Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Jan 1991, p. 18

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PAd~~,WITBFME PRÈS% MWDNÈSDAY, JANUARY 30o,1lui Tutorial help. is coeb By ]USather Dewey Help isn't far away for stu- dents- wantlng tutorial assis- tance. An in-home service forthe past five years, Dürham, Tuzors recentlfyiestablished a permanent location at the northeast corner of ThicksonRd.,and Dundas St. TIhe ýservice is. opéertated by Janice Lshnsy nAnderson - CVI.graduate -Who wet ton to. obtai a masters degres*ibusfi- nuesadminitrtin.Formerly employed îbyMcM a ster .University and the'. Toronto Schoolý of Business, fihe is a fuli-time tutor. "W. have about four tutors right now,"»ays Leschinsky, e1lanig hat te centre's aim is 'te help individuals pursue education encouraging students te set goaïi,,a nd meet those goals.' 1Tutors help insubjects such as. accou ntin gmath, business, word processing ,and compute. Ai si anrmhome tutorilservice, the progrMà helped, over 500 students. Tihe cost of tutorial services isl $20 .per hour, and five one-hour sessions are recommended. .es- sono ma e private or in smail grope imted tô,,three indivi- "Ti. frstoneortwo sessions your tutor is gettingte knowyou and vice versa.ôSo aftrhe .thir-d or fourth session, 'resuits should: be relevenit,» says Lescinsky. For business owners, account-., ing and, computer 'serviceqL. are offeied foristaff te arnii", se. On-going support in, provided'te individuals or businessesreqwr- ing computer assisýtance orWho are, contemnplating the purshase of computer equient. For more information caîl 432- 3682. Carnaa begnsFe-b. Siizgr ci ~7Z~ K[M AND Jerry- Brody eently. entertained @tu- dentsi at St. Mathew aZolic School, focusing on, Chri. Bovi. photo 'BonommeCarnaval'is back! Hle and Durham's ýfrancophone community ,are prepanng ýte celebrète an eighthannàiual Carnaval. Week. Activities beginý Sunda, Feb. 3 and wil carry through te Sndy, Feb. 10. The:'clebrations open -on Feb. 3, il a.m., Mth a faifly. brnch at the: French Cultural Centre, 384 Hfiliside Ave., Oshawa., An art' exposition and music wiil help create 'an ambiance of French- Canadian culture. 1Tii. cost is $5 fer adulte and $2.50 for children under'age 10. For more information cal Danièile Jacquier at 571-0826. Monday, Feb. 4 wiil feature a p uppet play, 'Mchehaais.' Prsnted 'by Le Centre de services de garde Les Lucioles, at l'école secondaire Charles-Garnier (1020 Dryden St., Whitby)p at 2 p.m., the play will b. of interesët te ail children, young andý old. Admission is fr-ee, though donations will be 'gratefully accepted. For more information, cail Huguette Labine at-666-5453. For t he third consecutive year the Chevaliers 'de Colomb W1l sponsor a ski- evening t Kirby. Departure -from t eFrenchi Cultural Centre, 384 Hlilîside Ave., Oshawa, wiil b. at 6 p.mi., Tuesday, Fb 5. iIýFor more information, cail Giber Pigeon at 728-0802. School children will get a break fromn books and tests on Tiiursday, Feb. 7 (Corpus Christi at 728-0491) and Friday, Feb. 8 (Notre Damne de laJeuneèsseat 428-1460). Throughou t the" da, various activities wî Il' b. organized te entertain teachers as weHlas students. At 1:30, p.m., Friday, Feb. 8, l'écule secondaire Charles Garnier (4307911) wil 'hast- an imprvsaincontest. Sauday Feb. 9 is te French-Canadian Club's d7y at IlAmicale, 707, Simcoe St.3, beginningW at 2 p. m. There will b. log-sawing contests (chain .saw, manual saw, axe ...) and gamnes for children. For- more information cail George, Holmes at 728-5021. A hot supper, moderately priced, will be served from 4:30 p.m.. te 6- fp.m. Entertainmenit -will .b. provided by Sister Gisèle Pion and her choir, 'Les. Tournesols.' Their' reputation is wel eëstablished in DurhamRegion. 