Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Feb 1991, p. 13

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Lifes ~ 'le WIIIBYFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1991, PAGE 13 WHITBY FREE PRESS - FEBRUARY 2OTH, 1991 Shop around -ýfor a club that meets your- needs Those planning on woring out at a fitness club te help keep a New Year's resolution, should know about a ýprovincial law introduced by Ontario'a Consumer Ministry. The Prepaid Services Act was passed two years ago te - deal with many complaints about contracta of $50 or more with clubs associated with health, fitness, . nodelling and diets. Talent schools9, martia arts acadenues, sports and dance clubs are aIse covered by the legislation. Many consumera who paid large suma for long-termn conrace ere losing their money wheri the establishments closed their doors. More than 80 fitriesa clubs have declared bankruptcy in Ontario in the.past six years, representing consumer lbases cf more than $40-million. But, under the act, consumera muet now be given the option of pig by monthly inatament. .hie the club bas the right to charg up te, 25 per cent more for in:ment-plan membershipa than for those paid by crie annual fee, the xnonth-by-morith method f rotecta consumera from magjor The act also limite contracta te one year in length. If the club goes out cf business, fitness buifs wcn't be left holding a worthless lifetime cortract. The law provides additional r otection for those who aigri up or a, club that is not yet open. Except in certain circumatancea, pre-sold memberahipa become null-and-void if the club doesrit open on schedule. The buyers' money must be returnad on request. Under the law, ail pre-paid membership fees must be held in trust uritil the club opens. When making pre-paymen' for a club, itfs important te get à receipt for ail payments you have made to the club's trustee. However, if a buyer' agrees te use an alternate facility while the new club in urider construction, theae pre-aelling rules don't apply. If the club doesrit open- on time," consumera may not get their money baek. Ministry1 experts advise those considering buying fitnesa club services before the club opena te have a look at any alternate facility offered before they aigri. If the location is inconvenient or the club just doean't seemi up te par - in short, if it's not a club you'd consider joining on its own merits - you could spend a long time grumbling before the new location opens. The Prepaid Services Act also stipulatea that initiation fees be limited to no more than twice the clubIs annual membership. fee. This prevents those conidorig membersbip fromn being eriticed by low renewal rates inte paying high initial fees. Also, consumera need net allow clubs acceas te their credit cards or bank accounts, or provide post-dated cheques for monthly paymente. Even those whodve aigned a contract they regret, can take action - if they act quickly. Under the, legialation, consumera are guaranteed a cooing-off period. This meana it is possÏble te cancel the contract and reèive a full refund of payments made within a limited period. To take advantage. of this opportunity, thé buyer must deliver a letter of rescission (cancellation) 'te the club's business office within five days of signing. The letter should be sent by registered mail, and the consumer should keep a copy of it. The refund is due within 20 days of receipt of the letter. Armed with information about the Prepaid Services Act, consumera are ready ,te ahop around for a club that meets their needs. Clubs can range from luxurious retreata with body-building equipm~ent, spas, racquet courts and restaurants te a simple workout room with an exercise bike in the corner. If ail youlre looking for is a place te take aerobics classes a couple of times a week, the latter may, do the job. Regardeas of how niuch pizzazÉ the club's appearance presents, asking some basic questions should help you know if youtre on the riglit track. eAre instructors qualified? A knoWledgeable instructer, with a background in' fitness, should take the time te evaluato your fitriesa level and assess your goals. They should then' design a personal program te help you achieve those goals. e la equipment appropriate and well-maintained? If you've neyer tried repetitions ori a rowing machine, ask for a demonatration and explanatipri of how the equiment is used before yo u aigri up. B e wary if a lot of equipment is out cf- order. -Ail equipment breaks dowri once in a while, but if a member answers "twc montha" when you ask how long ites been since the bikes been eut of service, watch eut. 9 la the club dlean? Dirty carpets and neglected washrooms can ha an early; indication of financial trouble. e la there enough room in the club? Schedule' a viait at the time you're most likely te attend. Aerobica classes should be neither se full no crie can -meve, or se empty they may be cancelled. Consumera with further questions about the Prepaid Services Act sheuld calliLteir local Consumer Services *Bureau, listed in the "blue pages" cf the telephene- directory, before they igri on the dotted lime. Certification program aun ched By the Durham Regioe Fitue The Ontario Fitness Council (OFC), in corjunctiori with the Ontario Ministry cf Tourism and Recreation, ýMTR), bas now launched the OFO fitriesa leader certification prograni. la is hoped that this program will help reduce possible fitness training related injuries. and QcION Fi-t"- 0profession, cf fitriesa leadership. certification program encom- M. .tic onou Most consumnera do net knew if passes a thecry exam and 1 -h ur esso s. ndoo rage.their fitriesa leader is qualified to practicum, both based cri national (Maxmum6 pe clss)instruct. Men and womeri Performance standards. The 9 iS erolling ini fitriesa rgam < thecry exam iricludes 75 multiple 'te great lerigtha te ensure omtlt choioe questions (pasa grade is 80 the program offera the hast and Per cent), and was9 desmgned by lateat in equipment, but they the OFC. rareY (if ever) check te see if Tis exam is new beingmade their fitriesa leader is qualified. available, through Fïtness la the leader qualified te take Canada, te national agencies the average peracri threugh an wishing te utilize it in their aerobica clasa or strength- training and/or certification training program? Dos he/ahe programma. know enough abeut fitriess and The practicum involves the health te provide proper practical assesament, cf a fitriess guidance? The OFO fitriesa leaderledrsoi-eflr"kisba 7236.undGOLFt<E.[Z E] ertficaton program WM lprowde trained, qualified assssor. 1916 D. f uda tEWi Dundas Street with the basic requirements te components are minimum age 18, At Rear 0f Plaza~~~~~ provide standardized adequate cr . ç~iqt-~mn-- ___________________________________instructioni. murh> ès% W.ÇP erdlic,« irstii- aid certificate (minimum emergency level). Once a leader is OFO certified, maintenance of certification status involves the completion of identified recertification require- iments every three years. The fitness leader certification' program may reach and certilfr more than 5,000 fitness leaders over the next three te five years. The OFC certification program is targeted te leaders, employers and consumers and will establish professional credibility, standar- dize qualifications, enhance quality fitness practices, promote safe exercise pratices for participants and leaders, create consumer awareness, facilitate a standard for training in Ontario and transferability * acros Canada, and et te need for conipetent fitness leaders due te the demands of a grcwing fitness industry.ý For more information on the fitneup leader certification prgami contact Onitario Fitness Council, Fitness Leader Certification ,Program, -1220 le p p erd Ave. F,.W J~re,, BOB We are the only authonized -BOB TOSKI fitting centre in TOSI Durham Regioni Custom ALCLUBS Gol Cub! RECUSTOMà Golf lubs!FIT! Prices start at U fr an Il $58(YOfpiece set For every1i piece set of BOB TOSKI Custom Gof Cltubs we wiII give you 4 nights accommodation in Flonida! (approx. retail value of between $300.00 to $450.00 U.S.)

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