PAGE 10, WHITBYREEPRESS, WEDNESYMRE,11 PRÃ"ÙPAGE1There Io FR OM AGEibut à fter' De ie erly opstion to are, morei Canaa Pool?. progaom of con- pols hw tracting-out somte services, Wells of satisfaci said the public bas accepted it. Scott ,of Unwheiw. can put retail ser- corporatloii vices into a businep.elthat i., open - privatizati( earli ' r~the ioning and later H.ei ~~at ~ I Z gt uth ogrnit the..letter- eqùates to-btter ýservice," Wells, transfert. ô nlaine& - gj. nc, toclose Whitby 'post fie tb ' BlPart@fths boelim& uë iitial opposition teo it DDetrylt ciut they tfled. Independant Iere. is a hlher rate ursebmoans the rsrcturing' and acheme. jobs we-elost when rtng opération wus fomn Oshawa te and predicts more t, corne. «Rlgt-ow -nOshawa they're> dnga.,restructuri' f postal wakifs estimated w. could- loe'. 10 tô 16-letter carrier posi- tions," sidScott. SH. said ýCUPW ha a liêèd for court ,izïjufictidrns and MIiri- vancso'agaiM tCanada, Post or, similar pianselsewhere, but.has, not beeSî uccessfil. Stili, the union did force the corporation te delay plans to contruot-out mail deUiver-y in the Newcastle communlty- 0f Cour-, tice. Scott . mid the "precedent-set- tige proposai came up- durlng contract nogotiations now under way inu.Ottawa and wasvigô-r- ouslyopposed by the union. "TheVrve put a laold on it for now,» sald Sètt. "WNNER'S,CIRC4E"l Major .devel oprnent FR OM PAGE 1 fromn residents upset about thé Prrutx1beexpocted at" tastagé, Snid Batten'. "ltes hard' for anyone te cail when w. don't know what were douling with - at this point," Sad Batten. While he could not; prodict what will ha onp with-"Eriii Mills aplcation,, Batten s " i'ay lieybe referred te .Whiitbys officiai plan review# now under wïay. "It still has tog o,<through the plnnn proceis .but I. assume that"'wat'well 'do, that's pro- bably. what they're loolking for alqso, said Batten.' Commttereect8sstaff'à dvic RMPA GE 2 SCunilorjoS Drumm said thIat o,,Pwin te the number ol property owners -involved, thbe wasm osblt of a walking trailjb nbin iithelarea. ,"W. le never put in a frail syste from Columbus Rd. ý o Ashburn Rd.," said Drumm.' "If w*e had 'nychance Of form. nga trail Mytmr I would nol mmudif counc,-Iereta approveéaucquigtheo1nd, it wo iuo have te Ihudget for a "B all dz people a, year Id )f il 0 could wul thirough it," suid,ý Drumm Councillor Lynda Buffett said there w*as -little lkelhood of- acntland ever bein de-velo- ped, so the-land co1ld romain undisturbediprivatehands a;,ý .-I don't>lke wh:t Ia.. orher frm"adan anryBrunelle. "TA.Regon fDuham-r" oo- nizes'the n.eed te ýýprotect -tIns eek'valley. I caut understand why Peoq say wont gt tere." eeomn BrunellWpireicted-that- evon if the' recommeudation 'Ils thatcouncil" 1neit week, e<t aoetve uwallIa chance of getin*g trugà eialcoun- Counclor Ros Battncern- mnitto. charman, terme auýy sggestion te mikel adpb lic ÈrOperty "bsoutly u-r Ouse 6711a8 la not an urban aea, il?. arural urea. .There ' not a chance of thia aîrea ,being develo-ý ped "muid Battenie 'd1,à mu3id'tue streazu was oly a "arnalltrlbutary» of Lynde CÊeek' sud- the actual creek 'cornes nowhere near the site. ,VIf you)re golug te- folbew tii. valley -l-and coutext through I4yndé Creek you wouldn't corne near thià iproperty,"! muid Batteni. Followýin rthe meetMig, -a >ViSi- bly: upsot Brunelle'eeFdht tcomment flirtiier Loreporters. However, hi. did promis. te, pursue, the matter at next weoks's cuncëil meeting.