PAGE 10, W}IFIBYFREE PRESSWEDNESDAY, JANUARY28, 1991- * *---*.-- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - ----, - - - - - - - - - --flûri- For--Vour--Wife- The Whiby Oourho-------a-y-dJhn--erad «OL) ~ tOW Tstg a bsTaxi driver fron, ohn bo-faley:arned r hn oatpre-M pofi LMry'u rb a Sniih hatrons tht8 heo bshmro"f,d Bofor o hYesteray,iuti veterano-Stf Grde two diff ýent w mo.N i h owR vr, F or fo me f s aw iti tbrown off baIa~~xce, drawing both N yoiily,lso a veteran pqero dtctV egat uho) 11, Bort, Helavocr'(e 4v erato à or.erouso),Bih S e(by Franklin) and H 1an'y, McKew 23-at-B p.m.ý (reporter). N.Tcet r vaae fo John IU l.(directo>r) and Garvi OIstckt<bto, aotadne Farr- (pioduoer>)-toam tog'et1iorto, Tradingoota#Ã22 Brock eSt. N. heed t his podû'.ton, wbich. at' Elin St 'U o no ',blck nrho prèmis3esmuch laughiter.ý Duridaé <Run For Your Wife' opons_'Ferý'mr ifration.:'about Thursday, Feb. 7an.r's:ikets r -sîisc1tions oei through Fob." 9 <with a- sendri.'Wà ~ aoitae'at 430-3774 Or Farrý promic,,-froeadrilosin,,7:30: -,at,*,576-9134.6Te, rce -on p.n e.6),.thon Fek. 14. Thursdays is $7 n a nd threugh 16,adFeb. 21 through. Saturdays, $9. Introduces Specialt Nights *ith Compflete Dining De'als Monqday*-' TUESDAY ItalanEnglish Vea&JunboPrime Ofb eef S.hrimp ý'served wih.Yorkshie Wlth.Pà sta, Pudding $14.ù5 $ 14.95 Wednesday Thursday' Maritime International Nigýht Nht, Lobster, Shrmp Lbster and and ScalOP New York Combo0 Steak' $19.95 $19.95 Aul meals corneith ichoice ofcaeýarsa/ad Or house sa/ad, dessert and coffee. Pears on' s ,Fine Dining 103 Mary Street West Whitby For reservations cail 430-787 0 Stanley Gardner, played,,by Janï<Neêljy, 1ives a bard: turnie ,to b'ýis ueig hbou« 'John,,Splayed bv .Jim nshawg - Mrder mystegry'aPkw d Back bY Pophrdmnto Tcesfrti vn are'$85 TiEckets are avaihablo in the Osbawa General ositl((ST included), which, inchludèés hospital gift shop and at Auxliary*11h nce aan peetdinner- W ith ,wino and, enteitain- Parkwood. Proceds *111bene*t ;u rd er -at Parkood' a Inur e pon by the profossional, group, the hospital building fund. mystery night on Saturday, Jan. Mys8teridusffly Yours.- A cash'bar 26, at- Parkwood Estat;e, 270 M11 là ls'o be- avaflable a'nd parking For more iniformnation cal "Si"no St. N., Osbawa. wl oprvddon site. 39 Totrtmurder myistery night, held',hast Sptember, wa a hug succosa as tickets Were *complotel'y sohd -out only a fow- days after ging on ale.>., "The Dinm Room' ,to be pesented -lu Oshaâwa -Th e cas Miché awa Little ............