I ' Il t f j n Lasc eks drn dedlne'etnsion, A Byý Mike KowaleUd AMay deadline for burying automobile shîredder waste in Lasco Steel's temporydmpwl ik elybewaived. The ýOntari*o ,Ministry of Environment is prepaýed- to. extend the life of a provisional certificateof approval granting ILâsco permnissionto témnporarily storewaste on ,its Hgopkins St. Broth Duýrham Reg*on and the Town of Whitby have, been notified the. ministry intends to extenid the-certificate Dast its May 31 expiry'dateuntil the fail.ý, Tlhe extension wili aiilow Lasco 'Aithoughthe.ternporary dum1, tocontinue storing waste until aisl rqirsReginapoa 1an, environmental assessment ofthe company has nusngth the company's -proposaI, for' a site since iast March.à snth1e< permanent faciIity is complete&. Lascosaid it hadno choice but "Itfsfairly obvious the én'v"iron- ýte o ahead- with the dumpý fol-' mental process willnot be. coi- owingthegranting of the tom- pleted by the enrd, of May,» said porary *cortificaeb h ii- ministry -spokesman Peter try. Hughes.Lac*o.. hadbeen operating a., ULa:co has pointed out the: demonstration borin since 1988, tomporary site wl not bo fihled a part ýof the proparations for, by May, and they don't anticipate, the permanent facility, but the filling it>until the fali.» -71. boi reached -its, capacity of *As a .resuit, the ministrY s 175,000 tons. rogonai director is, prepared to, Withl 300 "tons ýof waste pro- litthe ex piry dateon the certifi- duced . daily,. the, company. was cate sai«d.Hugrhes. ' foro ed ,te ,start fillixng the -tempor "'~éewili beno changé in the. dmp bly,~.mlye size--and mode .Qf,.Operation," he inyoived in 'the -shrédding pro-. added. cess. Lasco (ak ntrieteel Co. Lasco said it could flot. wait for _,Ltd.) is seeking- an aniendînent, the Region to 1pes an amend- te Durham ýRegion's -officiaI Plan ment'approving the dump an d te, permit a permanent dumpte claimed, it met 'the Region' store waste from its 'shreddigrqiennssipybapyn operation.' for the, amendinent. If a' ýroved,,the massive lande- Hughes would not speculate on ca ped' be rin will bo capable of what may- happen'if the environ- holding-up,,te 15 years worth of mental. assessinent is not coin- % Z ~rubber, pastic cloth and glass. pleted by the time the temporary not recycled when Lasco shreds, dump's capaýcity, of 125;000 old cars ýfor metal. metnic tonnes is mot.. But whiie the permanent faci- Ho said Lasco would likely lity- undergoos an assessment,, have te apply for a further exton-' % Lasco needs, a place te, bury the waste. SEE PAGE 3 ByMkiiKowalski Coinpany officiaIs bolieve a noise problein which foroed-a shutdown of Atlantic Packag- inghasbeon corrected. Enineers discovered the souroe. of the noise early lest ýweek and .afte r a «band-aid» Solution was, applied, "equipment testinjg et -the south Whitby factery ran without'a hitch. -The company wili now concentrate on frnding a- permnanenit solution as fuli-scale. production at the newspaper recycling planit 's pianned-for later this month.' General:zmanager Bob, Nelson reported the good nows te local, repor-tersduringy a media tour of thé Thickson Rd..*. plant lest Thureda.- According te oilson, the source of thenoise was,.'traced te four 60-ft. exhaust stocks connected te vaccum puqmpe .used In the newspr.int drying procese. Onc th. sggested remedy, was pti place, ne fu$her probleme were reportïed, seid Nelson.t Atianitic stepped, testizngits newsprint machinery about 10:45 p.m. lest Sunday after Nelson roceived a toiephone'calfri o'n adniistrater Bill Wallace. Nelson'said Wallace inforined hlm that. municipal officiaIs were 'again receiving com- plainte frein area ýresidents ýupset. about noise~ coming frein the factory. On jan. 1 h opnywsfrt notifled of the, compflits4y the T'e à bylaw enforce- ýment-ofilcer. ,A soearch for- the 'source of the .problei began soon after.', , But plan t operations did net cease until the, Town's request ofJan., 13. ... -s'. thNobâdy thh xswla byiaw6ac tion, we were asked to volurntaril: shut down and wcé did " said Nelson. AJ'Lhoufih the company did.ouspendpo- rations, Nelson -made'it clear '.the -decîision was vluntary. Ho- said no:ordor to stop wr was issued- by any leve of govornment. «Wo nover hoard from anybody but tho Town of VWtby» said-Nelson.- (A story inlest, wee's Free, Press icr revl stated that the' Ontarlo Ministry o Environinent had ordered the shutdown after -consultingwith thenmunicipality. (Te erroneous- story- was based on, coni- moents &com a Town councillor.) Nelson told reporters the initial noise Free. Prespublisher on TVOntario .showý- Doug ýAnderson, publisher of the. Whitby free Press,, will- discuss his GST tai.revoit on TVOntario's 'Bot.ý ween tho Lnos' noxt weok.- Anderson -Was intervewed last week by TVOntario. Tho show, is schodul edý to air on Thursday, Jan. 31, 9 p.m. and will be repeatdtl11,p. The F'ree Press hes decided. not to charge. the goodà and servics texo <advertising, which, undeër the GST ýlegisit, i s. taxable. Anderson is oncouraging other, businesses te take similai action.- complaints caine as a 9 *a urrse» te thc company .o e ýHo 'described ,tho, sound as alwfe 9quencye noise ý similar te a fog horn, - whicb, 'travele» and can'be -detected a co>nsiderablE disthnoe fromi the plant.; «On'Monday morning wo had -the engmneerE in'te ook.at the ýproblem n 'd'take.measure. monits,» said Nelson. The> offensive souýnd -was, eventually traced *te the. aforexentioned exhaust stcks. 'They- (engineers) sa^à id tée reduce the exhaust>level and siurrounid it with material' tbafethe sound,» said Nelson. Sohl~were cut in the stoâcksand jales ol ètraw plaoed'arôunid the bottein of the stocksý te muffle the noise, ho oexpl1no.1 «We started'up. agan t6 a.m. Wednesda3 and ran ailday -and night,M said Nelson. "I personaily drovinfto -a neighbourhooc north of here got out of my car and- walked around..:I Jd'thear'anything'but (Hwy., >-Althoughb, Nelson said, " feel we hâve the - noise cpntroIled now,» ho admitted the solu.- tien is.-only temporary. , «Ultimaitely we'l -h ave 'te corne up with somethinglikea muffler-on a car.» Once stert-up testing.'of the massive news- prtint-millii i opletd the plant -willbe capale o proucmg400tons. of recycled newsprint per.day. More than a--mile of newsPpint will -bo produced every two minuteè. Thepape l made in shoots that measuro 21.5 ft. wide DON WARNE displays is, féeeIpgs asmmbers of the' Durham Coaliton agis Gulf War gathered at thie Whitby GO station Iast week. A large proteet<rily is .eýxpécted at Oshawa- citybail Jan. 26.1 For other opinions on the Gulf War, sec, page, Chin Dovie photo, Nose roble-m a"pears .corrected