'Arson responsible-for rnost * ROM PAGE8 fires. LAt time from the,,iýnjuries totalled 56 days. 'I don't rememiber iSeing aà s maxiy arson fires'beforgèe..its absolutely frighteninrmr ked councillorJoe Drumm. Noting -thatthe report listed" three arson fires on Garden ,St.. with mare than*$25,O00 daae Drummn asked if 'there was a, ucommon thread" connecting the incidents. Crouch reflied that police and fire department officiais haveý determined there was:a'pattern ta.the fire., "We're trying, >ta flid out throgh Cime toppers '*ho the cuipriti' said Oouh (Yîe Stopersis a joint effort by local police fayrces'ad citizens oarà amed at -solvixi crimnes. Cash rewards, are given ,for ýinformation that aids the investigation.) Counicillor Toml Edwards sug-- gssted that a comimunity warni- Urgsen ts iar ta the Neigi- JWac program be con- sidered.. While not objecting toa EdwaÃdW, suggestio; rouch m said a-one of- the objecties of the Neighbourhood WMatch prôgram is ta serve that purpose. Crouch added that road crews from the Town's public worksý deartmnt and Whitby ,ýHydro reguarl reortany signseo suspicious activity ,thq y1may enlcouxter. Since bis -report was prepared soe eal ntheé ea Crauch cauld 'nat, compare> Whitby's Takenotice thatthe Regional *Planning Cammittes wiII cansider'at. a meeting ta be heîd on: Tuesday, January, 29, 1991, at 10Ã":00 a.m.. PLANING DEPARTMENT'BOARDROOM 161 5,DUNDASý STREET EAST, WHITBY >41H FLOOR, LANG-TOWER, WEST BUILDING, WH17BY MALL AN APPLICATION ýTO, AMEND -THE DURHAM- REGK)NAL OFFICIAL.I PLAN ANDT1 OFFICIAI PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE. Shie amendment propo.ses ta extend ýthe Bowmfanville Main Central; Areawestward, ta isncrease the retail and'personal serwie ýflorpe and ta pravide ýpoiîcies arid>'designatkns ta permit a range 0f Ian uses, incu ig, lgh niy!resIdl, office and reail uses within the area indicate on theý map bebow. Subsequently, the Regionai Council.wili consider the recommendation ofteMPanning Committee at a mneeting ta be héld on: Wednesdà y, February 6,1991, at 10:00 a.m. . CUNCIL CHAMBERS -REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS, BUILDING 605 ROSSL#1ND ROAD EAST,,WHITBY'. -The repart related ta the propased amendment: la available for Inspection ln the offices ai the Planning De-artmnent, 1615 Dundas St. E.4th Floor, Lang Tawer, West. Buildng, Whby Mal.-i, , orby callin Grant ^. regar Planning , Departent (Whitby) 72-731(Tamonto),686-1651. Requests toalte, a' presentation -,before the Planning Commîittee conceming.thep oed amendment mrust be foaradsdtaDrl-& Michael,M.CI.P.,Cmmissiaeraof Planning, 1615 Dundas St.E, 4th ForLagTaower, West Biiding, WhiktbyMal, WibOtarLoIl N 6A3e ad h iuldbe received by Fiayprecedng h eeig Rsquests ta..make-a presentation befars the..Regianai Counici canceming the prpoedamendmhent mnust be' farwarded ta 'the Regianal Clk, eioaeadquarters Buillding, 605 Rossîand Raad' East, Whktb, Ontanao, Li N.6A3, and should be rece«Wed 48 hours Éo to the Reglonal Cauncil Meetin.' FILE NO.: OPA 88-087 GARY HERREMA .