PAGE 30, WH]TBY FREE P¶REU, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1991 o: THE CORPORATION OF .. y.~THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE'0FPASSING 0F BY-LAW 616 KViNG-STREET,. GREENMLAWLER HOUSE WfIEMNATTER 0F fTlE ÇONRO HERITE ACTRSO 10 ANDIN THE NATTER OF.LANDAND PRBI B 114M =0L0IVN MUNIICPALADDRESS IN THE PROVINE 0F 0t<NlMO TAENOiCE Iht lte Counci of lie Copmorlo a#li Towrn of Whiby, hu pssd y-awNo. 2937-GO b dm laowkmÈ oei f hitoo and amhitecumla vahje or kltilnt under o lie On Wbo ct~g d RS.O. 1980, c.337. 616 s" The Green-Luler Ho s tuift in1876 .,,byWin"n a.woaihy . uuL I Grn cied kin188,buttuow n M unâ 90'winft vso A*urTom awir. W. Lawler was ai active miember of TownYCoundcin m1902,1903 and 1905, dlieori 1906. M. Lawler wo ueo a nmeto f ieVWhitthy Bonofa dcto o 1h. Green-LaWierHouse ila a hWluge t "etoeyh hm. hcoentaim sevoel feammefcf lieLoyaUtGeorgua ian ton kiduchig s yimalmvic elealri, ~owkidowson each"sidatcfeoeni@ldoo.way adagb roof. lb. ralçng hlm-on l.gables, spooMIoa1ylie 0" o f litm bb ocf lie hous, are auigmented lugebocle whicii have hitriate. scrabd omamfent appled b "i wood &kdt. Daed at li Town o Mby lia G day of Joeîuaiy, 1991-. DomG McKany, TomuOluk WHITBY 0nbwb LiNmed PH0tË: (416) 68.6803 r0. ... .. .. CORNEIL'S AUCTrION'BARN FRIDAY JAN 18 AT .6 P.M. THE PROPERTY 0F MR D. LANCING 0F-LINDSAY, < PLUSOTHERS Refinished pins f lat-to-waIl cup- bourd (6 paunes of glass each top door),. refinished ja' cPtard wushstands,ý china cabinet/bufet combination, modemn 2 pc..hutch, 15 cu. fI. freezer, organ stMois, modemn dressera, chests - of drawers, 5 pc. modern dînette ste., new 6' pins harveat table, cedar chéats, ocurla cabinet, parlor stave, woad barraI churn, bed chester- f ield, wheelbarrow, 4' metal lathe, 5Shp, cement trowel, pocket watch'es, qty. of 78 recarda, china and glass. DON & GREG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS- - LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-218 [SHOP UN THE Vouli save timne and money if you shop t he adsin the cfassified section firstl Ifs the place t6find t ho big bargains youre looking for ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT JAN19S&26 - 10A.M. LAM(E 2-DAY ANTIQUE.& COLLECTIBLE AUCTION. COMPLETE ESTATE 0F LATE VERENA SANDERSON," JANETVILLE, PLUS ANTrIQUE ESTATE CONTENTS 0F 1(3E. VICTORIAN CANNINGTON HOME. SELUING AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY. Jan. 19- antique furniftureil lamps, hundred-of books (good authors), photo albums, Nasnl Geographîos, magaz!Ines8 Ige. qty. miniature, lamps, pMcure f rames, braided ,rug', paper weights, silverware,. -dining. rom stes., dekHeintzman ,upright piana, bedraom stes., dressers, .ch-es, woad f111 gcabinet, cast Iran stove f ram the'ilue Nase, extremelyW Ige. qty. china, glass, blue dishes, milk Ilass. Dan't miss this interesting -dysale. Mrs. Sanderson was a long time collector. No reserve*. Estate sale. ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783. LINDSAY ~TICfl7iJ i Please Recycle, Thîils Newspaper NEED HELP PLACING yaur ad?. [IlEIFLANFEl17VMIM Cali Joanne, Whitby Free. Presa, j ThofWhIty.rnoe m 668-0594. CROSS -CANADA -MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASYI ON! CALLI ONE BULL DOES. UT ALL. THIWK -BIG - CALL *THISNEWSPAPER FOR DETAIlS VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRU ISES; flvsdays aboardKAWARTHA.ý VOYAGEUR on scenlo Trent-Severfl Waterway or Rideau Canal; private.,statë-room6, fmeals, free* brochure. Write Captain MrBox 11540, Peterborough,.K9J 7H7« GLARE BURT TOURS: EsoourtsdFarm Tours: Casta Ft1oa Februar 10-17124. Onty SIX"Spaces Leti Arizona, Las Vegas February 21-ý28. Mtorcoach: FloriaFsbruary 16, -2 weeks. 18026.00 CAREER TRAINING FREE - oareer. guide: ta hame-study correspondence Di plama, courses: Aco 'ountlflg, Alrcolndltlonlflg,, Bookkeeplng, Business. Cosmetology, ElectronlOSt, Legal/MediCal Secretary, Psychologyi Trav.1 Grantan -15A) 283 Adelaide West, Toronto., 1-800-, LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario. Sohool ai Auotionéerirlg. Next clasa: *February 0-16,, 1991,.