vÀ'lc2. i FRE D eveloper,,wan ts to add more'unitsto previously approved subdivision By Mike Kawalski Whitby's planning department will examine a proposai ta add more houses ta, a previousiy approved subdivision. Town cauncii's planning and deveiopment committee has directed staff ta prepare a repoart an a proposai fram St;ie affe Developments for a subdivision on the southwest corrher of Taun- tan Rd. and Garrard Rd The company received appro- val for a 287-unit subdivision last year but now wishes ta add. 25 more units ta the deveiop- ment. Spokesman George Ashe tald comniittee last week the extra units wili not change the nmedium density composition of the development. Ashe said there is no need ta be concerned about neighbouring homeowners o bj.ecting ta the request since there are no sub- divisions in the immediate area. Ashe also asked for approvai that night ta allow construction to begin as soon as possible. Ta id that it will take four ta six weeks for a staff report ta be prepared Ashe said that wili make a cifferenýce as ta whether some units can be ready for accupancy this year. 1Councillor Boss Batten, com- mittee chairmnan, expressed sym- pathy for Ashe's re uest but felt immediate approval would pre-, vent future imput from the municipality. Referring ta the current slow- down in housing construction Batten said the Town needeci projects such as this one as soon "uIamconcerned we would have no planning input if appro- merch andise FOR TEACHERS & GROUP PURCHASERS (Cash & Carry Orders OnIy> S.1 ap îS SI.,Unt ,O Stb OPN:MO .-A S AM-P f~0 Recovery Towing mupon per customer) SERVING: II Whitby - 666-4613 Ajax - 686-4613 c ved toniglit,» said Batten. Planning director Bob Short said the committee could 1recom- mend approvai but warned against it. "If you approve it tonight you can't ask for rency comments afterwaords,»said Short. «I hear what the comxittee is saying and I don't want ta hoid up the process but council wouid be ffiving mixed signai regard- ing intensification.» .Âlthough acknowiedging *that housin affor dability is a con- cern, Short said the committee shold avoid «entrenching» mar- ket conditions'as a cri*teria for inakingits decisions. . Last December, council rejec- ted two different proposais ta add more units ta approved sub- divisions. Nor-Arm Development Inc. was prevented from changing an 82-unit singie-famiiy home, sub- division on Anderson St. to semi- detached and townhouses. Frankland Homes Ltd. was denied aitering a Blair St. S. subdivision from 18 single-family homes ta six semi-detached lots comprising 12 units., Ih- a subsequent interview Batten said the two reected aplications diffeèred from Steele He sid Mr.-Am'sapplication involved changing the entire make-upaof the deveýýio'pmdnt. «We nad gone through the (planning)process with residents and determined what was accep- tibie to us as a planning depart- ment and the community"» exj>ained Batten.1:, "In less than a. year they came in,. and, wanted ta change the whole coimplex 'of the 'deveiop- ment from singles ta semis.» As for. Frankiand's proposai, that, too, mnvoived changing the nature of the deveiopment, said Batten. - Batten 4~dmitted Steele Val- ley's h liation represents in- tensfig the subdivision but said the proposed units conform ta housing previously approved. "It's not exactly a built-up areaWsaid Batten. «ýWhat were *sa i g is that it daes flot change tngs that dra- maticaliy. There's nat a lot hap- r emng, we need something liko The Little Brown Jug LICENSED ALCOHOL DELIVERY SERVICE Now expanding our services to Whitby We deliver beer, liquor, cigarettes, etc. 42.7-7929. $10. DISCOUNT Ion ANY service: <~wih this coupon. Expires Feb. 1/92 TrOWUNG 24 1HRS. U Boosting V Opn .7daysaIwik UTire Changing Opendayawek *r-ý r) i r c"o rm ............................................