Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1991, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHWEYFREE PRE88 WEDNESAY. FEBUARY Ç, mi9 Non-profit. communltygroups whlch arebeciln Whltby or have a substantial Whltby memnbershlp may place their upcomlng meetings or activiti es on th[s page at no cost. Profit maklng or non-Whitbj groupawiII b.echared. Cl 668-111. Deadiine for', follawin wokaInsertion 18 FrdyB p.M. NEWCOPMRW CLUB The Newcomers' Club of Oshawa/Whitby will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. in the green rom, arts resource centre, Oshawa city hall. Derick Dutka will give a presentation, on financial management for the faâmily. AUl new residents are welcome. For more information cail 668-0552. BINGO On Saturdayý Feb. 9, Bingo Country Halls throughout Ontarloincludinq the location at Five Points Ml m Oshawa, *111 donate proceeda from a designa- ted bingo te support the Ontario March cof Dunes. The. Oshawa bingo, organized by the Oshawa Hawkeye football club, begins at 7.m.eror more information cal 69404.. DLABETES CAMP NIGUT The Canadian Diabetes Asso- ciation Camp Night will b. held on Thursday, Feb. 7, 7 te 9 p.m.j, at the Northview branch public library, Ritson and Beatrice, Oshawa. Camps are offered te chldren, aged 8 te 15, 'with diabetes. Famniles, past.camper. and interested communityr mem- bers are welcome. Included are slides3, a music presentation, dis- cussion and refreshments. For more information cail the Dur- ham Region branck hat 436-6648. GARDEN CLUB MEBETING The Oshawa Garden Club will meet on Monday, Feb. 11. at 7:30 p.m. at Centennial, United Church, 10 Rosehiil BWd.The meeting includes a Vaentine Flower show, and Ken icige wil speal, on 'Birds in the Durham Region.' Visiter. welcome. The Whitby Rotary Sunrise Club will hold a corporate chal- lenge skate-a-thon at froquois park arena on bodyPl. il, il a.m. te 1:30 p.m. l.here are three categories for business entrie:lteo, 0employees, 1ite, - 50 employees and 51-Plus emnploygees. A* plaque will be awarded to each category winner and each skater will receive a certificate for participation. Sponsorship form are aiailable around town or oeil Gemr at the Prudential Insurance-office at 430-8977 or 427-4969. Al pro- iceeds will assist Easter Seals children. BIG SISTERI WE Big Sister Week wilî bu Feb. 1" W-17, ith the theme, ' Please Have a Big Heart for a Little 1Valentine! A display booth will bu at theii. y allon Tues- day, Feb. 12, 1 te8 .m.-.open houû-se at the new Big, isters office at 179 King St. E., Oshawa is on Feb. 14, 3 te 7 p.m.; staff and Biqag and Little Sisters will -.enjoy winter c eleabratiocn at Camp Samac on Feb. 16,-9:30 a.m. te noon; aerobics lasi fior Big and Little Sisters is at The Club .57 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa,, on 1 Pe. 17, 12:30 te 1 p.m. More Big Sisters are nýed.Cail 436 - 0951. CHARFITBOWLING The Certffied Gene Accountants Assocation Ontario, Durham chapter, %~ present their annual 10-p Charity Bowling Tournament Feb. 16, fri= 5 to 8ym Leisure Lanes, Whitby. k'oce fr-om ttus event go te the Hes and Stroke Foundation Ontario, Whitby chapter. The - wiil bu prizes. Cost is $10 p .eron(teasaof six member Frentry information, cail (41 571-1582 or Fax (416) 571-1586. SKATE-A-THON -. The Kinsmen Club of Whitby will hold its 2th annual S3kate- &-Thon for Cystic Fibrosis at Iroquois Park arena on Satur- deyFb99 a."i) to 3 ip.m. THE HEART AND Stroke Founda- Beckford, Joey Wlnacott, Amanda tion kicked off Heart Month with a 'Burr, Wheolies mana or -arrie Por- skate-a-thon at Wheolies Boller teous, prosident of Wbitby Chapter- Skating rinlk. Hail the cost of admis- of Heart and Stroke Foundatiîon sion went to the foundation as weli Bruce MePherson, Mike Wafloer, Ian as pledges rai"ed. rom lofe are Crow and Nadine Baxtor. special ovents coordinator' Mary hsBvi ht MARCHOF DIMES The March of Dimes annual winter fundraxsing campaign runs until Feb. 15. York/Duîrham Regions hope te raise $45,000 in community campaigne. 1991 marks the 4Oth anniversary of the Ontario March cf Dimes- which assiste aduits with physi' cal.disabilities. DANCE The Col. J.E. Farewell student advisory council will present the Otter Creek Community Sweeth- eart Dance on Saturday, Feb. 9, 8 p.m., at Heydenshore-pavilion. Cost i. $14 per person.' Cal 666-2938 for tickets. Ail proceeds go te school equipment. THE CANADJAN CLUB The Canadian Club of Durham Region wiil meet on Tuesdy, Feb. 12 at the Hloliday Inn, Oshawa, commencing with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Rus Merifield, author, historian, lawyer and a member of the Toronte Canadian Club, wiil bu the guest speaker. Ail are welcome. For reservationsý, cail 668-4522. RPTLRP~Y The Epi & Area Cha WBIoIld the monthly meeting on Tuesday, 'Feb. 12, ai7:30 pm., at the. Kimen coin- of munity centre 109 Colborne St. dUl W., Oshawa. 