- For, information,- contact: Southwestemn Ontario Schaol af Auctloneerlng,ý. R.R.05, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9.ý (519) 537-, 2115., LEARNI EARNI SAVE!I ncomne Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeplng Courses. -Free Brochures. No obligatIon. tJ&R Tax Sevices; 205-1345 -embina,ý. Hlghway, Winnipeg, MB,1 R3T 286, 1-800-665-5l44.<:ý SALES HELP WANTED. RECE$SION PROOF 14-year-old Canadian,.' business seeka representatives for .retail. display- merchandise placement 1n your ares. Earn 'potential $1 500+ weeklylImrrwciately. (416) 756.216 or (416) 756-3174 tday. REAL ESTATE: (Na board feés) Register,'our licence (small surchargeé). New province-wide netWork. (Save this ad) John F. Campbell Ru Estate Ltd. (416) 568-2678. 24 tirs. I4ELP WANTED nEmOIE MOUNTAIN, RESOAT ln B.C. rOqulres experieiicêd*Chef/Kitchon Manager. Outtee: Saff' superisIon,, ordering Inventory, cost contrai. Appîy wth resumne:é Fax (604) 837-2126, Atm: John GaÃult.' EXPERIENC -E f armn litea ln Europe. Contact the@- Internationà l Agricutural Exchange Association'at. 1501-.17 Ave.S.W., agay AT2T 0E2 -ta flnd o.ut how. EDITOR WANTED for weekly in Inuvik,,N.W.T. One, yeOar contract. Roportinp and,.edilig experience ro4tuirôd. Riod.Macpherson, Northern- News Serivces, B'USINESS-OPPORTUNITY EXTRA îNCOMËI Grow baltwor min y'ourbasement or ,garage.. Odorisslaope .ration. LoW învoitmnt., Market 1guaranteedi Fre in iformationý.*.Bird Ecology, RfI 8miihvilled Ontarlo, LOR 2A0 (416). 643-4252.- CLIP NEWSPAPER; IT1EMS .S.O-4$26-00 séhl Wo*.Bt hme I spae tia. WiteToday. FREE Detalis: Clil.igs(ON,.1), 15187West 4th Vancouver, 80. 6J 1M4.' FAIRM EQUUPMENT:' BARIN CLEANER .ýREPLACEMENT, CHAIN for aI*ý rrae.fCleanera,ý1, >1 oVhndutgodprias. Ca1l Husky (51.9)64-2. OUT 0.F TOWN PROPERT IES CIROWN LAND, avallabilht sd -On «tarloprpr tiet Propertles,ýDeptCN, Box 4.W St â , ttwa, K20" MJ. .FREE,'CAMPIN, SHNHUTN Ctao ($6.00 value) ,henw explred untrng/Pishlng ILIse "'(phatoopy ,accepted) sent ta-..R MAILORDER1, 1385 Ellice -Ave., DepI 36 Wnnpg, lB, 3. 3N1.ý FUTRE BUILDINGS. ere~cerneo i Stel Buildings, Quansets, v .oneninaâle..Lvrge ,selectia n 'fôr Immecllate o-.r Sprig lvry.C * uture 1-80b'.66 e853 STEE.LBUILDINGS 9- ,.Fgctory Drc- -S30x4Oi. PION EER/ECONOSP AN,' -0068-42.!2 hours). > BE1ST BUILDING PRICES- ,STEEL»-STRAiTWALL type'-not ,quans et - 32x48.$4,9,83,, 40x64 $8,079; 50xg6 $14,- nonexpandagble onde., other"sîzes avallable -lîmited steel. Paragan - 24 Hours - 1-60 263-8499-9-1 A-Z PRE_-EN4à . BUILDINGS Ne ' wNew types, stéelwaod, quonset, Cisdng. ;For. trv .e .va lus;,action & answers-,? Wally (41 6> 66-1794 aftter 60m, wo.konds.,Fre. rcue Çi-aO BEOM INANCIALLY INDEPNDENT.. Stay at home nd mae moey. .Hundreds"-of:profitable plans. FREE,'details. EARLCRAFtýb 3065 Lqeestr Drive, ýUnIt:4.,Msisua nalL028 $2004$500. par weei< now passible. -Work Bat, home assmblngproducdts. Fra,information. Self-ad., stamfped-eniv. ta HOMEWORKERSI #1 OSA -720 6th St.,. New Westminster, 5.0.., V3L-305. FOR SALE GET, A CREDIT CARD -Intt$150reics advanoes 1, gùar;anteeéd.appro.vat.-> catalogue shopIl.- o appiaon sd BAE ADVANTAG'ECAR;D, 718 ýMain St. EatIaitn CLEAN VOUR CH IMNEV .with Oriinal ýkithlit*- (EnvlrormfnftaliYleny y Two lb. Container:, $160 (ota). unan ntenstôn1 14'Broadway Ae, Ste.-2f, Tcrônlô,M40 1Vë. ' BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "RS CND MARKETPLACE" To raach a wider market, aidvetie hru hou h ionalmmbershW6 f 'the Ontario and Cà nad(ian Community Newspaper Associations Ceta Otra55 nwpaes-$160 fr 25 words * ,Al Ontaro 171 newspapers , $350 for 25 words *'-*Al Canada 572 news apers - $974 flor 25 words, ~ c::-.,,. For further Information please-cal the Whltby -I Tuje" War Amputations of Canada Yo ur.donations- support the CHAMIýP and -PLA YSA1'E Pr*ograms, mý Your ad -could appear ln communitynewspapers ln Ontario, ýcr right gqoýs- ace le-Limitéd, Cali, hIéNsýw, . C-P4 or any Individuà l province., p _ 0 F-feeýPress,,Classlfieds w'668-0594, M ffl-