WIflTY PME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16,1l .991 PAGE831 KAHN couNTrRY AUCTIONS RE-OPENING - <WEDAN 23AT 62O P.M. 170i7ÀTED 0I<4 BROOK 'RD., PICKERING- 3, MI.* NORTfH 0F HWY. 401'<EXIT 3è9). 80111119 th!is Wed -Jan.-23 avery lg., ýiidon Of antiques and co Oec- tibles from, a1ong-jtIMe.dbiIeotor, cracks ,qults, lampa, tc Featuring jn part: heavlly- carved ý9 po. oak dlning ste,- 9 ...mahog. dnug Ces, mhg&itra bedroom -stes., -Victorian-tyle. sete.,cared, sofaj, -Victoria wardrà bes,,..ý early, ..Chippendale-' style- mahog.'hgbboy, mahog.& oà ý- secreta"r'_'desksi -early Victoflan rd ; d'-CandIlana cupboard, woodenIce boxvarlous wjashstands, carved,à ao* hall1 stand, ýdressers, chest ai drawers, severai.- occ. tables, - sets of - rssback wvheels#', -brass, <cash rý 4 eglsters, haging ap u apv~ I cylinider'record player wt usd horn', collection ofclocýkslncluing» Sgrandgather,, csgnar eads,, regulator, .,banjoô,weg blocks, 'maniteetcmay cracs, qults, approx; 0 Id'chqclt mouýôlds, p'_ineblankeét bo~,4 panel silk acreen,' 13x32' Aubsso rg, Nipon hina de pression glass,' RD. ciaand other,.collectble glass & chinia, aId'ý prmftIVe brs& ip.-mirrors, pictre ilver coins aridmuch more. Thisis, an .excelleint offering to stat off the -,NewVeari Sojoin us every Wed., and participate' in one0 af .Ontario's9 true' auctions wfth n buy-backs, or, reserves. 'Canlgnent& estate selling aur specialty.w Previews fromI p.m. *Terma: cash, cheques (with ID). or Visa. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 683-0041 .NEEDTo KNOWe." SOMETHING A BOUT YbUR NEW- COMMUNITY? Cl ED RATrES ARE 20, words -Dre-paid, or Minornovkces reachsemifnl Whitby's minor novice, AA hockey team, sponsored, by' Clintar Groundskeepilngi, were, semi-finalists in Barrie's l7th annual. AAA - minor hockey tournainent Jan. 10-13. There were a total'of 72 teâms in Barrie for the tournament, 16 of themin-i the Don. Cherify minor, novice 1division. Whitby 'pee rounid-robinr- play- with an impressive ' 3-0 win over« the Toronto Eastenders. Davýid- Morasse and Blaine Down, each .'scored an uhasslsted goal while BoEýbby McBride scôred with soin. assistance froin Sean MacRury, and Luc Archambault. Game two saw WhitWys offernce eIpode as they'defeated,.Guelph AÀ1y the score of 11-0, Pau~l Valaitis, recording -bis second shutout. Luc Archambault., ýsco-res ,,,winner for Whtby' in r »ingette The4 ,Whitby Home, & Rural Appliance petite A ringette team >squeezed a 3-2 victory out of the Markham petite tem on atraJan. 12. The gainewas a s Ilie encounter with bath' teains -evenly matched.- Leading the attack for- Whitby-'was Melai e1 Daviïs with, a goal and an aà ssist. Other. singles wentto Ellen Johns on and' Callie Corneal. with theý winner. Additional heýlpers cae from -Danielle'Bleau and Saatha Shep)pard..,.1 .This- weekend the Whitby Ringett Assciation will, be basting a'tournament; at.,Iroquois Park and the'petite A team will be playing ain jeansfrom London, Hamiliton, KÇitchener and, Pickeing iii their division. WH[TBY LIONS PTT E < .NGEI'1 On, Jan. 6, Whitby defeated Ajax i13. Angla Poland scored four goals and had two asss Stacie - Beethem -had four gal,. KýarynPeacocke >two goals and, one ast, Christine MacDonald one goal and on.easssi;,S",a Larocque, one goal, Luann MacKenzie and, Brea'Blight and Laura Crawford on. ast each. A -second gaine o n Jan.6 against Pickering ended lu a, 6-6 tie. Poland and Lisa* Vanderlip eah, scored two gols.Singles wetto Peacocke and Beetharn, Peacocke pickIng up'twoaai. Lindsay Milard, MacDonald LarocquCrword and Poland' ech lad o. ssis"t. JUNIORS. Whity jnios, ponored by Rema Sumit e Haylok lost 3-1 ta Markham il junior-belles'in ringette recently at Brooklin.-ý An,, outstanding gaine was played byý Whitby goalie Dawn Carter,' Van derlip- scored the Witby goal, assisted by Kerr.