- .W. LUNDY, AJMLC.T. RnnknalChairman RegiaiMlCIk WANDADICKSON, student .,tutoa' co-odinato)r for, the Lit"me Duham, cëbafred the. 1990 Cainada Ltlt'ýé>t Awards ceremony held at the Whitby THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY,0F DURHAM DURHAM," PUBLIC'NOTIC REVIEW 0F THE DURHA RECOMMENDE D CHANGES FOR TH1E CONSIDERATION 0F PLANNING COMMIT1EE AND REGIONAL COUINCIL Take notice that- the, Planning ..Com"mittee ai'q the Regional Municipality -of Durham is considering recommended changes to th e text and maps, ai the Durham Reglonal Officiai Plan as',a result af its review ai ýthe, Durham Regional, OfficiaI Plan, in accordance with the, Planning Act. Thê staff recommended,. changes are. containeéd in Cammffissioner'sReport ýNo. 91-P-i an)d will-be prsenîted ta the Du rham Planning ,committeeîýon .January--29,1 1991. Theý" Committes -has té'ntatively scheduled to make , Rs" recommenctations ta RegionalCauncil in- April ai 1ýl991.* Theactual. date ai Planning Cammittes. making its recammendationsand the' actual date of Regional Council considering the. reco "mmendatians* af Planning_ Committee wiII be advertised, In duecourse in ýthe newspapers... A c0ofa th e report is ,availabîs for inspection at the. Regona Planning Departmsntl he office ai the Régional, Cîsrk, the Cterk's, Office In each Area Municipalit and public ibraries. The repa"rt, can alsa be ,purchased tram the PlanningDepartmsnt.at ahe addreà ssilstsd beîow. Any individual, who wishes-ta apper efore the. Planning, Cammittee should contact- Ms. Catherine. Cao;'Ã"f- the Planning, Department at the telephane number listed below'. A dispîay shawving the recommsnded charges will be available for" inspcIon in the Durham, Planning Office fram January 29 ta Fera ,1991, Monday ta F riday from 8:30 a. m. ta 9 pJ.m. Staff. ai rutheanng Departmsnt wIll bW available taÉsist the public. Further informatioDnon the revisw af the Durham Regional OfficiaI Plan mfiay be abta*i)d1W, contacting the Planning Departmsent at (41 6) 7873 (Whitby), (416) 686-1,651. (Toronto. lins), orý write- ta: Durham Regional Planning ,Deparment Box 623', 161>5 DuqdaesStrsedt East- 4th'Floar, Lanç,Ta*îr, West-Building WhItby, Ontario UlN MA Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Commitee hxanL M C i P 1 -FE MEf 1-Z No restraint PMM PAGE6 are hard-pressed financilT there is an increase in.defaul tsoù mortgaes. In spite of the blackening economic picture in Caniada, the PM and the MIPs se no cause ta restr-ain tfheir voraciaus appetites ait thepubictrough. How'snsitive and responsive are the_ PM axidthe MPs,ta theý plight of huxidreds af thousands- of Canadians? What kInd f model are they Isetting for Canadiens? rdothey reèlly cmr? Tbey feit- no qualms, about foisting the GST yoke around the neck of every citizen, that will * chfs eery,,-time a, man or womnan or even a child.makes a purchase, in spite of widespread pubie opostin.But the PM and he PeýwiRbe -reimbursed for the seven pe r cent. GST. they pay. an purchases of supplies for. their offices. xIn November,, the MPs' urged .the goverximent t eject the recamimendation 'of 'an indepexident ,commi*ssion that the base salary of most federal judges. be raied by morethan $8,000. ThMô. xiSdtheMPWisare also the_ folks who are party ta an uxconscionable pension plan. After.Serving for only six years, MPs -who leave and go ta anothier jo, _ ;with- salary, immediately start drwigon their federal *pension planand receive it for the' rest. of .their l.ives. Collectively the -will sihon o!uti milons &=mte public reasury, fed,- of cÇourse, by the ,lowly ~Ç~nay motalswho pay into pension plans over, the whole. of their working lives (not just six years)muet wait until they reach senior, citizen statue before they start: drawing on their signifi- cantly more modest pensioSw. Io there no ý, restreint what.soever on the PMi and the MPs ta limit their insà tiable appettes,"nd. those ofthemany dronesin the Sexiate?- 1 , ýý