'Les promotions culturelles! will spotlight Gifles Laurent-Martin' who wil entertain' with bhis accordion, harmonica-and songs, begining at 8:30. p.m. at L'Amicale, 707 Simcoe St. . A disc jockey. will take over, for 'an evening of dancing.!Coet is $12 perý personh. A $2 re-imbursement wiil be given at the door for members of-the French-Canadian Club. For -more information, cal Andrée Renaud at GG6-0496Z -, Concurrently, the Chevaliers deà Colomb wiil swing te the, tunes of' the Mfies ýand sixties 'at-thê French Cultural Centre, 384 Illsfide,Oshawa.- The cost, $10 a personincludes a Èbuffet. For more' information, .cail Jean Dessurat at 728-0596.» Anderson CVI By ]Heather Dewey 1%e environmental' science departmnent at Anderson CVI in h. Whitby has an unusual but effective, method of reducing They're. in' soil in a plastic container at the. school, and they decompose lefto'ver food, accord- ing to Sandra' McEwan, environ- mental science teacher. Worms eat all tupes of scraps including limited amounts meat. -"The. worms lIove te eat when they are kept'at roomn temper a- ture, and their soil is kept mois- turized," says McEwan.-, In a 24-hour' period, a worm will eat amsosof food equai te haîf te its body weight. "Think of a person that weighe 50 kilograms and eat 25 ilo- gams of food each day," says A woriM lays a cocoon-shaped container which holds from two te 20 fertilized eggs,. ready te hatch within three weeks.. "They multiply quickly, 50 soon I will have t e new box," says McEwan. «Soon I hope te get on. in the cafeteria for the leftover food from the cafeteria staff»" McEwan's grade 12 general class will landscape the. court- yard neit class. Sh. she intends te have enough worms by then te place some in the soul there. «People are becomning more any attends Henry Stre environmentaily frieiidly,» says student. Sandra Barriault ACVI teacher. PèterTobun «Lfind that e er e are ielp reduoe-waste >how much the «school has. gro'wn, MeEwan says when the'worm it sems te b. neater. than mas are pi#tin the ground, hey mak, year.» ~the grass greeneran fowr Aderson ia on. of only a few bngeter. schools, including Uxbridge "is souîr wyof baini Secondary. Schoo, in- Ontîaio emnvo entally frendly, S'ayl using worm composting..Mwn se ze Lu TRAFLGA CASTL Ke±S:.T1t * i :OI By LaraJIîùme Car aller car drove i achool driveway, dro)ppingc who donned arctic snowsu Raoe relation to be dclus On Tuesday, Feb. il ratepayers, paents, teachel priests who are associated te Durham Regional 1 Catholic Separate 'School are invited, te an eveni information and discussion. There will, b. a discuss. race relations and ethnocu nquity, -and federal, proi dn miistrypolicy. Also board policy resourc<. b. availablefor dealingwit topic. All present will be pri with an opportunity to give:j The event. wilI take place 7:30 te 9:30 p.m., in the room of tue Edcatin0 650 RosoIend Rd. W., Osbaw For more information, cc ý.P. Caïdeyat7610x1 strulIed with , high-tech equipment. Tii. lumbering buses ei the bounced up the street . as: the grsstudeninmde braedth'emives' For, n. 5m., thiswas simply on oth er dyo the alpin trails; while for âhers, like Fernanda ed Torres fromn Meico, 'it, "àas- novel experience. With, ruddy cheeka and windblown haïr, she 2., aIl claimed that lier first sIiing Ss and exprence had :been amzigo à with an f thi possiblity.arose, .she Roman would take up hearth there in the. Board 'ski chalet. ingof From daredevil ýwiï- tto ion of outing wa noed by al- italfaculty nlue.There'i vincial soetwg distinctly satisfying in s kiig past teachers Who appear es wiil te b. stoically stuling with hithis their rented, Ïsk-iandwho are ovided intently concentrating on input. avoidingaeny icy patches.* B from And with the sunlow',inthe board sky, and 'ail that high-tech :ntre, eqipment packed once mor onto Va. - the. buses, we climb.d aboard and ontact -rode off into the weekend, aur ski BELM VOLLRADT of Ge= Triah School as an exbag xv~~x~v~ '&

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