* Whitby's Kara. Easton,, Nicole Bleau and, Lynn Michaud played asolid gane, defensively. SWhitby juniorls have five wins, two tis and tbréeelasss. Michael Konieczny, Ian Haywaod and Jeif fraer eachmetted two goalé aiece.while singles went ta- Blaine Down, Jeremy Fisher and Kyle Wailes. In gaine three against Oakville, Wihitby lost by a 3-2 maà rgin. Jay Harrison and Ian. Haywood *did the scoring for Whitby.' Wbitby's loss made a three-way. tie in- their groupingz.' Whtby hockey. MINOBNOVICEB .Spmaefd yBrooklif lioni Paul Tlt 2 ~ OhwBaHwe LrusseBa>des Danà aflom, Peul l Umnmuney D..27 Whltby BC=a Eurke 2 paul 1lt Du.28 Maiti cay 3 orilla 1 MUlbrà ok IerusGa Dm 20, Lucamarden Paul Tai 2 0,aaEdWlns MW. 22 Wbltby 2 O"awa.Bruina O- BryanFotke shutout' Min IîoetmnJolh Hughes Whtby 4 Oshwa Flmme l DeamBlooma(2) k.Ptiolffloen, Mait icKa Jan 12 Mati Mcay. muaaHrm R l.meey MMOIATOMAA .Spà umoedbyflaym JUiL 3 Whllby MMORATOMB 4ýpoembyDoddý Wbity 3 Osha Oflonr but WIitby advanced' as their' percentage. of, goals for and against was greater than the others. Whitby's oppanent in the, semi-final was Stoney Creek. Ii a close, exciting. gamne, withl3 seconds remainng, StoneyCreek -received a penalty. Whitby >pulled their 'goaltender so they could' havç a two-xnan advantage -and- .D. Homue -S. AuBti D.HButhlngs J. obhnm 8. Oreudie Whltbv P. Som@e D Holme4* J. ltne Dec. 16 i Karkbam. e OdmB.E MMORFEEWE9 2' SponmerdbWydlm J... 5 Whllt BAjax Dmdl Newport '=kEliiott ByanflEaley shutout: Stee astings Dm4 Newport (M PoS < Whib Adam S"Ide CorwWrBrlck Jan. 10 Whllby Ityan lel Shulout.' David Ayrm try, ta tie the ocore forýce overtime. The p co-operate for Whi' score ended'2-1 for S Whitby's lone goal le Waieà ,from Morasse. , Stoney Creek was Markham AAA championship, gaine B at 2-2 and puck wouldn't byand the tney Creek. scorer was Down and 3 defeated by in the by the-score Wo",bldg. 1mteoMadnd1~Uaha DWbii2 BwneDown Uan Hawoodl Wbitby, lanHeywood shutouJ'aul VmImle 8 B=Ungioti EIcbmond SM O Hawks 4 Dm 28 Wbllb 8a Uni. Blaine Down Brdiley malter * ~ GenMarur D. 29 BWane Do*n2 lanHaywood2 JoftFrazér2; Boia McBrlde Kyle Wa Mmei. Omha Oe0llr -Gm- S MSWIflU L Dac. 29 NDe cUmls shubm* Paul Valail DOC. 80 wbtbi 2 Plckerln 0 jeifyro2 TayartMimon .Spoamod byihe 1oibotaGtoup Ejarnalea ve SMi* Taurmamem Whllby, Whb 19 chlngumcouly inFinanrialWhltby a PickuIng A& i MMOR BANTAM B .%monrdbyP»Cioio.Uitho C",yOrek1 2 w hi ll", 7 Pick eng 2 4 Markam 2 DP&Mrir4g2 P.K&hle2 a~ Madlvii 2 Ajax B0IdO Whlthy 2 Aurarn Dmek Van Esmmnd ChiantiBouter Dm 80 DrlaMedroe 2 Pdweboroue ..2 :WL...su. A Whfliby Prin4glCrek LucaaHodumn2 A'C'1~ma.mm* lkeEovand2 mou eÀSiva- 5 oriDi J&Ma. 1ý Whitby ]Iman m S.Matihewe' Dec. Se Whltby! Whitby D. blues Dm 9 whftb7, B.wuaavilleocunmmsmi Det 23 wMdtb, J. ShIla S.mtbew Witb, ILJOn. WMtCbum S. a à w~2 2 Omhwa d Wlngs8 Brlan Medlero2 S M O..eWlng4 2 o l Ceavcin.l 8 B Lindmay 4OdLPaBd Wùip Newmarki 4 Peiebprmagh i MAJOR NOVICE B .Spouoreby Brookin à hMDL i Kn Du.29. 2 u Jammm Paiu~orosuh 2 Wblby 7. siouffilhe J.Igourch PaulGoldumiih came, Dupont. Scott etrey BrodMcNaughtaa Jammssaman Du29 Wbiby. - joranFlt.gr ba md ].2MÈ BOWMSUVllla 2 Salifleet D22. > ýWbtby 16- POWa Peul Cfldmâlh2 sSot Dm3 BebyidMue2 Aumtent. boxuigh O. Dec. 21 Wbltby 8 Plckerlng I Danrq Suai Jiefdhurch 3 Jordan Figlb<2- 8 Bowmanvhie 2 D 15 Danny Sai I~mminglm~ 1 Diec.15 wbi1by e Pra.taà JmPqama Shutout lyan calaghanleves Plura Wbltby 1 Grimsby "shuiout* sioePlgrM/EýY&Daagm IMLnMe 1 WIfftbyý Dave5ilva 2 Edrilnai2 .peooby CUlnWarroukemi 4 Conord 0 GJdlng Park 4Barrie Der- 21 BialnDown2 2 Bobby MkBrlde * m JBaro s aiMmmen Aliter cBDen nue 1 Uly-ifl 7 Dé- 28 D., « Whitby jà m "a , BMains Dowu 4 WbIà 7 W«TWedIga *2 lun bywood 2 5 Ajax Petecboiuigh 2 WM7~ Danny Suai a NeWMUirku mtbv & nsma 2 N i. f 'j * i O~~~ Brcerlge 7 itZhl Shutout: Adam Cie, Whiy DarronPartidie 1 .Sute 1 mog City l'A