WHITBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1991, PAGE 9 Seak yourmmd. at the, Citizens' ou wihth Yrmet By Maureen Qulinlan Canada's prograni, the Citi- zen' Forum, is well underway. A service from the Canadian governent, mÉde by Canadians for Canadians, the forum goes from region te region ail across Canada. Discusion areas are set up so that the average person can -voice their opfinion on ay subject that las te do with this nation. «"Session dates aren't carved i at, » ZAU a-à ne v o1 iWt. Sessions can occur ini churches, temples, schools, Rotary clubs or even your own'livinig room, at I atstudents from oveir 20 colleges and universities have aiready voiced their opinion on the prograni and had several liveiy meetings. >The idea of the.prograni is te make everyone at ease with the atmfosphere so they can be as- co gforle and, opinionated as they want te be. Sessins are set un bv siînulv FORUM). The Forum operator will send you a discussion kit and get you in touch with Keaiey.1. The meetings aon't have to be large or small, but can accomnmo- date any size group. «So far, the response from the public is mixed," saysKeey The cost of -the proôgram could be $20 million, and the national advertism*g campaign basn begun.- Ads wil -be put out in newspa- pers, o n radio and televiuion te ceate publileawareness. red in the local media,". says ealey. Involvement is essential because al of the discussions and opinions developed in the meetings will be recorded and used ini the report, due Canada Day when the prograni ends. aTi prograni could be a col- ossal failure. or a return to, true democracye,» says Kealey. The new service reduces the sterile air usually associated orI eitr aling the Frm]Itrý(é Kormos to sPeak at .NDp meeting > Peter Kormoe, Ontario's Minister of Financial'Institutions, will be. guest speake r. at the Durhami East 1NDP. Provincial Rtiding Association annual general meeting on Sundà y, Feb. 24. . Thd meeting will begin at 6 p.i. im the lecture hall (C3113) at Durham Clee 2000 Simcoe St. 'During the annual general meetng members will.,lect the localridma association's oxecutive IMMTER KORMOS for' the next year and wiii review- its constitution. Durham East- MPP Gord Mille, who is the Parliamentary Assistant te Solicitor General Mike Fmann will' alo. -diseuse bies-flrst ,six months, as the local member of, parliament. 1 KDrmoi will be spealdng in the .But this project is done cern- pletely without the influence-of politics. "Ini fact, many of us wouldn't have gotten, involved with the prograni if they were involved,»ý sabe July report is even men made available to the public aL the',exact sanie moment Brian ,Mulroney gets hie banda on itm maybe even sooner. lecture hall at approximateiy 7:30 p.m. There in no admission cost, aithough donations will be accepted. Interested members of the ipublic are weicome te attend. SFor more information about the meeting or the local riding assocation, oeil 986-5441, 983-6094 or 623-6377. WHITBY'IROQUOIS socoR aLUB 191SUBER.SOCRIR REGISTRATION REGSTRTION DATES: Fr!.,, February 22, 1991 6:00 Pm to 9:00 Pm Sat., February 23, 1991 9:00 arn to.4:-00 PM Fr!.-, March 22,.1991 6:00 Pm to 9:00 Pm SunMrch24, 1991 10:00 arn to 3:00 pm After theme dates registrations wiII be accepted only if spaoe 19 available. PLACE: PeelPark Club House (Note change in location) p laye r R egistration Fom please print NAME:- f irst U GIRL iasî UBOY ADDRESS:' TOWN:_____ TELEPHONE_____ AGE GROUPS: Ail boys 1 987/86 19085 1 984/83 1982/81 1980/79 1978/77 1976/75 1974/73 and girls born ln the fol Iowing: R80KIE SHRIMP SQUIRT ATOM MOSQUITO PEEWEE BANTAM JUNIORS POSTAL CODE: BIRTHDATI OE:I REGISTRATION FEES $ 55.00. per person,. $110Qu00 for 2 people, $1 20.00 for famlly of 3 or more. Save $1 5.00 per person by registering by March 24/1991 deadline. After March 24/1991 registration date the cost wiII be $70.00.,per-person., **No Exceptions**' For more information please oeil 668-2009 Free Soccer Balil for FIet 500 Players Reglsteed (in pemon only) BRING BIRTH CERTIFICATE. fN!......dNfld .....'J rvlamco i -irm nirti irpm l OHIP NUMBERW Have you ever played with WhtyIoul ocer Club before?7 YES 0 NO U - EEL: U1 House League HOW LO)NG? U) House Leag-ue-Sele.ct QRep' This certifies that the W.I.S.C. Inc. iS lot- lia4le or responsible for any Injuries suffered by my child or'children while rtcipa t1ig in the Soccer Program of the Club. 1 also agree to abide- by therules. and regulations of theW.lI.S.C. Inc. THE ASSÉIGNMENT 0F PLAVES TO TEAMS 15 THE.ýý SOLE RIGHT 0F W.l.S.C. Inc. Apphcants Signature Parent or Guardrian's Signature Date. j' 'I o: THE CORPORATION 0F* .... THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION SCOUT-GUIDE DAY TAKE NOTICE THAT Febry 22, 1991 is hereby proclaimned as, eScout-Guide Daye in and for Mh Town of Whitby. Citizens of Whitbyare encouraged to support th e valuable community work of the Whitby District Scouts. DATED'at Whitby, Ontario this 131h day of February, 1991 RA. ATTERSLEY, MAYOR TOWN 0F WIIfIBY uiris i up .,y - year -ffi-onth clay 1 1 ,