WIUBY PUEE PËEMS WEDNESDAY, JAJAIIY 23, 1991, PAGE -13 Cap'tain p ays t'ribù.tè,iý'to communtity To he diue.ý,perishable goods transportaion, Christmas, may I wish all who To the ditoe srtinir. deliverv. uacdnoe, -or aÉtea 4inone a r n t 'à -a As ýthe officer in charge of- the Whitby Salvation Armny, I would like, té say tliank you to the, conMuuify for their help during Christmas. Cube,' brownies, boy scouts, gudsélementary achools, high' schà lsbanks,retail, businesses, service sectors,', management, industry, unions", senior' clubs, social 'clubs, i service Clubs, churchies- media, -vlunteers, hospfitals, health services, and even those in need themselves, i provided non-perishabk gonds,- and carinig he'rts. veryrewarcling 1991. (In benaf of the more"tnan1U Iou k Sb.Sasby fandlies .who were hielped -this cpi Casses at gUey TheSttin aler ofes win- and mixed media cla'ses be9iù, trcases i, 'ildren s arts é, b. 5; youth art.begfis Feb. 6;>- waeroouyouth *art,, drýawing drawing ad- painting from the ndPainting.- modle gins Feb. 7. Chidre'sart 'classes begin .Spring sessions begi» in-April. F eb. ;e emntal watercolour Broklin United'.Churcinew 6,te s a IWeater lest week- bit thie',siopes 'for' Ski Week, 7. Cbwls Bovi. photo ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE-, PROPOSED HIGHWAY, STUDY HIGHWAY 12 The Ministry of, Transportation (MTO) is examining ,Improvements to Highwaiy,12 from Taunton Road to Highway 7, in the Town of Whitby, andthie Lynide reek Bridge in Brooklin, Regional ,Mq~niïmitY of Dur-.' Vaà ou alternative improvemen ts are beingconsldred In order 16 cor- rect structural 'ar'id pavement deficiéeces and improvosafety on,.this" highway'. Subject to thue outome of tis, investigaion,, soutionp may In-' clude resurfacing, the aâddidin o!tumring lanes, inte r »ction Im pmve- mens, ommrcil ad p ivae trance improvements, drai nage, ýimprovementd, rehabilitation o! th Lynde CreekBdgiBronad freplacementofthe yrrde Creek Brdge'southi of Bmolin. The pr oject, follows a larss Environrnientai AssÈessment process, ap- proved for highwaà y prjectà of this type., An'nionetlStudy Rteportwl esumte a h oiitofthe Environment, and will be available for ý public -viewing, a further'notidce w*ill ta published at that timfe. Vou are encouraged ta c ontactMTOpmô'ct staff if yoi have-any', >questions-or concersabat the prolect. If you feel, after con sultihg with -MTO, Staff, that senious environrnental conoemrs remainunîresolved, it is'youringht to'request that the project ta subject to the formaI Environrnental Assessment Review and Ap- proval Process possibly including afra publié heaing The decision rests with the Minister ofthe EnviroamefiLnt The Projeot Team is interested in hearing any commenta or conoems -from'individuals or groups about this. project -Commhenta- and informa- dion regaÃrdinig Iis study are, being collectédtoaëasist MTO in meeting requirementa 'underihe Environimenta Assessment Act. .They.will be, maintained as a public database and will be keton file ,for use ýdurlng the study and, unless otherwise requested, May be1,ncudèd in study documentation which is made available for public revie..If you-wish to make your vie"s known and addressed or toD receive any Informaà tion, please contact: MR.,STEPHEN HOLMES, P. ENG. <PROJEOT MANAGER, "Mnisbry of Transportation' * entral Region., * * Planning and Design Atrium Towerý,5h Floor Downsview,Ontarlo * RMM1Jo * Telèphone: 235-5578 Ministry Transportation Ministère des Transports Atý the Jan. 13 ser-vice five familles -presented their children for baptisù., -Thle Sociables held ,their, pýotluck supper and annual games nhtlast Friday, an evenmg of goodý fun- and. fellowshp. The ipresidents for 1991 are Scott and aBey Brinning. -The UCW, executive met for their, flrst meeting 'of 1991, on ýMonday ,;afteinon-The year's work w*as'planià ed'under the newv resliet ,Jén Kenley. The unified'board meetingwa held on 'Jan. 22, andtfhe annual congregationaà l ýýmeeting %Will be held on -Sunday, Jan. 27 at 7. p.m. Al meèmbers are urged to attend'. .The friendéhip unit ýof the* United .Church- Wome n will hold its aninual Cupid'sDesserts and Card party on Wednesday, Feb. 13 in,,the'Christian education building The tickets'are. $4,and must be purchased in:avne Desserts will be ser-ÃŽved. at 7pm. followe y rgre ve echre or brige Dérprizes 'wi . b given. Fori tickets -contact any ,member of > the unit or the chnrch offlice ]Plan sý are being, confirmation classes andyouh.Call the religion à hd. life.'emblem. Contact Jackson, Sunday school ,the. church office or Gloria superntnenIiterested.' JANUARY CLEARAN CE *ALL PAINT& CONSTRUCT'ION (cash and carry in-stock regular-priced merchandise only)' Sale Ends Sat. Jan.,.?6, 1991. m ade -for' for a dultà : -minà ister if Instruction- will be'.miase 'available forthose 'in-guiding >or scouting* who wish) ta earn their Fitne ss,'cla,,sss .1offered aýt Centr Afive-week session of fitness' *classes will be offered"at -the Brooklin comm unity centre start- ingThray Feb.' 14, 2 to 3, p . here will -be a, $5 fee for the session. >For --registration in- formation calli668-4;24. Wi nter ýsp ecial at-libra The Brooklin libraryhaus ,a 'Winter Special', planned -for Itrdy,Jan. 24, 6:30 >to 7:30 *Pm. oraae g . 'The'library's, children's club ins held evey, auday froni 10:30 tQ 11:30 a.m. Preschool' starts Tueeday, Feb. 5 11 an icontinue, for four wes10 a.n. 10:-45 a.m. Children 'aged .-'3 -to,5-are we*l- come, ' for ._stories, games, angs and craft. I REC YCLING 1 i CONSERVES NATJRAL jRESOURCES, I-fELPS IMPROVEfTHE I - EV 0' EN AND i g s *Or while Initial W W uantiitIes last Size 18v?"X 119m/" X 41" 5. pull otakt Bulit-in stops Roller track with nylon roller Cut away basket front H igh .quality finish k' end ' at DgrSi IR ofavid.sie are1 wbich.started Jan. l, ýSPACE PLUS 2 -A',,VAILABLE AT A SPECIAL, -INTRODUCTORY PRICE.0f