anderson CVI. Nicholso n -ik wins bonspiel The rink of slki p Joan-Nichol- sovice- Ev. McPfhadden, second Carolyn -Rylott and lead Cathi. Simpson won the Past Piesidents; bonspiel atthe Whitby Curling Clubon 'Feb. 25. Runner-7up was the rink oif skip Betty Hollinger vice Liz Winiters, second Pat iMilbu rn and lead Val Thorndyke. .Having the one-game bigh was theriko skIp Betty erun, viqce Mary Jane ýYeatesscn Whitýby ' mnor hockey HifomE LEAGUE MAORu=W Mar. a Rq,'a EntarP"u JulIaaOwum2 RaTutak 2 DarolPru Mar. 3 Clu'luEluen Jo@.ULwTurcotte 8 7lailam van MAJOR A:TOMN MarSObm Javid MowM 2 Nathanettar 9 BmDmiiBPrtid BaXIMCBnmS Beckfodrd5vlce 2 VIkI lnsuranc Natle"nu", e.Ma* ott Den Voescoltu )Mrat1>8 Styleove John Rou lKyleAbbey Jante Fm, JeffWA Seehoa2 Derek Wray *Canadian 'Itre' 8Pamujort Whithy 2 William Deir 6 Adamn Thibbdeau .Brandon Fowler Robert Rtcharnlu Scott Rab GutaxŽ\ 12 Master Bedroom 4 KyeMusman 3 Mark Glemwn, Dirte. Denyes. arenaquarm Mam MacDonald 3 Robin Cote' James Liake 4 Bradley William. Bye. Peyinan MINOR NOVICE Mar. 2 Brkoola Canent. 8sWhltby Toyota 8 MichaelDemalo- Rab CoMina Joahua Vannan Jonathan W"lh Adoa Rs naM MaeaineEh 4 Whltby <>tltà 2' KileRuItAn2 Michael Usile BrIanLlz i Nicola Nkmbe Brian Abbey, MAJOR NOVICE M. 2 Brookil. Kinan en 2- Wbtby Dadge 8 Chris Moore OWen Major 2 hAmm .Burke lblerWoad-Vileucnek Anderson Jet. a Whltby Dodge 2 Michael Guhbels Duatin Brow. Nicholea Cowen (keg Leblanc Matthew FPortiler Ilone&RUral- 5 sBroakllnKlnmmen 1 Andrew Yaraskavitch Camons, Munro CMtConnell l'an Cuthbertaon 2 -Tan Wataon WhltbyKinamon 3 Bye. Thmpoon 1cottMmengr 2 Mwar .' Andenuon vi Km Crouch Coilar4 JamasTurklngtes Stephe. H=rzck 2 Scott Mor t. 7 BrooklinKElnmen 8 un 2 Matthew IRedford uharuasBrlan Witro 2 Mau. 3 Non veâoes 5 DuTcmIng. '4 -Tà uIPatbarma D"vd r ubrm 4 XkInm Club 2 Chd£JAudatte 5 Pnlnelasigne 2 Ikavld)&urila. Ei"Cetes 7 Miismxumhr0, 3 H*&BUn Bichiet Jidh Wbt pdlm 2 Co.can 2. David ~ lyAn" Goutias B.rcl&anch Paul lioum Feb. 23 Jo.hua Brlmle 4 Rame.&Riura2 Androw Yarakiavlt4a uan Cutbeaou WltbY Dada, 5 Brooklln Klnamen2 Gbux Mayet Camera.Mante TYlrWood.Vlkanek Anm Buirke GregeAblana 2 KOU Towrie Anderson VoL. Clinl 7 Kim Crouch Cfaus Davld Fletche 2 Ryan Wlawiek Matthew Fortier 5 5tapheâ uwrosok NicholsCowan Broclilln Kin-n 4 Bladue kate C«"e RyanKeeneyMahwBcnganl DDaget 2 DargylIplgeu ThoumaPmnnemy Jeffirey Mac... Provincwal gna 2 wltby FPehtea fi PelaDtEla 2 Mihal arand- KrlaopherBrockman J" xPaulLrao Fr.nkllnkFr. Food& 2 >RoiEnlerprlue 8 WarenA112 BhaitBegular Jamm Cunmnnham T"wm5ladhmp W L TGF2 Oh FPro Fianklln% ProvInciau"n Brookil nanen Mu. 2. Provincwa in Mark Co=e' Frnlink Fr. Food& Robin McDouSil Broaklinlnaze-n KCrkaAmaro2 Orahars Indieao 7 12 il 2 Royl Enterprise 2 Michael ongo Todd Bainridge i WhltbyFireflght«ra2 John Paul IÀrian.2 3 Sivil Construction,. 7 1