PAGE 20, WHITBYYRPM PRESIý WEDNESAYr, JANIIARýY 80, FREELANCE profosinal models a8vailablo for pdint wrk. Photogre#hor suppIled i noodod. Solous cliets eniyj. No0nudity. <416> 428:1287,42717216. I couldn't believe my .1 fe wouid much in just sixÀ m onths. i was scared to death about goingd back to school. After ý being home with the kids, for twelve years, i was afraid 1i wouidn' t fitinBu fromn thebeginning the teachers were so helpfui. They gave me the confidence I needed.,When i finished MY Course 1 dîdn't want to leave; it gets to feel like'a family. The Job Search Workshop gave me advice on how to look for a job and what to expect on an interview. Now'I*have'a job iý reaily enjoy and I'm using ail the skills 1 learned At The Toronto School of Business. Change Your Lite Todayl < TRANSPORT' DRIVERS needod. New is the timo tet train for your.,,, Class ýAZ ýlicence. Foîr - p .re-screeninq interview:,and jobý, mlceorent 'Infermation, ,contact,, Orr's Transport Driver',* Training. *1-800-265-3559. A CHORAL DIRECTOR requirod for the County Town Singors, 65 muxod :'SAT B -choral group. Contompormiy styles.- Pop and show music, p lus jazz. Traditeonat and sacred. Plose contact Day.' Marowe, 427-5500, Helen Clarke 666-3637, [ fDonna Pritchard 723-0202. FOR FREE QUOTATION CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 CONY NTRCTRA jDANY'OS GNR Qrtoct Your Invoabmont With Quaiity Ropairs and Improvoments Oshawa, Ontario WORK AT HOME oarning $100 - $300 Tako p hon.eiders for ùW* iher. Peopi. cmii, you. GRANDMA'S COMPANY- offers nmother-in-aW cdean every. timel Environmentaily friendly preducts only. Empîcyoes are. securit' chockod, boinded and Insure. 725-9177.- FDANI!'r AJNTNG RESiDENTIAL SERVICE. Piumbing work,- roý, Wrs m.nd ,rovatlens. $25 por r Work guarantoed. 723-6755>. HOME REPAIRS &Ronovatiens. Electrcat, piumbin, caronl,y and drywaii. Biègor smalw Rdoitai. 20 years oxperionce. Gerd, 666-4573. NOME-MAIUNG PROGRAMS. Just howv do thosopr srm work that 'promis. $1,000 for 1,000 oenvékies stuffed? For report sond $1adasoif-adrossod stamped onvolopo te: AM Rosoarch,- 36 Momlng Glory, Whhtby, Ont.'LUR WANTED. Wild and 'crmzy ontreproneurs te mako big monoyl Cail nowî 24-heur hotiine. 576-8536. START VOUR OWN'CAREER !n'a, fast-growing business. Sales oxporiorice or training net necos- say-87For -appointmont,, cmii HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck, tajigato lift. 'Furniture & appliance removal. '-Clean yards, basements, args Cut trses. -'Etc.- Cmli RECý ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywall - tmpinq and finishing, trimnwork, ceramucé tiling, ainting and 'onorat ropairs. Cmii (419) 576- 750,3. GEF RID OF THE MINER BLAHI Call AL'S DRYWALL Speciaing in: Home Renvation - Rec Roorm DesýnedCeiîngs - Pianter Mouirigs -Catl i A 666-1657 or1 668-0535 HANDYMAN SERVICES- chlmneï swoop, clonngropairs, ronovatuons and d* jobs. 427-1674, msk for Art.' HURT ELECTrRIC. Rosidontiui and commorcial For ail yeur oloctrics, incIulding installi.on cf' dishwashor% contral vacs, < arage doýopdeosFroo ostimates. CU$TOM DRAPERY and beolinp. Pro-consultation on drapenies, walipaper and othor dcrating needs. Chocs. from a lrosolection cf fabricaor I wil use, clients' own' fabric. Mà ny rofeencs. Rasoablo pricos. -No GST. Cmli 430-8407. PAINTER AVAILABLE for intorior *onting. Reasonablo raies. Daniel,&n 1. 4oô mANY KITrENS? WANT A PUPPYf66I11l WEST LYNDE..Mothor cf on, wiIi 'I r p k l q u J K ",d a y c a r o i. n m y ~no. Fülparttime. 430-8670. BABYSITTER - resiblo, oxporioncod, offors qualiy, day cr.Flexible heurs, any mo Rossland'&< Gard>n. >Fr infdormaion, cati 430-7631. RESPONSIBLE 'OUAUTY day- carës*avilablo inimy.,homoe. Full or pmr-timo., A g'o 2 'and up. Rossland/Ge'. 090 430-6278., mou 0F 3 is Ilooking te caro for 1 or 2 toddIors.1 have a wondorfui. ciosod-in yard mnd sorvo nutrituonai moal, md got involvod with childrons pjay projects. I intorosted, cii666-469 KINDERGARTEN, TEACHER, mothor, wiII raro for.',your pro-schooior ln -a..,stimulmting onvironmoent. Excollont roforonces. Roasonablo rato.,Gardon-Rossmnd roa. 430-3825. EMPTY SPACEI Because Y.QL didn't advertise. Phono 668- 6111., GUITAR LESSONS. Be «ner and mdvanced. Accoustic .,or eloctric., Cati Lau 666-1979, Whitby. * coltion of Forms * ,Inc8-or2i65 PICKERING-CAMPUS 420-1344 OSHAWACAMPUS.723-1163' Ovr 0Ca.e pprunllsToChoe rm Fiaca AltneAvlal rOaiylQSudntEu PATRICK'S GEN 'ERAL SERVICES COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS F7F -F --) T 1rlA Pleaso chock ýyour advortisomont for errors on thé' flrst »day -of publication, The, Whhtby Fros, Pross will noUetboliablo for falluro te. pubiish an,,md, orieor typograpbhic orrors ln publictuià nr, boyond--tho costof tho sPace occupiod by tho errer up te a maximum cost of the Insertion. TheWhitbyFree'Pross resorvos the right te cîassify or rèeoct ail advortisoments,. <PIRE-PAID (Cash, VISA, choque roelvbd b.for daîi $5.0for,20, words; 120 eaohadditional word. $7.50 for 20 words; 150 eaoh additional Word AUCTIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS3*. 810Cper agate lino (14: agate linos por.Inch) minimrum.Charge: $5. prepaid., $7.5ô billed DISPLAY ADS UNCLA SSIFEDS (Ms wlth bordors, picturos or graphies) Rogular display rates, apply - 860, por-agate lino Minimum sizo coiumnlnch'$1 2.04 (14 agate linos per inch)., DEADLINE-- Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 66*8-059ý4 1Dommmt Aparimenrta Rec.,Rooms -Painting Skylltes -FRench Doors MnWater Proofing Kthens a Bathrooms FREE ESTImATES 666-2827 [ WNtbv Free Prese ~ 6684694 .~ OtfloeH ~w~; Mond~y 10 day,~;<~O ain 1to 6tO~~m~ N E.,v~ ~- ~' ~~tiV*L~¶.~. ~.jj1 4~. Àdqsix Months Changed My LIFE Il 1 1