r\ rr~E~VD WEHYPBY FM PR8SWEDNEDY, JAN(IARY 30, 139tPAGE 1l r;-.' 'j i CLARICE COUBUREN, Whith j, was the -w nner of the 110th'annual CNien;Garens draW. Over-, 250,00 pop1 had a -chanoe to wvin the gan rize wh:,hincludes 'a.,$300 certifiate- at , en coun ryBarnsiiand'a weekend for -two.at Brian's Reaort. Shown vwihCouburi isLen Cuaen*' CMuluBoy!. photo Shoestrng ers -casting for unrmiis ,Durham BSostriýg Promr wlhodan open - caoting ,on' Wýedn.sdy,,lob. -6, 7:30 .p.an. at the. artsreoourcé centre, Osawa cityhl-ail ýexple The. company's l 7th, season "Who -said 1if. ýwas ýfaà r?" continues. with ' Extremities' by William Mastrosdmný,ý. Winner of an'awad ot~'ditiguse achievemeà nt-nthe" 1982-'83'eèw York theatre ason, tuis intense drâa aexlores -the'-effect of a rap.attempt -on iS .intend.d vitmand lier two roommat ,es. Director Chris Roilo ýwiil cast onë, mal. and .three -females, ranging in ae from 20 t 40. -Durham ,Shoestring 'Performers invites anyone interested 'in,*ü production. or backstage work to_ attend .thé. Feb. 6 ýaudition' evening, and newcomers' are always ,welrome. Tii. play will -b. tudYs, Apnil 5,.,1 ad1 at tii. arTesorpcentre.. For :funther infomation or' te obtain, a script foradvance reading, contait th'e. ýcompany's producer., -Carolyn iloat ~725-9256.' StaionGaleryoffers wînter classes The. Station 'Gallery in Whitbh offers winter classesim chilîdens ants',. -watercolour, 7youtii art, Inchëffdrediimt"-be held'on SatiÈrdays hùômè' ' -oAprl 6 studenti concentrate on drawing, painting, 'printmiaing and dlay- sculpture work. Througi thi. use of various media, sucii as pencil pen and ink, pastels, pint anc1 daY,. tii. focus is on thé artistic develop- ,ment. of each - child's creative, Lo Cal artists at CullenRani Works by Whitby artias Maureen -Edwards and Ern«.t Jennèr'mifli b. part of thé eighth annual -art show -'snd sale. at Cullen Country Barnis Feb. 2 te 17. Edwarc%--.*ho- does 'original expression. tost ila $75 for memb.rs, $85 for non-membersfor-the 10-ses- sioncourse (each- session is two- hours).ý The. youth art, course is foir tholse ajeýd 13 te 16'w ho have a s8trong mnter.st ini art. Students will explore varous media sýucli as drawvinK. us tinïr.,Printmalc gallry e the. Durhamspatebr il 0 pen the exiition at 7pm n 5' Jai,. 1. Eeryone' iitet a a ttend, the opening ceremornies - and erùoy, the musical, sélections- I* h~the Sir Albert'Love Juior Choir, under the direction of Julie f Edwardson, and the Junior Choir from St.Matthew the Evangelist ,Ochool, _under, the.direction of Maureen Hawldns. ein Dsnthe accompaniestl for bohehoir, will also porform Some solo selections on the Kiavinetta. Admission to the gaileryjesfre. >Gallery -hours are Tuesday and >Thinrsd,' 10 -aim to 9, p.m.; Wednesday and Friday, 10 am. tD",6"p.mi.; Saturdaà ad Sunday, noontô5; pirs.Te gallery is cloeed Mondays. Barbershoppers_ to compete Tii Osawa Chapter Banbersioppers (SPESQSA), in cooperati.on with thé, Oshawa Cetr, ill- b. . prsenting a showoes. of barbeérshop quartet ,,smnging on Saturday, Feb., 9 in the. centre.mail. Fifeenqurtesincluding, two female groupa, ý'will participate in a uà inging competition - cheduled ý.between 2"ad-4 p.m. Fpoilowing- 4-h. 'contest, ýa- one-hXour concer~t will- feature Oohawa's Horselees'Carragomen >. Chorus ,and ý'.tii. top finalist A featur. of the. aft.rnaon,.will b. a masaed 'chorus> of. al participants. Other 'activities sch.dul.d for t,' quartets miclud. a. coahiiig ancraift séminar in the. mormng, aind an eyenimg of feilowship, with more siniing. Thé. Oshawýa Contre bas, plans tO 'set. up a p-IOf*al viewing area wi-tii up te 250'.seats. Qtuartots are arriýving fr-om as' far as oôndon, St.ý Catharines, Tronton and Seaà forth, as woëIl as the. Durham and Metro c'hapters, and it is expect.d that mau seat wiIl. b. fihld for this musical 2 Pc.. Braemors, Sofa & Chair Reg. $1 ,499. 0 SALE. ELI NO BETTER:, TIME TO BUY! Reg. $1*,399.00 SALE Your choice of l 5 fabrics NO B.ETTER TIME TO BUVI Modular 2* Pc. Sofa &,Chair in Delux. Fabrlc Reg.$à O9O NO BETIER.lIME TO BUYý! Entertainment Centres& VBookcaÉs from NO BETE I .. 771 Who does- watercélors, wiil b. amnong il1 artist at the show. A ýpre*view wil be' ii.ia on followmng a wine-and chm»sê'fcm r . ;;;fý .1 E ~E1 ro BUVI