> Marh At reaýk inBrooklin Thé.0OptirniatClub of BrooIdin lhas d:Ma ...ed their 'cod' annualMarh Art' Break sto'be held mi Brooklin, Mharch il te 14. ,,Ihe. 1pro gram ,fleatures .throe das 0f i-lassessions. und a' fiell d to ethe Ontario Gvallroi f Art inTonto. Si" professional' artists ýfrom- Brooklin, Oshawa, Toronto, and Moncton,ý N.B., will instruct, the, students in the use cf.avuriety à fý médiumns froi pap er and wo ýcoà ltructo te prinit mlngr Poteypcartooning' u Ti. instructors are aui very Active in their fields. John- t.omnard i. a .well-known painiterý who has-taugut progams at Ti.: Station Gallery..1 , Carl' Weins filustrates covers, for Toronto -esuad ,bas. tauight for ehuilà am ýBoard of Education visual arts prqoam Ron ýWard works fbr the Moncton-Mfmes Transcript; as-,a PrssBa oahr~ . BU KimbaU.Stove.P'ranc sud Buill Fraer are veay activein the' community: , ,teachiing ' azd exhibiting .They have aIse or ked. with Durham Board of Education at thir visual arts 16 (second 'hild -in a family is'- camp. 2 3) mbe fé. Includes materials, Aswell ,as' touring, ii a- lnhduiy, ndatptothert, Oalr fOntarlo, the tdotGallery of Ontario. wl .involvred' in a hna-n To lreister, cia Brian pr-KSlth prograzu ,Wik ut 6-44x, or ck upa foitrtor the four-day form from CTf. Vdeo mag76, cam i *0 erstudeut aged 6 to Baldwiti St, 'roklin (655>3306), Mart"inls landscapesshown at McLauhin Giery Luandscape in Mto Art, the work ýcf T. Moweér Martin, 1838-1934,ý and E.Ma Martin., 186541957, Willbe hold until MaY19atà t. ; Rdiert McLfaughlixi Oehawa. o paintlng feuturea 21 worksin the. gallerys permanent collec-ý tion. 'Thé. pantinguare on, PriMaent bau fim the Ontarlo Fou.,- Emmna May Mrln v coatrtibut.d te tthe way oe,. view*ou lindaae TPis;gatgl Gnred 'Lru. by T.' Mà wer Martn uakes a scene, mqjestic that ould "namafllybe b5Flr=ýd whuile the vantgle -Point C .ay the, relativ e -in.aignlficance cf mun lu thé face of tru. grandeur. T. îMower -Martin wm - born lu Lonadon, England lu 1838 and studied art at ,the .Soeth, Kreidngton Schoclé. e came te Canada lu 1862 with bis -wife<ý Emma, sud after fammng (az atternpt that fafled),> opened an art studio lu _Toronto arcund 1880. He travelled on. numerous occasions te tth. west cf'Canada lu order to, paint. Hie.wasaa founding member 'of bth the. Outario ocety f ýArtist .a and the.. tinn MaMartin waa born inuý 1865,- the. eldest' daughter:-of the',,Martin, family. , Her early~ artistlcnidlawere taught teher, by hèr father as well by the eminent Canadian, . painterw Manaùaduke Matthewu. and GLA Reid. -Early paï intings by Maii are marked -by th e oft colour and, welldefiued det;ails, while li. later workesah, achieves a mueè romuantic effeét that hélpo tet deflue themu as erene. THIS WEEK . .CRAFTrWORLD PRESENTS.., & CoLu2hry eoffsdtgfa FINE ART 0 BEST IN CANADIAN CRAFTS 0 SOLID OAK FURNITURE 0 CHILDREN'S, MENS AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING 0 COUNTRY COLLECTIBLES CHOMEMADE BREAD- 0 PORCELAIN DOLLS 0 GOURMET SELECTIONS 0 LEATHER & SHEEPSKIN O JEWELLERY 0 CHILD)REN'S.TOYS ,& STAMPS 50 OMUCH MORE METRO- EAST TRADE.CENTRE BROCK ROAD NORTH - PICKERING FR1. MAR. 8"4-10 PM SAT. MAR. 9,ý11-9 ,PM SUN. MAR 10, 11-6 ,PM aflUimifN t2 -f> UNDÊËRý cast -'Extemtes' Durham, Shoesfting Pertoranerso. l7th season "Who sid 11lf, was fuir?" continues . with William Matrosimones Extremitiea,'an intene édrama'te hé performed, April 5,,S 2 ud13y e prn,.,-, tii. arts reource centre, Oshaw~a City hbaiR comilleIL emWinrof- an award for d"stiguihed achievemeut lu the 1982-.83n New York- theatre season, 'Extremitios' explores the effeà btne,, atrgp.attempt on its lutededvlctmasdher two roommates. The Shôdstnln Peifore rouction, directe« by- Chris i~bocats Susan Lwa as ealn. the, inteudedvictim -of STEV OE (Rtau!) chokes uua LOwery <ajre uigrehearsal -for Shoestring Plaviers' uroduetion (if gbl FREE !L--- t r