Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1991, p. 28

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PAGE 8,W1YFEERSWDEDYFERA 6 1991 SOREENS for mens urinais (Nlue MOVING SALE. Couchioveseat, HOUSE FOR RENT - Whitby. 3 WiUTIBY9 DETrACHED 3 be- WHITIBY - 3 bedroom house, pstc15x12w $650 each. Also couchfchalr, recliner, booksheif, bedroom, bright and clean. Waiic to room bungalow., Finished roc room main floor. Availablo March 1. $800 wCkl green kuffing scrub pads, humidifier sewing machine, picnic GO train. Easy csst 401. freplace, central air, garage, quie p lus- hall utilities. 3 appliances. Oil 17 and 15b3-V4",,$1250 each. table, ëBQ, lamps, kitchen Availabie now. $800. 666-4850. court, fenced, yard. Reerences.6668070. Na taxes. Lees than hait price. -utensils, women's skis, electric __________ First and last. $925+.683-6638. __________ 723-9109. train, ship's wheels kitchen sink______________ _________________ wth faucet, tools, mise. Items. 89 Sundance, 18,000 km. 433-1795. 3V O~.ULU i UVE în gooa con- dition, asking $150. 24r g id stove, aslng $150. Gas BBQ, $7.5. Phone 430-7450. TIRES - NEW AND USED. Al sizes instalod and baiancod. Cal 428-9775. SEASONED FIREWOOD. Face corda/bush cords. Dy hardwood. Pickup or delivorod. Pruning trees and overgroons, scrubs. Garden/ basement cloanups. Cali 649-3183. BASEBALL, HOCKEY CARDS. Upper dock sots, Foul box, Score sets, ,. plus wax boxes. 416-430-8308. Dealers woicome. Mail order. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seas, sectionals, less than hait P rce. Large selection. McKeen Fumturo, 524 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. FREE TOP SOIL, FILL.-Phono 655-8553. PRIVATE MORTOAGES- the pketa go when your bank svA~ *O"Seiving Whtbysie 1 3 COMMERCIAL WASHERS& dryers for sale. New and used. Also used washors & dryers $375 a p air, plus delivery. ERL'S APPLIANCES. 432-7734. APPUIANCE REPAIRS ta: washors, dryors, stoves, disliwashers and microwavos. A Il -.takes and modela. We also repair srnall app>liances. Phono 430-7382, REE MICROWAVE & Refrigeration Services. Reasonahie rates, written guarantoe. Also small appliance repair in Whitby/Oshawa arae.1Cai Rée 728-0692. HANK'S APPLIANCES. Apart- ment fridges and stoves $350 a set and up. Guaranteed. We buy *used appliances. Hank's Appliae, 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6.728 -4043. SWng Mchine Repaira A# Makes Complete Tune-up $39.95 Recondltioned Sewing KMachines tram $59.0 TOMLME SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400O1ing St. WOshawa HOCKEY & BASEBALL carda. Ail brand namnes available. Complote sets, boxes and Indivi-, dual carda. Btter-than-storo prices. Also buying. Phono 668-2849. MATTRESSES and box springs at hait price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simncoo St. S, Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. STEREO LOVERS for summor.' .600 watt customn-mado Savard speaker box for car or truck. Paid $650, will sacrifice for $450. -Sony "feathor touchu pull out AMIFM cassette dock wit h many features, fully digital with buit-in 27w x 27w amp, $300. 'Hi-comp 120 watt car amp, will throw in god tippod Alpine power harneas, $300 . Ent ire package worth over $1,400. Wili seil for $900. Excellent deal. Cail 985-0468. NEED EXTRA MONEY? To p of the uine vending machine. Lke new. $10,000 (was $16,000). Groat cash ony money maker. 416-655-867. ENVIRONMENTAL waterless toilets, electric type. For cottage, workshop faimn home & trailers. From $409. No GST. 723-9109. SPACE Available nowi 4 Rooms. Average size 1 5M'x2. Located Simncoe Street South. Cieaning, parking included. 728-7525 BROOKUN MOVE - Start your own business et aur location on Hwy. 12. Roasonablo rent. Great exposre. Cali Horb, or Dave 985-0s856 or 430-7341. NEW, RENOVATED OFFICE space to rent. 500 sq. ft. CalI Dan or Tony. 686-2075, Ptckering. STORE FOR RENT - Downtown Brooklin. Front St. location. Front and rear entrance. Ample parking. 655-4544 daytime, oveninga 655-8989. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of ,age, poor driving record, or susponsion of license? Perhaps we can hoip. Phono 666-2090. CROSS--CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADIAN RIVERS. This year. spend 3, 5, or 7 nights aboard elegant replica steamships cruising calm- water rivers and visiting romanie cilies, the wortd-famous 1000 Islands, magnificent fjords and the International Seaway and tecks. Experience whale-watching ai ils very best. $592-$2,850. Dia-a-brochure I1-800-267-7868 tottfree. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR an scenic Trent-Severrn Waterway or Rideau Canal. private statle-rooms, meals, free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. ATTENTION SNOWMOBILERS... Vos, we have SNOWII Visit the Parry Sound Aea - over 800 kms. et groomed traits, accommodation, dinfing. Cali Snow Hoîline 1-800-461- 4261 or (705> 746-4213. JOLLY ROGER INN. 4 Star Resait on Seguin Trail. Relax ln oui indoor pool, sauna, & whirtpool. Licenced dinfing room, fireside lounge, ive entertainmenl. (705) 378-2461. STAR LAKE LODGE & COTTAGES offers new, fully- winierized housekeepîng cottages for your enjoyment. Direct link le Seguin Snowmobiîe Traits. tee ftshing available. Cal (705) 732-4087. FR EE career guid t om-suy oeponence Diptoma Business, Cosmetotogy, Electronics, Legal/Medial Secrelary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A> 263 Adelaide West, Tarante, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Seuîhwestern Ontario Schooî et Auctioneering. Nexi class: February 9-16, 1991. For Information, contact: Southwestern Ontarie Schooî of Auctioneering, R.R.