Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNE$DAY, JANtJARY 16, 1991 Boat proposai may run,,.into opposition ByMuheKowalild An aÈnitious plan te refurbish the -erelit ferry hoôat in Whitby harbour<,may hoscuttled by Town council. Although',not wishing t pro- <,judg e counil'sdecision, Mayor Bob Attersley does'not expect smotïoth saiing for a Bowmanvile coupe'spropsaifor the Prince Edwrd Island ferry. "I' think 'this will got turned down fiat,» At tersley predicted. «The whole idea-doson't turn mneon but it'sup-te council.»ýý A,,Bowmanville husband aànd wife ,a1o49 with' otber inivesters, mrtend te refurhisih the 'vesisel- 'and turn it inte a tourist attrac- tien featur ing a museum es- taurant, lounge and dancefloo. Boat* ownor Art Rohinson a 'local businessman, hâ. agreed te t soIl the 'controeorsial ferryte the COUple The*prospective owners intend te koep the. boat, in its current location butt must first seek approval fromthemunicipality. Ploltter requostinfg a mee ting' with-Tewn officuals.'.was expected te bel dealtwith at Monday' council meeting Attersloy said ho discussed the propsal withtho oma,wh prefers net te ho identildat this tune. I teld hon thoy wore eut in left filds aid Attersiey, ýidon't think itcanhéàfixed for a milIlion dollars.» »Atteroley said ho did not wunt to«second guess» council, "but I, warned, her about',the Ottawa decision." <Aottwo years ugo,- a ýplan te locate the formeér ýna!vy destroyrer, 'Ottawa,'-in the-harbor,-,also as a' mu71seum,. wàs doemed unsul- table'.) «The Ottawa would have bee n a hotter boat but we turned it downhecause of the responsihi- lity. Why, change now. on-Art's' boat?" Atterslëy askod. «What happons- if- thepy' go.- hankrupt? rm,.not- sure, if we want that responsibility.» Attersloy was, aise uncertain how the prop'sa','could« hodealt, with sincethe ho.at issue'i.u- rontly hefore the court. The municipality-has charrdl Robinson with trespassing'anris aIse seeking a court injuncëtion te remove thé hoat from i the hr heur. FREbottornless beverageDINGLUE FRlsoupor salad R BI U N op>FUR bumbleberry pie IH Wedclnb**& Banquet Fadltie Avalable ln our Upstalm Dining Rloom 666-2211 227 BROOK ST. S. WHUTBY JOIN THE GST AX -REVOLT This 'ad ,ùwspaid for by Windsor Area resdents'Fed Up w'ith Bria Mulroney! LETS SHOW BRIAN WE WON'T ACEPT NUS DICTATORIAL RULE. Ts Campaign Will Work!' Bapplying tremendous pressure on Conservative M.P's Who betrayed us by voting for-the GST. They- are hanging on for dear Ife waiting for the vote buying relief the GST will provide. If we pursue them' now with a vengeance they will have a clear choice..abandon Brian Mulroney ahnd his'destructive policies now or face probable political oblivion. 'We needyoar "Vote" and support to exp'and!, This is our baille. We must fight and finance. it ourselves. Rt takes only a dollar or two to, expand this' effective, democratic tax revoIt from city to cfty,.across Canada. AIl money donated wiIl be used excîusively for:.campaign expansion- We will win because we 'have the wilI, the resources and the determinatioé! Democracy is at risk if we do nothing. PLEASE DO0 YOUR PARTý Democracy 1$ dead ln Canada if we don'tsuc.ceedl Please Check Boxes: No. of votes 0~ DONATIONS :1I $1.'13 <$211 $- SI/WE'DEMAND A FEDERAL ELECTION NOW!, IWE WILL BACK Up ôOUR DEMAND WITH A ONE DAY GENERAL STRU 'KE ON MAY 1,1991 IF NECESSARY. Iu WOULD LIKE TO JOINý A LOCAL COMMITTEETO PUT CONTINUOUS PRESSURE ON CONSERVATIVE M.P.'s WHOô BETRAYED ME. (The Vote, Fund Inc. wiII act as a clea'ri'ng house.) Ross Stevenson or Rene Soetèns NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE M.P.,or Ridinlg SUPPOR T YO UR'LO0CAL SMALL B USINESSES!'