4uest speaker will pin bu Suzanne 'Ramsay, discussing, on with members' participation, at self-help techniques in the. art cf ds wellness. Some methods include art reflexology, stress release, of. relaxation and accu-pressure Bre points. Ail weboeme. For more 3 information cail 436-3152. OPEN BOUSE The newvly o pened CNIB Dur- ham Region Service Centre, 81 Kàing St. E., unit 2, will hold an open house on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2 to 4:30 p.m. and 6 te9p.m. T'here will be displays and demonstrations cf services avail- able te tthe visually impaired. White Cane.Week isýFebo.3&-,.. ý CARD>NIGRT Card Night will bu held on Friday, Feb8 8 p.m., at West- minster Unitel Church, 25 Man- nin Rd. Prizes and lunch. Adission i. $2.50. To reserve tickets or for more information, caîl 576-8218, 723-3034 or 576- 2615. DENNIS MILLS Dennis Milîs, Broadview- Greenwood MP, will, diseuse hi. single tax proposaI as an alterna- tive te, the GST at a meetin at the 100F Hall (Cointian " ,e) SicoeSt. N., Colùmbius The 'Town a> meU*minthe firet of aseries tobe heil by the local riding association cf thié Liberal Paty cf Canada. Meet- ings are open and free of charge. BOWL FOR MILLIONS The Bowl for Millions camnpaign kicks off Saturday, Feb. 16 froin 2 te 6 p.m. at North End Bowl at Taunten Road and ]Ritson. Tii. 1991 comnittee hope. ail participants will spend the afternoon at the Ian. te cheer on the competition, and te join in abuffet supper at-6 p.m. Agrand prize draw lor a w.. end for two at the Pinestone Inn ,>wiil bu availabi, for ail bowlers turning i theïr pledge sheets and money on theIi.kik-off day. Pledge shets -are available now and may bu picked up at the. office, or oeil 579-2557 for delivery by mail. NOON IN LENT Ail Saints' Anglican Church wiil hold 'Wedn.sday Noon in Lent,' ecumenical lenten service, on Wednesdays, noon te 1£., from Feb. 13 te March 27. Tere wiil bu a time of meditation and a short service followed by a lunch of soup and sandwiches. Cost i. $2.50, $2 for seniors. The theme wil focus on Jesus, tiie human aspect. For more informhation SUi LEve at 668-7950 ».1ý..*. * , PANCAKE SUPPER Westminster United Church,4 25 Manning Rd, will hold. a ankesupper on Saturday, eb16, 4:30,te 6:30. p.m. Adults $5, children under 12 $2. Panckes sauage and pies. E.veryone ecm. For Mme infrmaion725-5417. DESSEKFCARI) PARI'! Cupid's Dessert and Card Pàry ...]ý ed by the bebu hed h i dm Chi Education Building,l3rooklin. United Church on Wedneday, Feb. 13 at 7 pm. For tickets: priced at $4, caithe church office at 655-04141. FOR THE WIDOWEi) A self-help group for widowed People wiil meet on Sunday, Feb. 10 in St. AndreW's Prebyterian Church, Cochrane St., Whitby at 2 p.m. Ail widow.d men and women are welcome te attend. For more information cal 668-2648. CNIB OPEN HOUSE On Thursday, Feb. 7 the new CNIB Durham Region Service' C0entre, 81 King St. E., Unit 2, Oshawa(fronts on Mary St.), will hold an open house between 2 and 4:30 p.m., and again between 6 and 9 p.m. Displays* and demonstrations et services available te the visually impaired are planned. Professional staff and volunteers wii discusa their yoles in meeting- the agency's objectives. At 3- p.m. *Oshawa a ribbon-cutting- ceremony te promte public awareness durm White Cane Weelc, Feb. 3 te9, the theme of which is 'amceate information.' Certificates cf ment wii be presented te a special business and individual on Thursday, Feb. 7 at the CNIB Durham Region Service Centre in recognition of their outstanding contribution in fclttnaca te information for hundrdaof blind and visuaily impaired Durham residents. PANCAKE SUPPER St. Johns Anglican Church, corner of, Brock. and Victoria Ste., Whitby will hold a Pancake' Supper on TuesdayFeb. 12 from 4:30 te 6:30 p.m. Tecost is $12 per family, $4, adults, $2. for children. under 12. Ail are welcome. FMU L O6PUL BUSINE Tii. Durham Chapter of the FuO Gospel. Business Mens Feilowship wMi hold its monthly breakast meeting on Saturday, Feb. 9, 8:30 a.m., atth South China Buffet Retuat, 1300 Klng St. E., in Oshawa. 8pecal guslor the meeting wiil, be Reg Morenýc an investigater with the Office cf' 1'e Public Trustee .of Ontario, a branch of the Attorney General. Music wiil be provided by Bob Hooper. ickets are $6 per persn, and may be ordered by phoning 725-8363. This is the time'of year to say yes to Girl Guide cookies. When you say yes, you help keep the spirit of 'Guiding alive. Remember, Girl Guides depend on Girl Guide cookies. Guides Canada ':~ ~ . & . 1 1 . t 1 1, > i t, -- 1 Ný q

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