#5. Woodsîock, Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. TRAIN TO MANAGE an Apl./Con. comptox. The Governmenîi icenced hemestudy certification course inctudes Fiee Job Placement Assistance. Fiee Brochure. Calil 1-800-665-8339 (24 heurs). EARN VOUR CERTIFICATE! Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeptng. Fiee brochures. No obligation. U&R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pernbina Highway, Winnipeg, MB. R13T 2B6,1-800-665-5144. HELP WANTED TWO PERSON COOKING TEAM required. Eastern Ontario, canal cruise shtp; live aboard May te October: 3 meal day; P2 persanis. Home cooking menu. Cal (705) 748-3666. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE in your home. No expensive cable cosîs. (519) 366-2249 for free Information package e; Write Cartelco, Box 1000, Cargill. Ontario, NOG IJO. Fax <519) 366-2634. FIBERGLASS- WINDOW 0F THE 90's. Canadian made. A breakthrough In window technology. Exclusive lerritories. Gel ln on ihis expanding business opportunity. Minimal invesîment (416) 856-1600 ext. 16. $ALL CASH$ New snack machine for small offices. Ten (10) machines, location and training $6.875. An excellent part-lime Income. Cal for brochure. (416) 754-5707 (24 hrs). OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LANO availabiliîy and Ontario properies te be soîd for unpaid taxes. For Information write: Properties. Dept. ON. Box 5380, Sin. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1.. SADOPTION ADOPTION - PREGNANT? Childless couple desperately wants to adopl a baby. Child wil have secure, stable loving home. Home study approved. Day (416) 926-0765. Evgs. (416) 889-1539 or (416) 587-9774 anytirne. - BUSINESS PERSONALS CR1515 MIDDLE EAST - 25x38" full color wali map, key dates, places. avents, stalistics, chronoîogy to date. Unique. Detailed. Oit fields & routes included. Donneîly (613) 659- 2424. WANTED TO BUY PAYING CASH FOR JUNKI! Addison Radios Up te $400. Advertisinig Items Up to $1500. COCA-COLA Items Up to $1200. Toys Up te $1000. Ron (41,6) 891-0805. INSTRUCTION HOW TO PLAY POPULAR'PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteodl FREE Information. Write: Popular Music, Studio 82. 3284 Boucherie Road, Keîowna, B.C.. Vl Z 2H2. COMPUTERS F OR SALE OR RENTI New and reconditioned IBM compatible compulers, printers, and peripheraîs. Terms available. Trade-ins acceptedi Caîl M-R Technologies ai (519> 392-8300 weekdays 9-5. GARDENING NORTHERN FRUIT TREESi- Decorative Shrubs. Evergreens, Seedîings, Nul Trees and Raraflora. Guaranteed delivery. Reasoriable prlces. Mail-aider onîy. Cataîog $1. Golden Bough Trté~ Farm, Box 39. Marîbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. STEEL BUILDINGS A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steeV/wood, quonset, cladding. For hrue value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 af 1er Opm. weekends. Free brochure. Clip- savo. STEEL BUILDINGS Sale priced - 20x26 $2.427. 25x32 $3,499. 30x32* $4,530. 40x48 $5.467. Others'esues available: endwaîts and tax tncluded. Limiled amounts availabte. 1-800-668-4338 or-(416) 792-2704. 1991 FARM EOUIPMENT SHOW. Special on ail Models. eg. S30'x40' - 10Wx11' cdoor $4.693: Quonset 3Vx40' $4.589. Sizes (rom 20VW la 1 00W. Cait Future 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SURPLUS tnventory Prices from $2.550 a square foot. Buy now, take detivery within 6 months aI no extra cosi. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422. (24 heurs). BEST BUILDING PRICES - STEEL STRAITWALL type - flot quonsel - 32x48 $4.983; 40x64 $8.079; 50 x96 $14,908 - non-expandable ends, other sizes available - GST inctuded. Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE te correspond with unatîached Christian people, ages 18-80, the abject being companionship or, marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, PO. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1iMO. THE ORIGINAL NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH. which enjoyed daity spiritual fetlowship with Christ, close Ioving harmony logether, simple home worship, stitI exisis ledlay. Please cati 1-800-665-3642. IYour ad could appear in community newspapers ln Ontario, or right.ac ross Canada, or any Indivîduai province. Space Is Limited, so Cali This Newspaper Today! BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"I To reach a wider market, advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Communfty Newspaper Associations ( Cntrl ntalo 5 ewspapers -$160 for 25 words -Al Ontarîo 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 words~ Ail Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words For f urther Information please cail the Whitby Free Press ClassIieds - 668-0594 ~Opm.P----------. __58-7200. __________ANUBIS___ _________________________ 1 - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -

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