-' They hate the GST as mach a oo MAIL TO: - The. VOTEc THE VOTE FUND> IN C. C'ARLSINDING - VOTElnc (519) 749-11882. «Tnere'sa an, outstanding charge on it, I don't thiqk we cun negotiate it,"s'aid Attersley.,- -Aspokesman for a corporation wýhich-pîla alargo;,residentia devolopmenteatthe harheur deesÎ net have a prohlem;iththe Micae, Fretoeof ,CoscMn Doelopmneit Corp.js*aid:hi. coin- ,pany-would ,have .ne o'-'bjection te a r efurhished Prinë'ê' Edviard Island. «Anything down thore that sti-. mulates the coming andgigc poople and that the own ýiis happy1 with ... we ýhave ne0 pro-ý hlom with it » saéid« Firestene. Islé residonitial-commeircial *deve. "lopmenât 'wiillý vonrtually, spread. acres. tho fot'of Bxdck 'St. and d a ati al l'y aler appearanceoef-Wib'swtr front.' Sinco ho had net »réead"details >Of'the propo ,s .â1ý'l, Icntcm *ô hether'that's 'the'right vehi4 "B ni y gut reation iq I wouldn't have theughet tatyou could doéa lot w tt. Firestene ýaliewonderaed if the; fer'rymihtrneed te h mvedte another ârea of the harbour: n: order te avoid other trafflc and te' uccommodate parking..req e-. ~mnsof ft -epatrons. Meànwhilea deaâdline cf Jan. 31.imposed onô Rebifiqon hy Environment'Canada-forreémov-. ing ou including PCB-con- 4mÏnatd matal rointhe e oêkW&ma ý'there 'îould ho ýtC0unCil someâ probI'e>m,'wsald Bobirisofl, A'nIot?' on: n1 part f!Vàýfihidiîi' a ho m'efortheéPMBs.-TheItl haven't decided that yet.» > tl Robinson was appd'with a 'cle4n-up. erder last rmonth aftr the liôat-,sank te thè hottom of Lake Êitarto.. Although- -two transformùers containin g PCBs (polychioria- tedç.biphenyle).,were, xi.ot: iniim- mediate danger, there -.wai a reýw9aie.«ofb 'Ideletèrieus sub- stan~ces" into the lake. -.11e sui»4-nces could have in- cuebi gé o1, dieewl efior 'obih"sonsid he ha. aàlready remo.ved 'ýa--lot' of. amali .moVors undf 'ou» frôm the hoat 'and was awaiting 7fthe--,resalt c.-f tsts Ho,àà^ î d soI ou ther -tIhan that-'»in .-thé - traiirnsfrers*'as heing.test.ed, to, deteýrmine uit t'oc contained PCB. * It' juat, müneral ou as -fan a wknw"sid Ro insn (Qnce. u o mimonly, a merg, PCBi eebandhhe, 1970. aÏfter "Itesits liriked t te cuncèr and other, hea th', Whule Rebinson cýônfirmed tlat he willlï.pell the- boat, h.will, ot hoý an.I inelon the ,rest'auUait- museniprject. «hhaven ' aalnd m fiorthree èa.toetiof Q yg ar e f6'M x thorn i n T o Cotni'.ador The!JTown tried te -force- Rob'n .son te moiive -the ferry two, yeara aé.but:,was.,thwartedin its enfot, oficai Whithy ecil were fnot awure- tho oôernrn.ent waéa-cbl- lecting docking fees'from iRobin- son. But last year the TewW"tcik another approac1 h ufterjuidc tion cf the harbour was transfer- red te the mcipality. If an ijuncton ,i. grunted'and Robinson, ordered t tommve thé court should ho, not comply. Possiible 'ýpena'lties,.could i- clude fines and/or impnisonment. Th etter requesting'a meot- mng, wus deaIt'with'MondaLy and council.,ha>decided net te heur J - KTLEENDMIGLE PC-weamsthé 50-year ninbe and -Maple Yà ev ugVon to rcognlus bi

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